Bryozoan Digital Library - 1981

1980 1982

Agrawal, V., & Rao, K.S., 1981. Studies on the body wall of some phylactolaematous Ectoprocta 1. Plumatella casmiana Oka. Bioresearch, 5: 41-46. (PDF File)

Andre, F., & Davant, N., 1981. Consequences, sur la differenciation sexuelle, des variations experimentales de la polyploide chez Dendrobeania subrubicunda. Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France, 106: 121-124. (PDF File)

Androsova, E.I., 1981. [in Russian] Morphological peculiarities of the Antarctic Bryozoa. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 60: 718-725. (PDF File)

Anstey, R.L., 1981. Zooid orientation structures and water flow patterns in Paleozoic bryozoan colonies. Lethaia, 14: 287-302. (PDF File)

Backus, B.T., 1981. Karyotypic variation in the bryozoan Paludicella articulata. Cytologia, 46: 561-566. (PDF File)

Backus, B.T., & Wood, T.S., 1981. Karyotypic and morphological confirmation of species in Fredericella australiensis (Bryozoa: Phylactolaemata). Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, 100: 253-263. (PDF File)

Balson, Peter S., 1981. Facies-related distribution of bryozoans of the Coralline Crag (Pliocene) of eastern England. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 1-6. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Bigey, Françoise, 1981. Overgrowths in Palaeozoic Bryozoa: examples from Devonian forms. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 7-17. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Bigey, F.P., 1981. Fénestellides paléozoïques et Rétéporides actuels (Bryozoaires). Convergence morphologique et analogie écologique. Annales de Paléontologie, 67: 59-80. (PDF File)

Bigey, F.P., 1981. La tranchee de la Lezais: Emsien Superieur du Massif Armoricain. Sedimentologie, paleontologie, stratigraphie. Les bryozoaires. Mémoires Soc. géol. Miner. Bretagne, 24: 109-134. (PDF File)

Bizzarini, Fabrizio, & Braga, Giampetro, 1981. Prima segnalazione del genere Stomatopora (Bryozoa Cyclostomata) nel Trias superiore delle Dolomiti orientali (Italia). Estrato da Societa Veneziana di Scienze Naturali-Lavori, 6: 135-144. (PDF File)

Boardman, R.S., 1981. Coloniality and the origin of post-Triassic tubular bryozoans. University of Tennessee Department of Geological Sciences Studies in Geology, 5: 70-89. (PDF File)

Brood, Krister, 1981. Hirnantian (Upper Ordovician) Bryozoa from Baltoscandia. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 19-27. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Brood, K., 1981. Two new Maastrichtian species of Serpentipora (Bryozoa). Paläontologisches Zeitschrift, 55: 135-140. (PDF File)

Brood, K., 1981. Miocene Bryozoa from Guadal Formation at the southern border of Lago General Carrera, Aysen region of Chile, South America. Revista geol. Chile, 12: 59-77. (PDF File)

Brown, George D.Jr, & Daly, Edward J., 1981. Evolutionary trends in Parvohallopora Singh in the Dillsboro Formation (Upper Ordovician) of southeastern Indiana. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 29-38. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Buss, Leo W., 1981. Mechanisms of competition between Onychocella alula (Hastings) and Antropora tincta (Hastings) on an eastern Pacific rocky shoreline. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 39-49. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Buss, L.W., 1981. Group living, competition, and the evolution of cooperation in a sessile invertebrate. Science, 213: 1012-1014. (PDF File)

Buss, L.W., & Jackson, J.B.C., 1981. Planktonic food availability and suspension-feeder abundance: evidence of in-situ depletion. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 49: 151-161. (PDF File)

Cadée, G.C., 1981. Notes on Bryozoa, 1. Cupuladria canariensis from the British Pliocene coralline crag. Mededelingen Wkgrp Tert. Kwart. Geol., 18: 3-9. (PDF File)

