Frondiporidae Busk, 1875
Synonyms |
Author |
Fasciculiporidae |
Walter, 1969 |
The family Fascigeridae has been considered invalid by many authors, as it was not based upon a type genus. The genus Fascigera is now placed in the Theonoidae (Martha et al, 2019)
This family includes the genus
- Apsendesia
- Constrictopora ?family uncertain
- Discofascigera
- Fasciculipora
- Filifascigera
- Frondipora
- Meandropora
- Paraguataia (or) Paraquataia
- Pseudofrondipora
Modified on 4th December 2002
This URL is http://bryozoa.net/cyclostomata/frondiporidae/index.html