Bryozoan Digital Library - 1980

1979 1981

dell'Angelo, B., & Laghi, G.F., 1980. Hippopodinella lata (Busk, 1856) (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata), epizoica su Chiton olivaceus Spengler, 1797. Oebalia, 6: 25-30. : (PDF File)

Anstey, R.L., & Pachut, J.F., 1980. Fourier packing ordinate: A univariate size-independent measurement of the polygonal packing variation in Paleozoic bryozoans. Math. Geol., 12: 139-156. : (PDF File)

Antolini, P., Braga, G., & Finotti, F., 1980. I briozoi dei dintorni di Rovereto. Monte Baldo settentrionale e Valle di Gresta. Pubbl. Soc. Mus. civ. Rovereto, 82: 1-103. : (PDF File)

Antonia Biblioni, M., & Cornet, C., 1980. Estudio faunistico del litoral Blanes: 3. Sistematica de cnidarios, briozoos y equinodermos. Miscellània Zoològica, 6: 19-25. : (PDF File)

Balduzzi, Andrea, 1980. Osservazioni sull'insediamento di briozoi ed entoprocti su superfici sperimentali di diversa natura immersa per quattro anni nel Golfo del Tigullio (Riviera ligure di Levante). Memorie Biol. mar. Oceanogr., 10: 129-135. : (PDF File)

Banta, W.C. 1980. Bryozoa (Moss animals). In Brusca, R.C., (editor), Common intertidal invertebrates of the Gulf of California, pp. 356-396. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. : (PDF File)

Bartley, J.W., 1980. Phenetic analysis of Fistulipora (Bryozoa) from the Henryhouse Formation (Silurian) of south-central Oklahoma. Okla. Geol. Notes, 40: 73. : (PDF File)

Bigey, F.P., 1980. Les bryozoaires. In: Les schistes et calcaires de l'Armorique (Dévonien inférieur, Massif Armoricain. Sedimentologie - Paléontologie - Stratigraphie. Mémoires Soc. géol. Miner. Bretagne, 23: 181-193. : (PDF File)

Bigey, F.P., 1980. Les bryozoaires. In: La Tranchée de la Lézais, Emsien supérieur du Massif Armoricain. Sedimentologie - Paléontologie - Stratigraphie. Mémoires Soc. géol. Miner. Bretagne, 24: 109-139. : (PDF File)

Bigey, F.P., 1980. Bryozoaires et environnement récifal dans le Dévonien français. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 25: 645-654. : (PDF File)

Blake, D.B., 1980. Homeomorphy in Paleozoic bryozoans: a search for explanations. Paleobiology, 6: 451-465. : (PDF File)

Brood, K., 1980. Bryozoa from the Upper Ordovician Dalmanitina Beds of Kinnekulle, Sweden. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar, 102: 27-35. : (PDF File)

Brood, K., 1980. Late Ordovician Bryozoa from Ringerike, Norway. Norsk geologisk tidsskrift, 60: 161-174. : (PDF File)

Brood, K., 1980. Note on cyclostomatous Bryozoa from Eilat, Israel. Zoologica Scripta, 9: 139-140. : (PDF File)

Brood, K., 1980. Upper Ordovician Bryozoa from the Dalmanitina Beds Boreshult. Geologica et Palaeontologica, 11: 53-72. : (PDF File)

Buge, E., 1980. Bryozoaires cyclostomes. Resultats Scientifiques des Campagnes de la 'Calypso', 11: 207-252. : (PDF File)

Buge, E., 1980. Les bryozoaires de l'Auversien de Baron (Oise). Bull. Inf. Géol. Bassin Paris, 17: 62. : (PDF File)

Buss, L.W., 1980. Bryozoan overgrowth interactions - the interdependence of competition for space and food. Nature, 281: 475-477. : (PDF File)

Carlé, J.S., & Christophersen, C., 1980. Dogger Bank itch. 2. An allergic contact dermatitis. Bull. Soc. chim. Belg., 89: 1087-1091. : (PDF File)