Chadwick, Sarah R., & Thorpe, John P., 1981. An investigation of some aspects of bryozoan predation by dorid nudibranchs (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia). In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa. : 51-58. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Cheetham, A.H., Hayek, L.-A.C., & Thomsen, E., 1981. Growth models in fossil arborescent cheilostome bryozoans. Paleobiology, 7: 68-86. (PDF File)

Cheetham, A.H., & Thomsen, E., 1981. Functional morphology of arborescent animals: strength and design of cheilostome bryozoan skeletons. Paleobiology, 7: 355-383. (PDF File)

Chimenz, C., Cinelli, F., & Scaletta, F., 1981. Ecologie et biogeographie du Canale de Cicile; II. Bryozoaires epiphytes. Rapp. comm. int. Mer. Médit, 27: 167-168. (PDF File)

Chimenz, C., Fresi, E., Cinelli, F., Mazzella, L., & di Constanzo, S., 1981. Richerche sui popolamenti bentonici di substrato duro del Porto d'Ischia. Briozoi. Memorie Biol. mar. Oceanogr., 11: 187-206. (PDF File)

Chimonides, P.J., & Cook, P.L., 1981. Observations on living colonies of Selenaria (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) II. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 22: 207-219. (PDF File)

Cook, P.L., 1981. The potential of minute bryozoan colonies in the analysis of deep sea sediments. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 22: 89-106. (PDF File)

Cook, P.L., & Chimonides, P.J., 1981. Morphology and systematics of some rooted cheilostome Bryozoa. Journal of natural history, 15: 97-134. (PDF File)

Cook, P.L., & Chimonides, P.J., 1981. Morphology and systematics of some interior-walled cheilostome bryozoans. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 41: 53-89. (PDF File)

Cook, Patricia L., & Chimonides, Pantelakis J., 1981. Early astogeny of some rooted cheilostome Bryozoa. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 59-64. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Cordiviola de Yuan, E., 1981. Endoprocta and Ectoprocta 'Bryozoa'. In: Hurlbert, S.H., Rodriguez, G., & dos Santos, N.D., (editors), Aquatic biota of tropical South America. : 157-160. Editors, San Diego University, San Diego. (PDF File)

Cuffey, R.J., Feldmann, R.M., & Pohlable, A.B., 1981. New Bryozoa from the Fox Hills Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous, Maastrichtian) of North Dakota. Journal of Paleontology, 55: 401-409. (PDF File)

Cuffey, Roger J., Stadum, Carol J., & Cooper, John D., 1981. Mid-Miocene bryozoan coquinas on the Aliso Viejo Ranch, Orange County, southern California. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 65-72. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Day, R.W., & Osman, R.W., 1981. Predation by Patiria miniata (Asteroidea) on bryozoans: Prey diversity may depend on the mechanism of succession. Oecologia, 51: 300-309. (PDF File)

Dixon, J., Schroeter, S.C., & Kastendick, J., 1981. Effects of the encrusting bryozoan Membranipora membranacea, on the loss of blades and fronds by the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera (Laminariales). J.Phycol., 17: 341-345. (PDF File)

Dumont, J.P.C., 1981. A report on the cheilostome Bryozoa of the Sudanese Red Sea. Journal of natural history, 15: 623-637. (PDF File)

Dyrynda, Peter E.J., 1981. A preliminary study of patterns of polypide generation-degeneration in marine cheilostome Bryozoa. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 73-81. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Dzik, Jerzy, 1981. Evolutionary relationships of the Early Paleozoic cyclostomatous Bryozoa. Palaeontology, 24: 827-862. (PDF File)

Favorskaja, T.A., 1981. [in Russian] A bryozoan, (Semifungella, new genus, Cyclostomata) from the Maastrichtian of the eastern Turkmen SSR. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 1981: 74-80. (PDF File)

Franzèn, Åke, 1981. Comparative ultrastructural studies of spermatids and spermatozoa in Bryozoa and Entoprocta. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 83-92. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Fritz, M.A., 1981. The trepostomatous bryozoan Amplexopora solitaria Dyer 1925 redefined as Heterotrypa solitaria (Dyer). Life Sciences Occasional Papers, Royal Ontario Museum, 35: 1-6. (PDF File)

