Bryozoa Information - General

NOTE: This list has not been updated for some time. Eventually, I will go through , adding, altering and removing as appropriate.

* Introduction to the Bryozoa at The University of California Berkeley, Museum of Paleontology
* ZooBank. Official registry of Zoological Nomenclature by ICZN.
* Bryozoa Page on the Open Tree of Life.
* Bryozoa Page on the Tree of Life.
* Nomenclator Zoologicus. Searchable list of genera in zoology from 1758 to 1994.
* Rod Page has been mapping Nomenclator Zoologicus data to ION. Also BHL.
* Index Animalium (Sherborn). An Electronic Edition provided by the Smithsonian Institution.
* Bryozoans page at Systema Naturae 2000
* Bryozoan page at NEMESIS (National Exotic Marine and Estuarine Species Information System)
* Bryozoa page at Taxonomicon
* Index of Organism Names (ION) provided by Thomson/BIOSIS. Or: you can focus down to the list of bryozoans at Index of Organism Names (ION). This is a really useful service, and needs some exploration before you find much of the contained information, generally extracted from the the Zoological Record.
* Biostor. A database for searching references in the Biodiversity Heritage Library.
* Bionames. A database linking taxonomic names to their original descriptions.
* Global Names Index (GNI).
* BiologyBrowser provided by BIOSIS.
* University of Kansas Paleontological Institute - Links to Paleolink, Paleobank (Links no longer work), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology.
* Fossilworks - Front end to the Paleobiology Database
* BLEED - Bryozoan Lab for Ecology, Evolution and Development
* Bryozoa at HowlingPixel wiki
* List of Prehistoric Bryozoa at WikiVisually. Incomplete (very).
* Bryozoa entry from Wikispecies
* Bryozoa page at ZipCodeZoo. If you tunnel down to species, you will find the database codes for ITIS, COL, GBIF, and Biodiversity Heritage Library.
* Polyzoa entry on Online Encyclopedia - Scanned from the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1911 edition. No illustrations.
* Gallica - a French digital library (Bibliotheque national). Among the resources here are images of Systema Naturae (12th ed.), Lethaea Rossica (Eichwald), and Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres (Lamarck) as individual pages in PDF format. Also search for Lamouroux, d'Orbigny ... The server can also compile multipage files to your request (Look for the caption ' Téléchargement de l'ouvrage').
* Library of 19th Century Science. Prepared by Dr David Bossard. Includes digital versions of most of the "Challenger" Reports.
* Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrums. Library of digitised zoological references. Includes Linnaeus. RSS feed.
* Library of digitised references.
* Exchange repository for publications.
* citeulike Online reference manager
* AnimalBase Search engine for resolving digitised data at Goettingen
* The Complete Works of Darwin Online
* Card Index files from Musée Océanographique Monaco. Images prepared by Leandro Manzoni.


Neogene Bryozoans of Great Britain
Bryozoa of the British Isles
Pleistocene Bryozoa of Kuromatsunai, Japan
Recent and Fossil Bryozoa of Brazil
Great Barrier Reef Bryozoa

Recent Bryozoans - Species Lists from Regions

* ERMS: European Register of Marine Species .
* A listing of species and localities from the shelf off Argentina. This is the appendixes to Lopez Gappa (2000) - Species richness of marine Bryozoa in the continental shelf and slope off Argentina. Diversity and Distributions, 6: 15-27.
* North-East Atlantic Taxa - checklists of marine organisms from the area of Scandinavia and the North Sea. (In Portable Document File (.pdf) files)
* Bryozoa - in Species Database of Bocas del Toro (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute)
* Australian Faunal Directory at ABRS
* Checklist of the species of the Italian fauna
* The Biodiversity of Singapore - Bryozoa
* Pearl Harbor Bryozoans at the Bishop Museum, Hawaii; also, South Oahu Harbor Bryozoans.
* List for the Indian River area at the Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce, Florida. With an Introduction to the Bryozoans. Also contains species information - see the relevant genera or family pages for links.
* Galapagos Species Checklist.
* Fauna - Iberica: Checklist of Spanish Bryozoa.
* Bryozoa (sea mats/moss animals) native to the Netherlands .
* Ectoproctes at Medifaune: Faune marine de Méditerranée.
* Bryozoa from Svalbard (Hornsund Kongsfjorden), compiled by Piotr Kuklinski. Also Species Gallery - Images of the Bryozoa.
* NBN (National Biodiversity Network) Gateway - Great Britain - There appears to be a lot of data on distribution of bryozoans- but you need to use the "Search" tool for a particular genus - and check "Scientific names".