Carlé, J.S., & Christophersen, C., 1980. Dogger Bank itch. The allergen is (2-hydroxyethyl) dimethylsulfoxonium ion. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 102: 5107. : (PDF File)

Carlé, J.S., & Christophersen, C., 1980. Marine alkaloids, 2. Bromo alkaloids from the marine bryozoa Flustra foliacea, isolation and structure elucidation. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 45: 1586-1589. : (PDF File)

Cheetham, A.H., Hayek, L.-A.C., & Thomsen, E., 1980. Branching structure in arborescent animals: models of relative growth. Journal of theoretical biology, 85: 335-369. : (PDF File)

Collins, S.P., 1980. Notes on the distribution and ecology of marine Polyzoa from some shores in Cork and Kerry. Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society, new series, 6: 373-383. : (PDF File)

Cook, P.L., & Chimonides, P.J., 1980. Further observations on water current patterns in living Bryozoa. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 21: 393-402. : (PDF File)

Czeczuga, B., 1980. Carotenes and xanthophylls in Plumatella fungosa (Pall.) (Bryozoa). Bulletin Acad. pol. Sci. (Ser. Sci. Biol.), 27: 627-630. : (PDF File)

Dubos, M., Susperregui, A., Drouet, J., & Naiussat, P.-M., 1980. Étude expérimentale du pouvoir sensibilisant d'Alcyonidium gelatinosum (L.) (Bryozoaire marin). Archs. Mal. prof. Méd. Trav., 41: 9-13. : (PDF File)

Favorskaya, T.A., 1980. (in Russian) [Late Palaeocene Bryozoa - Cheilostomata, from Mangyshlak]. Ezheg Vses Paleontol Obshchestva, 23: 112-138. : (PDF File)

Favorskaya, T.A. 1980. [In Russian] New Late Cretaceous Bryozoa Cheilostomata from Turkmenia. In: New species of old plants and invertebrates of the USSR: 47-49. Moscow: Nauka. : (PDF File)

Favorskaya, T.A., 1980. [in Russian] On the composition and distribution of Cheilostomata (Bryozoa) in the Maastrichtian of eastern Turkmenia and western Uzbekistan. Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Geologicheskii, 55: 70-75. : (PDF File)

Fernández Pulpeiro, E.F., & Babio, C.R., 1980. Aportaciones al conociemento de la fauna briozoologica del litoral de la Ria de Vigo. Investigaciones pesq., 44: 119-168. : (PDF File)

Fernández Pulpeiro, E. & Rodríguez Babío, C., 1980. Aportaciones al conocimiento de la fauna briozoológica del litoral de la ría de Vigo. Investigación Pesquera, 44 (1): 119-168. : (PDF File)

Fuchtbauer, H. 1981. Composition and diagnesis of a stromatilitic bryozoan bioherm in the Zechstein 1 (northwestern Germany). Contributions Sedimentol. 9: 233-251. : (PDF File)

Galluzo, G., 1980. Fouling del Porto di Catania: i briozoi. Memorie Biol. mar. Oceanogr., 10 (6) (Suppl.): 187-192. : (PDF File)

Galluzzo, G., 1980. Briozoi della costa Iblea - Atti III convegno siciliano di ecologia Iblei: La natura e l'uomo. 16 pp. Stampato della CULC : Catania. : (PDF File)

Gardiner, A.R., & Taylor, P.D., 1980. Computer modelling of colony growth in a uniserial bryozoan. Journal of the geological society, London, 137: 107. : (PDF File)

Geraci, S., & Cattaneo, R., 1980. Il popolamento a briozoi (Cheilostomata) della prateria a posidonia di Procchio (Isola d'Elba). Annali Mus. Civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 83: 107-125. : (PDF File)

Ghobashy, A F A & El Komy, M M, 1980. Fouling in the southern region of the Suez Canal. Aquatic Ecology, 14(3): 179-185. : (PDF File)