Fuchtbauer, H., 1981. Composition and diagnesis of a stromatolitic bryozoan bioherm in the Zechstein 1 (northwestern Germany). Contributions Sedimentol., 9: 233-251. (PDF File)

Geraci, S., & Cattaneo, R., 1981. Il popolamento a briozoi (Cheilostomata) della prateria a Posidonia di Procchio (Isola d'Elba). Annali Mus. Civ. Stor. nat. Giacomo Doria, 83: 107-125. (PDF File)

Ghiurca, Virgil, & Mongereau, Noël, 1981. La faune de bryozoaires Éocènes d'Europe orientale. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 93-100. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Gontar, Valentina I., 1981. On the Cheilostomata (Bryozoa) of the Kurile Islands. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 101-103. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Grosberg, R K, 1981. Competitive ability influences habitat choice in marine invertebrates. Nature, 290: 700-702. (PDF File)

Guha, A.K., 1981. Bryozoan palaeoecology of the Maestrichtian limestone (Ariyalar Group) near Ariyalar, District Tiruchirapalli, Tamilnadu. Bull. oil nat. gas Commn Dehra Dun, 17: 1-13. (PDF File)

Håkansson, E., 1981. Breeding, brooding and 'parental care' in Recent Lunulites (Abstract). In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 312. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Haman, D., Finger, K. L. & Huddleston, R. W., 1981. Bicornifera Lindenberg 1865, emend. Keij, 1969 (Microproblematica) from the type Byram Marl (Oligocene) Mississippi. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 94 (3): 696-698. (PDF File)

Hayami, Tomoko, 1981. The Pliocene cheilostomatous Bryozoa from Shikoku on the Pacific coast of Japan. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 105-112. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Hayward, P.J., 1981. The Cheilostomata (Bryozoa) of the deep sea. Galathea Report. Scientific Results of the Danish Deep-Sea Expedition around the world (1950-52), 15: 21-68. (PDF File)

Henderson, C.M., & Perry, D.G., 1981. A Lower Jurassic heteroporid bryozoan and associated biota, Turnagain Lake, British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 18: 457-468. (PDF File)

d'Hondt, J.-L., 1981. Bryozoaires Cheilostomes bathyaux et abyssaux provenant des campagnes océanographiques américaines (1969-1972) de l'"Atlantis II" du "Chain" et du "Knorr" (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution). Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, (4) 3A: 5-71. (PDF File)

d'Hondt, J.-L., 1981. Les problèmes de l'Espèce chez les Bryozoaires. Ann. Biol., 20: 375-402. (PDF File)

d'Hondt, J.-L., 1981. Note préliminaire sur les neurosécrétions larvaires des bryozoaires. Compte rendu hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci. Paris, (3e) 293: 329-332. (PDF File)

d'Hondt, J.-L., 1981. Mise en évidence d'une activité phosphatique acide lors de la métamorphose larvaire de Bowerbankia imbricata (Adams, 1798), bryozoaire cténostome. Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France, 106: 363. (PDF File)

d'Hondt, J.-L., 1981. Resultats de campagnes MUSORSTOM. 1. Philippines (18-28 mars 1978). Bryozoaires et brachiopodes. Memoires ORSTOM, 91: 545-556. (PDF File)

d'Hondt, J.-L., & Hayward, P.J., 1981. Nouvelles récoltes de bryozoaires cténostomes bathyaux et abyssaux. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 22: 267-283. (PDF File)

Illies, Gisela, 1981. The budding pattern of Proboscina angustata (d'Orbigny, 1851) (Bryozoa, Cyclostomata). In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 113-120. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Illies, G., 1981. Evolutionary trends in budding patterns of stomatoporid cyclostomatous Bryozoa and Stomatoporopsis n.g. Oberrhein. geol. Abh., 30: 27-42. (PDF File)