Specific WWW pages on bryozoans

* Secondhand books and articles for sale Literaturhökerei Schulz & Wiese (including many Russian papers).


* MOSS ANIMALS INVADE LAKE COCHITUATE An account of the freshwater bryozoan Pectinatella magnifica, by Dick Miller of Massachusetts.
* Fauna Europaea A database of freshwater and terrestrial animals (Top Bryozoa page).
* Nederlandse zoetwater bryozoën also in English: Freshwater bryozoans in the Netherlands.
* Freshwater Bryozoans from Thailand.
* "KLASS MSHANKI" [in Russian] Invertebrates from Lake Baikal. With photos of Plumatella repens. Also an introductory page in English.
* Alien Life Forms? No - Just Bryozoans - at Connecticut River Home Page.
* The Freshwater Bryozoan Web Site - by Timothy Wood and his students
* Nonindigenous Bryozoan Resources at the Nonindigenous Aquatic Species site of the US Geological Survey.
* Mosdyr (Bryozoa) - drawings of Plumatella (page in Norwegian) from VANDA (the Lake Database) at the University of Bergen, Norway
* Not mushrooms!(Bryozoan: Pectinatella magnifica) from Japan.
* Some detailed micrographs of freshwater bryozoans by Oliver Skibbe. (Ignore the page title saying Wasserfloehe - Cladocera!).
* Micrographia With good photos of Lophopus.