Gorjunova, R.V., 1980. [in Russian] The revision of the genus Nicklesopora (Bryozoa). Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 1980: 67-74. : (PDF File)

Gryncharova, T.T., 1980. [in Russian] Electra pontica sp.n. (Bryozoa, Membraniporidae) on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Acta Zool. bulg., 14: 88-91. : (PDF File)

Guha, A.K., 1980. Study of ceriopores (Bryozoa) from the Upper Cretaceous sediments of the Bagh Group (Madhya Pradesh) and the Ariyalur Group (Tamil Nadu). Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, 23-24: 30-35. : (PDF File)

Hayward, P.J., 1980. Cheilostomata (Bryozoa) from the South Atlantic. Journal of natural history, 14: 701-722. : (PDF File)

Hayward, P.J. 1980. Invertebrate epiphytes of coastal marine algae. In: Price, J.H., Irvine, D.E.G., & Farnham, W.F., (editor), The Shore Environment. Systematics Association Special Volume 17 (b), pp. 761-787. London and New York: Academic Press.: (PDF File)

Hayward, P.J., & Erséus, C., 1980. Morphology and distribution of Aethozoon pellucida (Bryozoa, Ctenostomata). Sarsia, 65: 243-248.

d'Hondt, J.-L., 1980. Note sur quelques Bryozoaires de l'ouest et du sud africains. Bulletin de l'Institut fondamental d'Afrique Noire, (A) 42: 754-775. : (PDF File)

Hu, Z.-x, 1980. [in Chinese] Some trepostomatous Bryozoa from Early Middle Devonian of Guizhou. Acta palaeont. sin., 19: 289-295.

Hughes, R.L.Jr, & Woollacott, R.M., 1980. Photoreceptors of bryozoan larvae (Cheilostomata, Cellularioidea). Zoologica Scripta, 9: 129-138. : (PDF File)

Jebram, D., 1980. Laboratory diets and qualitative nutritional requirements for bryozoans. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 205: 333-344. : (PDF File)

Jebram, D, 1980. Influences of the food on the colony forms of Electra pilosa. Zoologische Jahrbücher der Systematik, 108: 1-14. : (PDF File)

Jebram, D., 1980. Prospection for a sufficient nutrition for the cosmopolitic marine bryozoan Electra pilosa (Linnaeus). Zoologische Jb. (Syst.), 107: 368-390. : (PDF File)

Jebram, D., & Pisano, E., 1980. Notes on the Victorellidae of the delta of the River Po, Italy (Bryozoa, Ctenostomata). Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg, 23: 357-360. : (PDF File)

Jebram, D., & Pisano, E., 1980. The occurrence of Bulbella abscondita (Bryozoa, Ctenostomata) in brackish waters of northern Italy. Int. rev. ges. Hydrobiol., 65: 749-751. : (PDF File)

Kobluk, D.R., 1980. Upper Ordovician (Richmondian) cavity-dwelling (coelobiotic) organisms from southern Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 17: 1616-1627. : (PDF File)

Konkova, N.I., & Ponomareva, L.D. 1980. Lower Sarmatian bryozoans from Moldavia and Volna-Podolja. In: Quaternary and Neogene fauna and flora of the Moldavian SSR, pp. 64-67. Kishinev. : (PDF File)

Konopacka, A., & Szymalkowska, J., 1980. [in Polish] Materials to the knowledge of Bryozoa of the Piplica River between Sulejów and Tomaszów Mazowiecki. Acta Univ. Lodz. (Ser.II), 33: 267-280. : (PDF File)

Kruchinina, O.N., 1980. [in Russian] New Lower Permian Bryozoa from the Malozemelskaya Tundra and northern Timan. In: Mesezhnikov, M.S., (editor), New genera and species of fossil plants and invertebrates of the USSR. : 127-130. Nedra, Leningrad.: (PDF File)

Kubanin, A.A., 1980. [In Russian] Geographical distribution of Bryozoa found in marine aggregations. Sbornik Rab. Inst. Biol. Morya, 20: 109-140. : (PDF File)