Jackson, Jeremy B.C., & Winston, Judith E., 1981. Modular growth and longevity in bryozoans. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 121-126. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Jebram, D., 1981. Können Wuchsformen van Bryozoen-Kolonien als Indikatoren für Ökofactoren verwendet werden? Verh. dt. zool. Ges., 1981: 155. (PDF File)

Jebram, D., 1981. Influence of the food on the colony form of Electra pilosa (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata). Zoologischer Jahrbücher, Abtheilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Thiere, 108: 1-14. (PDF File)

Kay, A.M., & Keough, M.J., 1981. Occupation of patches in the epifaunal communities on pier pilings and the bivalve Pinna bicolor at Edithburgh, South Australia. Oecologia, 48: 123-130. (PDF File)

Kobluk, D.R., 1981. Cavity-dwelling biota in Middle Ordovician (Chazy) bryozoan mounds from Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 18: 42-54. (PDF File)

Kochansky-Devide, V., 1981. Karbonische Stromatoporiden unde Bryozoa von Markusevec in Medvenica-Gebirge [in Croatian]. Geolski Vjesn., 34: 15-17. (PDF File)

Konkova, N.I., & Ponomareva, L.D., 1981. [in Russian] Middle Miocene Bryozoa complexes from the southern European parts of the USSr. In: Negadev-Nikonov, kn, David, A.I., Roshka, V.K., & Khubka, A.N., (editors), Biostratigraphy of the Anthropogene and Neogene in the south west of the USSR.: 60-68. Shtiintsa, Kishinev. (PDF File)

Krausel, W., 1981. Wuchsformen der Fenestelliden (Bryozoen) aus dem Mitteldevon der Eifel. Aufschluss, 32: 29-36. (PDF File)

Kubanin, A.A., 1981. [in Russian] Marine bryozoan species in fouling communities. In: Reznichenko, O.G., & Starostin, I.V., (editors), Fouling and Biocorrosion in water. : 18-39. Nauka, Moscow. (PDF File)

Larwood, Gilbert P., 1981. Revision of the Cretaceous cribrimorph Bryozoa described by Hennig from the Swedish Chalk. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 127-134. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Lidgard, Scott, 1981. Water flow, feeding, and colony form in an encrusting cheilostome. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 135-142. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Lin, X., 1981. Stratigraphic distributions of Palaeozoic bryozoans and their faunal assemblages in China [in Chinese]. 12th Annual Conference of the Paleontological Society of China.: 32-39 (PDF File)

Lobo, A., 1981. Métodos para el estudio cuantitativo de los briozoos epibiontes de Posidonia oceanica (Linné) Delile. Oecol. aquat., 5: 59-63. (PDF File)

Lopez Gappa, J.J., 1981. Una nueva especie de Melicerita de la Plataforma Patagónica (Bryozoa Cheilostomata). Neotropica, 27: 127-131. (PDF File)

Lopez Gappa, J.J., 1981. Briozoos marinos de la Ria Deseado (Santa Cruz, Argentina). I. Physis (Buenos Aires), (A) 39: 23-32. (PDF File)

Lopez Gappa, J.J., 1981. Sobre la presencia de Chorizopora brogniartii (Audouin, 1826) (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) el la Costa Atlantica de America del Sur. Physis (Buenos Aires), A40: 43-45. (PDF File)

Lutaud, Geneviève, 1981. The innervation of the external wall in the carnose ctenostome Alcyonidium polyoum (Hassall). In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 143-150. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Madhaven Pillai, S.R., 1981. Further report on the taxonomy of fouling bryozoans of Bombay Harbour (India) and vicinity. Journal of the Bombay natural history society, 78: 317-329. (PDF File)

Marintsch, E.J., 1981. Taxonomic reevaluation of Prasopora simulatrix Ulrich (Bryozoa: Trepostomata). Journal of Paleontology, 55: 957-961. (PDF File)

Mawatari, S., & Mawatari, S.F., 1981. Studies on Japanese anascan Bryozoa 6. Division Malacostega (4). Bulletin of the Liberal Arts and Science Course, School of Medicine, Nihon University, 9: 23-61. (PDF File)