Recent Marine

* Atlas of Arctic Bryozoa. (WoRMS Photogallery.
* The Bryozoans of the Pacific (mainly Panama) entry to a database by STRI. English or Spanish Language.
* Atlas of Arctic Bryozoa. (Piotr Kukliński).
* Atlas of Antarctic Bryozoa. (Piotr Kukliński).
* Phylum Bryozoa: In Field Guide to the Offshore Marine Invertebrates of South Africa. (Wayne Florence and Lara Atkinson).
* Red Sea Bryozoans (A. Ostrovsky, J.P.Cáceres-Chamizo, & N Vávra).
* Oman Bryozoans (A. Ostrovsky, J.P.Cáceres-Chamizo, & N Vávra).
* New Zealand Organisms Register.
* New Zealand Bryozoan Biodiversity Database.
* STRI Bocas del Toro (Panama) Bryozoan Species Database.
* Senckenberg Museum at Frankfurt - Sektion Marine Evertebraten III (Bryozoen). Includes information about the Voigt Collection of fossil bryozoans. (In German only at present)
* Underwater Field Guide to Ross Island & McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Photographs by Norbert Wu amd Jim Mastro.
* Evolutionary trends in Crisiidae (Cyclostomata, Bryozoa). By Valentina Gontar.
* Up Close to Bryozoans - article by Dr Cris Little
* Mshanki - Bryozoa [in Russian]
* Chile, Peru, Baltic, Kamchatka, and Antarctica at GuiaMarina
* Benthic macrofauna (Wadden Sea). Alfred-Wegener Institut (Germany).
* Bryozoa Movies. at McShea Lab, Duke University. (From the Microscopy-UK website)
* Bryozoans of Prince Willam Sound data at the University of Alaska Museum.
* Species found at VIRTUE Photographs of aquatic species growing on panels of CD-Discs, results of an international school research project (the Virtual University).
* Methods for obtaining and handling marine eggs and embryos by Donald P. Costello & Catherine Henley.
* Keys to Marine Invertebrates of the Woods Hole Region (PDF documents) at Marine Biological Laboratories.
* Marine Organism Database at Marine Biological Laboratories.
* uBio - Universal Biological Organizer at Marine Biological Laboratories.
* Bryozoan Page at the Virginia Museum of Natural History
* Bryozoan photographs by Borut Furlan (Slovenia)..
* Benthic Organisms from Gray's Reef Marine Sanctuary, Georgia USA.
* Ectoprocts of Orange County California, by Peter J. Bryant University of California, Irvine. Great macro work, including videos!. Follow the other groups also.
* Bryozoan Page at Earthlife Web
* Cleavage in the bryozoan Membranipora at A Comparative Embryology Gallery by George von Dassow.
* A Mystery from the Antarctic, Pond Fairies, 3-d photomicrographs, Flowers of the Sea - Bryozoans and Cnidaria (superb photomicrographs by Jean-Marie Cavanihac) at Microscopy-UK
* Wildlife of Sydney. Three common shallow-water bryozoans.
* A photomicrograph of a cyphonautes larva - at 'Image Quest', a library of photos of marine organisms (superb web design!). Has many photos of pelagic larvae. Look also for 3-d photos of fish, coral reef, and sea gooseberries. The collection is based upon the work of Peter Parks.
* List of Bryozoan photos - At Encyclopedia of Marine Life of Britain and Ireland, Ulster Museum. About 28 species.
* Phylum Bryozoa: Sea mats and moss animals - at Marine Biodiversity - an Introduction by Peter Dyrynda
* Bryozoa page at MarLIN - Marine Life Information Network for Britain and Ireland
* Bryozoa page at MASDEA - VLIZ Marine Species Database for East Africa at Flanders Marine Institute.
Also Aphia - a North Sea species register. (Based on Hayward & Ryland 1995)
* BC Marine Life - British Columbia.
* Bryozoans of the West Coast of North America - Stachowicz Lab. Photos.
* Guide to Introduced Marine Invaders - Bryozoan Western Australian Fisheries - photos of Watersipora spp. 
* Bryozoan Page at Reefed: GBR Explorer.
* Featured Photo #36 - Encrusting Bryozoan at Garry McCarthy's Underwater Images..
* Divebums: Bryozoans (Fluted Bryozoan - Hippodiplosia insculpta, Lacy Bryozoan - Phidolopora labiata) (Underwater photos).
* Moss animals at PoppeImages, (Underwater photos from the Philippines).
* 'Moostierchen' page - at 'Starfish', another photo collection. Includes Chlidonia (identified as Iodictyum)
* Mosdyr - Bryozoa - underwater photos at Norsk Marin Fauna by Frank Emil Thoen, Norway. An alternative URL for the same information. Photos of Membranipora membranacea, Electra pilosa, Idmidronea atlantica, Cellepora (Omalosecosa) ramulosa and several others. Another page which seems to contain some of the same photos, with others such as Reteporella beaniana
* Video reveals unusual lace coral communities - at NIWA Science (New Zealand).
* Bryozoans - Underwater Photographs from Norway (UWPHOTO).
* Challenger Expedition Text and Plates on "19th Century Science". Look for Parts 30, 50, 79.
* "Elenchus Zoophytorum; Pallas, 1766".
* Bryozoa, Plate 33 from Haeckel's Kunstformen der Natur; on Wikimedia Commons
* Bryozoa, Plate 33 from Haeckel's Kunstformen der Natur; on Kurt Stüber's Online Library
* Bryozoans at California Academy of Sciences. Includes photographs of Bugula, Diaperoecia, Bugula neritina, and others.
* Ectoprocta at California Biota Website. Includes photographs of Watersipora subtorquata, Smittoidea prolifica, Conopeum tenuissimum and Victorella pavida.
* Bugula californica at A field site in the Juan de Fuca Strait, south of Victoria, BC. A project of the Lester B. Pearson College.
* Bryozoaires at the îles Medes (Spanish Mediterranean).
* Bryozoaires at the Méditerranée sous-marine (David Luquet).
* Bryozoaires en images at the Réserve Marine de Cerbère, Banyuls sur Mer.
* Bryozoans at the University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography and Fisheries (DOP).
* Bryozoans (yet unidentified) at the Institute of Marine Biology, Universidad Austral de Chile.
* Bryozoans at the Marine Life of the Channel Islands site. Photos of Pentapora'foliacea', Bugula plumosa, and Flustra foliacea.
* Home Page of Andrej Ernst , University of Kiel Has separate pages for a Photogallery, and Bryozoan Videos - of lophophore activity.
* Lophotrochozoa - Gallery of photomicrographs, including a cyphonautes larva.
* Photographs - at l'Université Catholique de l'Ouest Bretagne.
* Bryozoans in a Massachusetts Tide Pool, by Kimberly Amaral.