Kubanin, A.A., & Murakhveri, A.M. 1980. [In Russian] The nomenclature of the life-forms of bryozoans. In: Preobrazhenskij, B.V., & Krasnov, E.V., (editors), Biology of coral reefs. Morphology, systematics, ecology., pp. 204-210. Moscow: Nauka. : (PDF File)

Kulka, A., 1980. Les bryozoaires du Miocene dans le sel de Wielicki. Geologia, 6: 35-52. : (PDF File)

Lagardère, F., & Tardy, J., 1980. Un faciès d'épifaune nouveau: le faciès à Ectopleura dumortieri (van Beneden) et Electra pilosa (Linné) faune associée, cartographie et évolution saissoniére. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 21: 265-278. : (PDF File)

Langer, W., 1980. Über Lagenosypho Spandel (Bryozoa) und einige andere karbonatische Microfossilien aus dem westdeutschen Devon. Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 52: 97-118. : (PDF File)

Lichstein de Bastida, V., & Bastida, R., 1980. Los briozoos de las comunidades incrustantes de puertos Argentinos. Fifth International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, :371-390. : (PDF File)

Lindberg, W.J., 1980. Patterns of resource use within a population of xanthid crabs occupying bryozoan colonies. Oecologia, 46: 338-342. : (PDF File)

Lindberg, W.J., & Frydenborg, R.B., 1980. Resource centred agonism of Pilumnus sayi (Brachyura, Xanthidae), an associate of the bryozoan Schizoporella pungens. Behaviour, 75: 235-250. : (PDF File)

Liu, X.-l 1980. [in Chinese] Bryozoa. In: Palaeontological Atlas of northeast China, pp. 189-254. Peking: Geological Publishing House. : (PDF File)

Liu Xixing, 1980. Two new species of Scrupocellaria from Xisha archipelago. Studia Marina Sinica, 17: 179-187. : (PDF File)

Lutaud, G., 1980. Étude morphologique et ultrastructurale de certaines cellules sensorielles de la paroi basale du zoïde chez le Bryozoaire Chilostome Electra pilosa (L.). Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 21: 91-98. : (PDF File)

Malecki, J., 1980. A new reef-building bryozoan species from the Miocene of Roztocze. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 25: 91-99. : (PDF File)

Malecki, J., 1980. On some rare and unknown Miocene bryozoans from Grzybów. Bulletin acad. pol. sci. (Ser. Sci. Terre), 27: 159-167. : (PDF File)

Mawatari, S., & Mawatari, S.F., 1980. Studies on Japanese Bryozoa 5. Division Malacostega (3). Bulletin of the Liberal Arts and Science Course, School of Medicine, Nihon University, 8: 21-114. : (PDF File)

McKinney, F.K., 1980. The Devonian fenestrate bryozoan Utropora Pocta. Journal of Paleontology, 54: 241-252. : (PDF File)

McKinney, F.K., 1980. Erect spiral growth in some living and fossil bryozoans. Journal of Paleontology, 54: 597-613. : (PDF File)

McKinney, F.K., & Gault, H.W., 1980. Paleoenvironment of Late Mississippian fenestrate bryozoans, eastern United States. Lethaia, 13: 127-146. : (PDF File)

Mills, E L, 1980. One "different kind of gentleman": Alfred Merle Norman (1831-1918), invertebrate zoologist. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 68: 69-98. : (PDF File)

Mistiaen, B., 1980. Niveaux construits a bryozoaires fistuliporides dans le Devonien de l'Hazarajat, Afghanistan central. Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France, 22: 103-113. : (PDF File)

Modzalevskaya, E.A., 1980. Monticuliporidae and Dittoporidae of the Ordovician in Tuva (Bryozoa). [in Russian] Ezheg Vses Paleontol Obshchestva, 23: 92-111. : (PDF File)