Mawatari, S.F., & Mawatari, S., 1981. A preliminary list of cheilostomatous bryozoans collected along the coasts of Hokkaido. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of systematic Zoology, 21: 41-58. (PDF File)

McKinney, F.K., 1981. Planar branch systems in colonial suspension feeders. Paleobiology, 7: 344-354. (PDF File)

McKinney, F.K., 1981. Intercolony fusion suggests polyembryony in Paleozoic fenestrate bryozoans. Paleobiology, 7: 247-251. (PDF File)

McKinney, Frank K., & Stedman, Thomas G., 1981. Constancy of characters within helical portions of Archimedes. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 151-157. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

McKinney, Frank K., & Wass, Robin E., 1981. The double helix form of branches and its relation to polymorph distribution in Spiralaria florea Busk. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 159-167. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Mecker, H., 1981. Fossile Bryozoen: Abbildungen und Beschreibungen dieser Fossilien aus dem Geschiebe nordischen und baltischen Ursprungs sowie deren Anstehenden, 296 pp.. H.Mecker, Hamburg. (PDF File)

Mihm, J.E., Banta, W.C., & Loeb, G.I., 1981. Effects of adsorbed organic and primary fouling films on bryozoan settlement. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 54: 167-179. (PDF File)

Modzalevskaya, E.A., 1981. Bryozoa complexes in Pripolar Ural and Cheryshev Ridge. [in Russian] Ezheg Vses Paleontol Obshchestva, 24: 143-159. (PDF File)

Mongereau, Noël, & Ghiurca, Virgil, 1981. Note preliminaire sur les bryozoaires cyclostomes du Bassin de Transylvanie (Roumanie). In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 169-176. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Morozova, I.P., 1981. [in Russian] Late Paleozoic bryozoans from the northeastern USSR. Trudy Paleontologischeskogo Instituta, 188: 1-120. (PDF File)

Morozova, I.P., & Lavrentjeva, V.D., 1981. [in Russian] Origin of Bryozoa of the suborder Fenestellina. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 1981: 56-63. (PDF File)

Moyano G., H.I., 1981. Orthoporidroides Moyano 1974: consideraciones taxonomica y descripcion de Orthoporidroides robusta sp. n. (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata). Boletin de la Sociedad de biologia de Concepción, 52: 181-186. (PDF File)

Moyano G., H.I., & Wendt, Alfredo, 1981. Bryozoa epizoos de Psolus charcoti Vaney, 1907 (Holothuroidea, Psolidae). INACH, Ser. Cient., 27: 5-11. (PDF File)

Mundy, Stephen P., 1981. Some effects of low concentrations of copper ions on Cristatella mucedo (Bryozoa: Phylactolaemata). In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 177-184. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Mundy, Stephen P., Taylor, Paul D., & Thorpe, John P., 1981. A reinterpretation of phylactolaemate phylogeny. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 185-190. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Nekhorosheva, L.V., 1981. [in Russian] Bryozoa. All-union Scientific Research Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Oceans, Leningrad, : 134-146. (PDF File)

Nekorosheva, L.V., 1981. [in Russian] Late Silurian and Early Devonian bryozoans of Dolgy Island. Ezheg Vses Paleontol Obshchestva, 24: 96-114. (PDF File)

Nielsen, C., 1981. On morphology and reproduction of "Hippodiplosia" insculpta and Fenestrulina malusii (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata). Ophelia, 20: 91-125. (PDF File)

Nybakken, J., & McDonald, G., 1981. Feeding mechanisms of West American nudibranchs feeding on Bryozoa, Cnidaria and Ascidiacea, with special respect to the radula. Malacologia, 20: 339-449. (PDF File)

Occhipinti Ambrogi, A., 1981. Briozoi Lagunari. Guide per il riconoscimento delle species animali delle acque lagunari e costiere italiane AQ/1/1267, 7: 1-146. Consiglio Nazionali delle Richerche, Genova. (PDF File)