* The d'Orbigny website at the Natural History Museum. SEM illustrations of many of d'Orbigny's specimens in the MNHN, Paris
* Neogene Marine Invertebrates of Tropical America. (NMITA)
* Cyclostomes at Neogene Marine Invertebrates of Tropical America, by Paul Taylor. 
* CHECKLIST OF TRIASSIC BRYOZOA (By Alan Horowitz). Other checklists include Jurassic, Cretaceous.
Index is at
* Bryozoa from Sepkoski's Genus Database at University of Michigan.
* Bryozoa at The Digital Atlas of Ordovician Life (Cincinnati, Ohio).
* Paleobiology Database.
* Zagorsek collection illustrations at Europeana.
* Baltoscandian Fossils.
* Bryozoa Bibliography at Museo Civico, Rovereto, Italy (Braga & Finotti). Needs some navigation!
* Briozoi Section at the Museo Rovereto, Italy. Contains photos of some Tertiary specimens.
* Bryozoa page at Paleoportal
* Images of fossils and rocks at Institute of Geology, Talinn University of Technology (Contains Männil type material)
* Briozoários do Terciário Português Tertiary fossils from Portugal - by Antonio M. Galopim de Carvalho
* Paleontologisk Museum, University of Oslo. The site includes a list of contents of the Showcase for Bryozoa.
* Mshanki [in Russian]
* Bryozoan thin sections - at Natural History Museums, University of Oslo.
* Bryozoan Skeletons: From Crystallites to Limestones. (Paul Taylor)
* June R. Phillips Ross Collection of papers at Western Washington University, Bellingham
* Fossil Bryozoans: At Yale Peabody Museum
* Core Data from the Deep-Sea Drilling Project. - Bryozoan records.
* Bryozoans from the Devonian Wanakah Shale, Western NY, Bryozoans from the Silurian Rochester Shale, and Bryozoans from the Devonian Tully Site, at New York Paleontology. (Compiled by K. Wilson, from the State University of New York at Binghamton)
* Colonial Invertebrates - Lab 5, Colonial Bryozoa at the University of Iowa, Geology Department.
* Archimedes, a genotype authored by David Dale Owen.
* The Fossil Fauna of Upper Ordovician rocks near Cincinnati, Ohio (University of Georgia).
* The Fossil Fauna of Ordovician rocks near Nashville, Tennessee (University of Georgia).
* Bryozoans of the Cincinnatian
* BRYOZOANS Outline at University of Rochester.
* Bryozoan Species in Southern Limburg, the Netherlands at Also list of bryozoans present in the Maastricht area
* An illustrated database on French Tertiary Fossils.  at the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris
* Biostratigraphy of the Sandersville Limestone.
* Mississippian of Missouri by Barry Sutton. Fossils include Evactinopora radiata, Lyropora, Prismopora triquetra. Also an unknown colonial fossil. Any identification would be welcome!
* Cover picture of the Annals of Improbable Research, March/April 1997. Or - The full-sized version.
* Cover pictures of the Annals of Improbable Research, May/June 2004 (Front and back!). Or - The front picture - a glum Membranipora membranacea.
* The Paleobiology Lab at IUPUI - Research topics and links, by Joseph Pachut (Indiana University).
* Bryozoan species in unusual green-shale mounds, Lower Mississippian, middle Tennessee - Abstract from GSA 2002 Conference.
* Garden Island - the earliest (and first-illustrated) bryozoan reef in North America (basal Chazyan, early Middle Ordovician; Lake Champlain, New York - ) - Abstract from GSA 2002 Conference.
* Fenestellid bryozoan - photo of unidentified fenestellid bryozoan from Pennsylvanian Minturn Fmn, Colorado, by W. Itano
* Fossils of Nova Scotia - bryozoans can be found in the 'Silurian' and 'Mississipian' drawers (You can search for 'bryozoa').
* Bryozoans of Paleozoic Reefs at the Minnesota Public Museum.
* Bryozoan Collection at (mainly from Texas)
* Bryozoan section of the Mississippian Diorama at the St Louis Science Centre
* Bryozoan fossils of Kentucky
* Search for bryozoan fossil images at the Natural History Museum Picture Library.

Museum catalogues

There must be other museums with a web interface to their catalogues. Any additional entries would be welcome!
* Search interface at Smithsonian Institution - Enter a genus name for Canu & Bassler types, and others.
* Data Portal at the Natural History Museum. Look at the original rergisters.
* Paleontologisk Museum, University of Oslo. Searchable database, including relevant references.
* Palaeontological Types and Originals in Austrian Collections: a database of Austrian fossils accessible through a search engine. A pull-down menu gives options for the taxonomic group.
* Zoologisch Museum Amsterdam. Including "Siboga" material, localities and maps available.
* MNHN, Paris. With separate search for Recent invertebrates or Palaeontology.
* Search collection database at Melbourne Museum, Australia (registered material only: there is a heap of unregistred stuff!)