Modzalevskaya, E.A., 1980. Two new species of Lioclema from the Silurian of Tuva. [in Russian] Novye vidy drev. rast. bespozv. SSSR, 5: 45-46. : (PDF File)

Monod, T., & d'Hondt, J.-L., 1980. A propos d'un échantillon de Conopeum commensale (Kirkpatrick & Metzelaar, 1922) (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) trouvé dans un site archéologique mauritanien. Bulletin de l'Institut fondamental d'Afrique Noire, 40: 423-427. : (PDF File)

Morris, P.A., 1980. The bryozoan family Hippothoidae (Cheilostomata-Ascophora) with emphasis on the genus Hippothoa. Allan Hancock Monographs in Marine Biology, 10: 1-115. : (PDF File)

Moyano G., H.I., & Gordon, D.P., 1980. New species of Hippothoidae (Bryozoa) from Chile, Antarctica and New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 10: 75-95. : (PDF File)

Mukai, Hideo, & Oda, S., 1980. Comparative studies on the statoblasts of higher phylactolaemate bryozoans. Journal of morphology, 165: 131-155. : (PDF File)

Mukai, Hideo, & Oda, S., 1980. Histological and histochemical studies on the epidermal system of the higher phylactolaemate bryozoans. Annotationes zoologicae japonenses, 53: 1-17. : (PDF File)

Mundy, S.P., 1980. A key to the British and European freshwater bryozoans. Scientific publs freshw. biol. ass., 41: 1-32. : (PDF File)

Mundy, S.P., 1980. Stereoscan studies of the phylactolaemate bryozoan statoblasts including a key to the statoblasts of the British and European Phylactolaemata. Journal of zoology, London, 192: 511-530. : (PDF File)

Mundy, S.P., & Thorpe, J.P., 1980. Biochemical genetics and taxonomy in Plumatella coralloides and P. fungosa, and a key to the British and European Plumatellidae (Bryozoa: Phylactolaemata). Freshwater Biology, 10: 519-526. : (PDF File)

Nekhorosheva, V.P. 1980. [in Russian] A new representative of Reteporina from the Middle Devonian of Novaya Zemlaya. In: New species of old plants and invertebrates of the USSR (Novye vidy drev. rast. bespozv. SSSR), 5: 46-47. Moscow: Nauk. : (PDF File)

Nelson, S.J., & Bolton, T.E., 1980. Macgowanella tenuiradiata. new genus new combination, possible bryozoan holdfasts, Mississippian of southern Canadian Rocky Mountains, Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 17: 1431-1435. : (PDF File)

Occhipinti Ambrogi, A., 1980. Contributo alla conoscenza dei Briozoi nella Laguna Veneta Settentrionale. Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia, 31: 95-109. : (PDF File)

Occhipinti Ambrogi, A., 1980. Osservazioni sui Briozoi di ambienti lagunari Nord-Adriatici. Atti V Conv. GR Gadio (Varese), :169-181. : (PDF File)

Occhipinti Ambrogi, A., 1980. Osservazioni sulle aviculare di alcune colonie di Bugula stolonifera Ryland e Cryptosula pallasiana (Moll) in ambiente lagunari italiani (Bryozoa Cheilostomata). Atti della Società italiana di scienze naturali, e del Museo civico di storia naturale. Milano, 121: 382-388. : (PDF File)

O'Connor, R.J., Seed, R.J., & Boaden, P.J.S., 1980. Resource space partitioning by the Bryozoa of a Fucus serrata L. community. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 45: 117-137. : (PDF File)

Oda, S., 1980. Effects of light on the germination of statoblasts in freshwater Bryozoa. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses, 53 (4): 238-253. (PDF File)

Oda, S., & Nakamura, R.M., 1980. Sexual reproduction in Pectinatella gelatinosa, a freshwater bryozoan. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of systematic Zoology, 19: 38-44. : (PDF File)

Pardue, W.J. & Wood, T.S., 1980. Baseline Toxicity Data for Freshwater Bryozoa Exposed to Copper, Cadmium, Chromium, and Zinc. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 55 (1): 27-31. : (PDF File)