Occhipinti Ambrogi, A., 1981. Complementi alla Briozoofauna della Ría di Vigo (Spagna Nord-Occidentale). Natura (Milano), 72 (3-4): 253-259. (PDF File)

Occhipinti Ambrogi, Anna, & d'Hondt, Jean-Loup, 1981. Distribution of bryozoans in brackish waters of Italy. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and fossil Bryozoa.: 191-198. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Osman, R.W., & Haugsness, J.A., 1981. Mutualism among sessile invertebrates: a mediator of competition and predation. Science, 211: 846-848. (PDF File)

Pisano, E., 1981. Les bryozoaires vivants dans les Salissures biologiques de quelques centrales thermo-electriques le long de la cote occidentale italienne. Rapports P.-v. Réun. Commn int. Explor. scient. Mer Méditerr., 27: 179-180. (PDF File)

Pisano, E., & Relini, G., 1981. I briozoi della Lagune di Orbitello. Quad. Lab. Technol. Pesca, Ancona, 31: 315-324. (PDF File)

Poluzzi, A., 1981. Electra monostachys (Busk): un cheilostoma Anasca nella acqua costiere del Mare Adriatico. Atti della Società italiana di scienze naturali, e del Museo civico di storia naturale. Milano, 122: 3-20. (PDF File)

Pouyet, S., & David, L., 1981. Une application de la methode d'approche du paléoenvironnement (paléoclimatologie marine et mobilité) basée sur les bryozoaires fossiles. Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France, (7) 23: 169-174. (PDF File)

Pushkin, V.I., 1981. [in Russian] A review of the genus Calloporella. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 1981: 67-75. (PDF File)

Raddum, G.G., 1981. Livsstrategi hos mosdyret Plumatella repens. Fauna, Oslo, 34: 162-166. (PDF File)

Reguant, S., 1981. Microstructures dels briozous. Seminaris d'estudis Universitaris (ICHN), 6: 79-97. (PDF File)

Rho, B.-J., & Kim, H.K., 1981. A study on the marine bryozoans in Korea 3. Stenolaemata and Gymnolaemata. Journal of Korean Research Institute for Better Living, 27: 57-80. (PDF File)

Romanchuk, T.V., 1981. New Permian Trepostomida Rhabdomesonida of the Khabarovsk region. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 1981: 53-64. (PDF File)

Ross, Charles A., & Ross, June R.P., 1981. Biogeographical influences on late Palaeozoic faunal distributions. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 199-212. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Ross, C.A., & Ross, J.R.P., 1981. Late Paleozoic faunas around the Paleopacific margin. In: Scudder, G.C.E., & Reveal, J.L., (editors), Evolution Today: 425-440. Hunt Inst. bot. documentation, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh. (PDF File)

Ross, June R.P., 1981. Late Palaeozoic ectoproct biogeography. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 213-220. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Ross, June R.P., 1981. Biogeography of Carboniferous ectoproct Bryozoa. Palaeontology, 24: 313-341. (PDF File)

Ryland, John S., 1981. Colonies, growth and reproduction. In: Larwood, G.P., & Nielsen, C., (editors), Recent and Fossil Bryozoa: 221-226. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. (PDF File)

Sakagami, S., 1981. Upper Permian Bryozoa from Guryul Ravine and the spur three kilometres north of Barus. Memoirs Geol. Surv. India, Palaeont. Indica, 46: 45-64. (PDF File)

Sakagami, S., & Sugimura, A., 1981. Permian bryozoan biostratigraphy of the Akiyoshi Limestone Group, Japan. Proceedings Japan Acad., 57: 119-122. (PDF File)

Sakagami, S., Yanagida, J., Kase, T., Nagai, K., Rangel, C., & Urdininea, M., 1981. Biostratigraphic study of Paleozoic and Mesozoic groups in Central Andes. Chigaku Zasshi, 90: 303-313. (PDF File)

Seed, R & O'Connor, R J, 1981. Community organization in marine algal epifaunas. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 12: 49-74. (PDF File)

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