There is a large number of web pages dealing with the results of pharmacological tests of this group of chemicals. A search on 'Google' for the word 'bryostatin' returned about 80,000 hits! A small sample of general news items is given here.

* FDA Grants Orphan Drug Designation To Bryostatin-1, In Combination With Taxol (Paclitaxel), For Esophageal Cancer
* GPC-biotech.
* The Bryostatin Project.
* Scripps News - Fresh evidence points to marine bacteria as source of anti-cancer drug.
* Bryostatin data at the National Cancer Institute
* Medicines - from Biodiversity in Crisis at the American Museum of Natural History
* 'Creatures from the deep fight cancer' - Stanford News.
* Cell Line Screening Data for Families in the Phylum Bryozoa. - more than just bryostatin.

WWW Resources with other lists of links

* The BIOSIS Page of Links for Bryozoa and Entoprocta.
* Biology Browser. Provided by BIOSIS.
* Census of Marine Life Portal. (CoML)
* Ocean Biogeographic Information System. (OBIS)
* Seamounts Online.
* ALL SPECIES - the project to document all species of organisms.
* MareNet. A network of marine research institutions and documents.
* The University of California Berkeley, Museum of Paleontology list of Other Museum Catalogs
* The ETI Homepage. - Expert Center for Taxonomic Identification. Also the World Taxonomists Database, and the UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms.
* Animalia - Bryozoa; and Paleontology - Bryozoans pages at the Open Directory Project.
* Ectoprocta - at Animal Diversity Web, University of Michigan.

Image Hosting

* Image Shack. This site allows you to upload all your pictures. It is free, and has no limits on numbers of files. The utility of this to store a range of resources is clear, but the size of each file must be less than 1024 kbytes. I will start using it for storage of a number of illustrations. The first example is Batopora problematica.

Databases for systematists; Programs for Keys; Species lists

* Lucid - an identification key system for Windows. A demonstration program is available.
* DELTA - A DEscription Language for Taxonomy.
* Biodiversity and Biological Collections.
* Navikey.
* PollyClave.
* The Paleobiology Database.
* The UCMP Data Model at the University of California (Berkeley).
* Paleobank - A Relational Data Base for Paleontology.
* Digital Taxonomy - supports free software resources!
* Platypus - A taxonomic database system for Windows - developed for the Australian Zoological Catalogue. The program can be downloaded - with the ability to construct a database limited to 50 entries.
* Willoughby Associates for Snap! and MULTI MIMSY (For major installations - not priced for individual purchase)
* KE Software - for KE EMu.
* ITIS - Integrated Taxonomic Information System
* ITIS - Query the database (Start with higher levels and negotiate to lower levels of the hierarchy). (At present, cyclostomates are included under Class Gymnolaemata)
* Internet Biodiversity Service.
* - classifying all marine species.
* Global Biodiversity Information Facility. (GBIF)
GBIF Bryozoa page.
* BOLD Bryozoa Page
* TAXIS - a Taxonomic Information System, by Evgeniy Meyke, Finland
* Species 2000

Reference Database Systems

* Papyrus for Mac or DOS.
* EndNote for Mac or Windows
* ProCite and Reference Manager


* A separate file contains links to Journals of interest.


* Discovering Fossils ( - Resources for fossil collecting in Britain - particularly the Jurassic of the south of England. Lots of field photos (mainly ammonites and echinoids so far).
* Paleontologia Electronica - an Electronic Journal.
* Caught And Coloured a website about the Prodromus of the Zoology of Victoria, at the Museum of Victoria website.
* IPA Directory of Paleontologists of the World - further entry submissions are requested.
* IPA Fossil Collections of the World - further entry submissions are requested.
* BEMON - Biographical Etymology of Marine Organism Names, by Hans G. Hansson.
* Nanoworld The University of Queensland Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis. Lots of electron microscope images, and links to other EM sites.
* Lightbinders DARWIN CD-Rom - Pete Goldie has produced the "Darwin CD-Rom" with e-text of The Origin of Species, The Descent of Man, The Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle, the Barnacle monograph, and more! Recommended.
* The Electronic Zoo
* Nearctica - A web site about the natural world of North America.
* Marine Crustaceans of Southern Australia - nothing to do with bryozoans, but excellent photographs and information from the Museum of Victoria.

Home Page Systematic Family List Alphabetic Family List
Edited by Phil Bock
Modified on 14/5/2018
This URL is