Pisano, E., 1980. Alcune osservazioni sui briozoi della Sacca del Canarin (Delta del Po, Italia). Memorie Biol. mar. Oceanogr., 10: 433-434. : (PDF File)

Pisano,E., 1980. Osservazioini preliminari sui briozoi di substrati artificiali immersi nel piano infralittorale del promontorio di Portofino (Mar Ligure). Atti della societa Toscana di scienze naturali residente in Pisa Memorie Serie B 86 (Suppl.), 320-322. : (PDF File)

Poluzzi, A., 1980. I briozoi membraniporiformi del delta settertrionale del Po. Atti della Società italiana di scienze naturali, e del Museo civico di storia naturale. Milano, 121: 101-120. : (PDF File)

Ponomareva, L.D., 1980. Features of distribution of bryozoans in the Sarmatian eastern Paratethys. Paleontologicheskii Sbornik, 17: 60-65. : (PDF File)

Pushkin, V.I., 1980. [in Russian] Facial zonality and brachiopod-Bryozoa associations in the Oandur and Rakveres horizons of Ordovician in northern Byelorussia. Trudy sess. vses. paleont. Obshch., 22: 20-30. : (PDF File)

Rao, K.S., & Ganapati, P.N., 1980. Epizoic fauna of Thalamoporella gothica var. indica and Pherusella tubulosa (Bryozoa). Bulletin of Marine Science, 30: 34-44. : (PDF File)

Reed, C.G. & Cloney, R.A., 1980. The role of ciliary motility in the metamorphosis of a bryozoan. American zoologist, 20: 953. : (PDF File)

Rho, B.-J., & Song, J.I. 1980. A systematic study on the marine bryozoans in Korea 2. Anascan Cheilostomata. In: Commemoration Papers for Professor C.W.Kim's 60th Birthday Anniversary., pp. 147-162. Seoul: Korea University. : (PDF File)

Ristedt, Heinrich 1980. Skeletal ultrastructure of the Hippothoidae (Bryozoa). In: Omori, M., & Watabe, N., (editor), The Mechanisms of Biomineralization in Animals and Plants., pp. 197-202. Tokyo: Tokai University Press. : (PDF File)

Russ, G.R., 1980. Effects of predation by fishes, competition, and structural complexity of the substratum on the establishment of a marine epifaunal community. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 42: 55-69. : (PDF File)

Sakagami, S., 1980. Permian Ectoprocta (Bryozoa) from the Abadeh region, central Iran. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan new series, 118: 269-289. : (PDF File)

Sakagami, S., 1980. Preliminary note on the upper part of the Akasaka Limestone Group, Japan. Proceedings Japan Acad., (B) 56: 25-29. : (PDF File)

Sakagami, S., Arakawa, S., & Hayami, T. 1980. Checklist and bibliography of Japanese Cenozoic fossil Ectoprocta (Bryozoa), 1935-1978. In Igo, H., & Noda, H., (editor), Professor Saburo Kanno memorial volume., pp. 317-338. Ibaraki: University of Tsukuba. : (PDF File)

Schopf, T.J.M., Collier, K.O., & Bach, B.O., 1980. Relation of the morphology of stick-like bryozoans at Friday Harbour, Washington, to bottom currents, suspended matter and depth. Paleobiology, 6: 466-476. : (PDF File)

Scoffin, T P, Alexandersson, E T, Bowes, G E, Clokie, J J, Farrow, G E & Milliman, J D, 1980. Recent, temperate, sub-photic, carbonate sedimentation: Rockall Bank, Northeast Atlantic. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 50(2): 331-356. : (PDF File)

Silén, L., 1980. Colony substratum relationships in Scrupocellariidae (Bryozoa - Cheilostomata). Zoologica Scripta, 9:211-217. : (PDF File)

