Bryozoan Colour Illustrations
This listing is provided as a quick reference to colour underwater photographs of bryozoans
- Adeona cellulosa
- Adeonellopsis sp.
- Alcyonidioides mytili - Thanks to Andrew Grischenko, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.
- Amathia tortuosa
- Amathia wilsoni
- Anguinella palmata
- Biflustra perfragilis
- Biflustra perfragilis - A second photo.
- Bugula cucullata
- Bugula dentata
- Bugularia dissimilis
- Caberea boryi - Photograph by courtesy of Wolfgang Siefarth; Marine Flatworms of the World
- Calpensia nobilis - Photograph by courtesy of Wolfgang Siefarth; Marine Flatworms of the World
- Calyptotheca hastingsae
- Canda arachnoides sensu Busk, 1852
- Canda pecten - Photograph by courtesy of Wolfgang Siefarth; Marine Flatworms of the World
- Canda species - Thanks to Robert Bolland, (Okinawa Slugs)
- Caulibugula species - Thanks to Robert Bolland, (Okinawa Slugs)
- Cauloramphus magnus - Thanks to Andrew Grischenko, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.
- Celleporaria foliata (?)
- Celleporina ventricosa - Thanks to Andrew Grischenko, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.
- Cigclisula occlusa
- Cigclisula verticalis
- Costaticella sp.
- Cornucopina grandis
- Cristatella mucedo - Thanks to David Barnes, Purdue University.
- Cupuladria guineensis?
- Densipora corrugata
- Desmacystis sandalia - Thanks to Andrew Grischenko, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.
- Discoporella umbellata
- Farciminaria aculeata
- Flustra foliacea - Thanks to Andrew Grischenko, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.
- Fredericella indica - Thanks to David Barnes, Purdue University.
- Hippoporidra edax
- Hippoporina vulgaris - Thanks to Andrew Grischenko, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.
- Hyalinella punctata - Thanks to David Barnes, Purdue University.
- Iodictyum phoeniceum
- Patinella radiata - Photograph by courtesy of Wolfgang Siefarth; Marine Flatworms of the World
- Lophopodella carteri - Thanks to David Barnes, Purdue University.
- Margaretta triplex
- Membranipora membranacea
- Mucropetraliella ellerii
- Myriapora truncata - Photograph by courtesy of Wolfgang Siefarth; Marine Flatworms of the World
- Myriozoella crustacea - Thanks to Andrew Grischenko, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.
- Parasmittina delicatula
- Parmularia obliqua
- Pectinatella magnifica - Thanks to David Barnes, Purdue University.
- Pentapora fascialis
- Petralia undata
- Pleurotoichus clathratus
- Reteporella beaniana - Photograph by courtesy of Wolfgang Siefarth; Marine Flatworms of the World
- Retiflustra reticulum
- Rhabdozoum wilsoni
- Rhamphostomella cristata - Thanks to Andrew Grischenko, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.
- Schizobrachiella sanguinea - Photograph by courtesy of Wolfgang Siefarth; Marine Flatworms of the World
- Selenaria maculata - walking!
- Selenaria maculata
- Sphaeropora sp. - an undescribed Oligocene form. A 3-dimensional SEM Image! (Use Red/Blue glasses)
- Spiralaria florea
- Steginoporella species - Thanks to Robert Bolland, (Okinawa Slugs)
- Tegella japonica - Thanks to Andrew Grischenko, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.
- Triphyllozoon munitum
- Tubiporella magnirostris
Modified on 14th December 2001
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