Simonsen, A.H., & Cuffey, R.J., 1980. Fenestrate, pinnate and ctenostome bryozoans and associated barnacle borings in the Wreford megacyclothem (Lower Permian) of Kansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska. University of Kansas paleontological contributions, 101: 1-38. : (PDF File)

Sladecek, V., 1980. Indicator value of freshwater Bryozoa. Acta Hydrochim. Hydrobiol., 8: 273-276. : (PDF File)

Soule, D.F., Soule, J.D., & Abbott, D.P. 1980. Bryozoa and Entoprocta; the moss animals. In Morris, R.H., Abbott, D.P., & Haderlie, E.C., (editors), Intertidal invertebrates of California., pp. 91-107. Stanford: Stanford University Press. : (PDF File)

Sugimura, A., & Ota, M. 1980. Some Lower Permian Bryozoa from the Akiyoshi Limestone Group, southwest Japan. Bulletin Akiyoshi-dai Mus. nat. Hist. 15:47-58. : (PDF File)

Taylor, P.D., 1980. Stomatopora voigtiana (King 1850) : a cyclostome bryozoan from the Permian of County Durham. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, 42: 621-626.

Taylor, P.D., 1980. Two new Jurassic Bryozoa from southern England. Palaeontology, 23: 699-706. : (PDF File)

Tazima, I., 1980. Electron microscopic studies on the statoblasts of a fresh-water bryozoan Pectinatella gelatinosa. Changes in the fine structure of cystigenous cells during statoblast formation. Zoological Mag. Tokyo, 89: 26-40. : (PDF File)

Thorpe, J.P., 1980. On the type species of the genus Alcyonidium Lamouroux, 1813 (Bryozoa, Ctenostomata). Journal of natural history, 14: 809-811. : (PDF File)

Thorpe, J.P., & Mundy, S.P., 1980. Biochemical genetics and taxonomy in Plumatella emarginata and P. repens (Bryozoa: Phylactolaemata). Freshwater Biology, 10:361-366. : (PDF File)

Vávra, N., 1980. Tropische Faunenelemente in den Bryozoenfaunen des Badenien (Mittelmiozän) des Zentralen Paratethys. Sitzungberichte öst. Akad. Wiss., 189:49-63. : (PDF File)

Voigt, E., 1980. Arachnidium longicauda n. sp. (Bryozoa Ctenostomata) aus der Maastrichter Tuffkreide (Ob. Kreide, Maastrichtium). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte, 1980: 738-746. : (PDF File)

Wang, Fuzhen & Cai, Ruxing, 1980. New records of Ectoprocta from the East China Sea [in Chinese]. Sichuan J. Zoology 4: 2-4. : (PDF File)

Watkins, R., & Aithie, C.J., 1980. Carbonate shelf environments and faunal communities in the Upper Bringewood Beds of the British Silurian. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 29: 341-368. : (PDF File)

Weiss, O., 1980. [in Russian] First information on the systematic composition of the bryozoan fauna of the northern Caucasus and eastern Crimea. Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Geologicheskii, 55: 85-88. : (PDF File)

Wiebach, F., 1980. Flore at faune aquatiques de l'Afrique sahelo-souodanienne. Tome 1. Lophophoriens (Bryozoaires et Kamptozoaires). Initiations-Doc. tech. ORSTOM, 44: 273-282. : (PDF File)

Wiese, K., Wollnik, F., & Jebram, D., 1980. The protective reflex of Bowerbankia (Bryozoa): calibration and use to indicate movements of a medium beneath a capillary surface wave. Journal comp. Physiol., 137: 297-303. : (PDF File)

Winston, Judith E., & Eiseman, Nathaniel J., 1980. Bryozoan-algal associations in coastal and continental shelf waters of Eastern Florida. Florida Scientist, 43: 65-74. : (PDF File)

Yang Jing-zhi, & Lu Lin-huang, 1980. Upper Permian bryozoans from eastern Sichuan and western Guizhou. Acta palaeont. sin., 19: 461-474. : (PDF File)

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