Bryozoan Digital Library - 1986

1985 1987

Allam, A., Shamah, K. & Zalat, A., 1986. Some Lutetian Bryozoa from Gebel Mishgigah, Wadi Rayan, Libyan Desert, Egypt. Delta J Sci 10: 893-911. (PDF File)

Álvarez, J.A., Saiz, J.I. & Rallo, A., 1986. Biogeografía de Smittina affinis, Hincks. (Cheilostomata: Ascofora). Lurralde. Investigación y Espacio, 9: 295-300. (PDF File)

Álvarez, J. A., Saiz, J. I. & Rallo, A., 1986. Briozoos Queilostomados (Ectoprocta: Cheilostomata) del Abra De Bilbao (España). Cuad Invest Bio (Bilbao) 9: 41-57. (PDF File)

Álvarez, J. A., Saiz, J. I. & Rallo, A., 1986. El genero Bugula, Oken (Ectoprocta, Cheilostomata) en el Abra De Bilbao. Cuad Invest Bio (Bilbao) 9: 23-40. (PDF File)

Anstey, R. L., 1986. Bryozoan provinces and patterns of generic evolution and extinction in the Late Ordovician of North America. Lethaia 19: 33-51. (PDF File)

Aristegui, J., 1986. : Escharella hexaespinosa sp. nov. (Ectoprocta, Cheilostomata). Vieraea 16: 183-187. (PDF File)

Aristegui, J. & Cruz, T., 1986. Consideraciones biogeográficas sobre el orden Cheilostomata (Ectoprocta) en Canarias. Vieraea 16: 161-171. (PDF File)

Ayer, S. W., 1986. Novel secondary metabolites from selected British Columbian marine invertebrates. Diss Abs Int B Sci Eng 47: 1549-1550. (PDF File)

Bancroft, A. J., 1986. A new Carboniferous fenestrate bryozoan genus. Scottish Journal of Geology 22: 96-108. (PDF File)

Bancroft, A. J., 1986. The Carboniferous cystoporate bryozoan Eridopora macrostoma Ulrich from the north of England. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 46: 23-28. (PDF File)

Bancroft, A. J., 1986. Hederella carbonaria Condra and Elias, a rare? bryozoan from the Carboniferous of Great Britain. Proceedings of the Geological Association of London 97: 243-248. (PDF File)

Bancroft, A. J., 1986. Ovicells in the Palaeozoic bryozoan Order Fenestrata. Palaeontology 29: 155-164. (PDF File)

Bancroft, Adrian J., 1986. Secondary nanozooecia in some Upper Palaeozoic fenestrate Bryozoa. Palaeontology 29: 207-212. (PDF File)

Bancroft, A. J., 1986. The Carboniferous fenestrate bryozoan Hemitrypa hibernica M'Coy. Irish Journal of Earth Sciences 7: 111-124. (PDF File)

Barrier, P, Casale, V, Costa, B, Di Geronimo, I, Oliveri, O & Rosso, A, 1986. La sezione plio-pleistocenica di Pavigliana (Reggio Calabria). Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 25(2): 107-144. (PDF File)

Bell, A D, 1986. The simulation of branching patterns in modular organisms. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Ser. B, 313: 143-159. (PDF File)

Best, M. A. & Thorpe, J. P., 1986. Feeding-current interactions and competition for food among the bryozoan epiphytes of Fucus serratus. Marine Biology 93: 371-375. (PDF File)

Best, M. A. & Thorpe, J. P., 1986. Effects of food particle concentration on feeding current velocity in six species of marine Bryozoa. Marine Biology 93: 255-262. (PDF File)

Bigey, Françoise, 1986. Les Bryozoaires dans les communautés benthiques actuelles et fossiles. Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle 8: 195-218. (PDF File)

Bigey, F. P., 1986. Bryozoaires. Biostratigraphie du Paleozoique 3: 63-84. (PDF File)

Bishop, J. D. D., 1986. Lepralia punctata Hassall, 1841 (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata): proposed designation of a replacement neotype. Bulletin of zoological Nomenclature 43: 288-296. (PDF File)

Bishop, J. D. D., 1986. The identity of Cribrilaria innominata (Couch, 1844) (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology 50: 93-102. (PDF File)

Bolton, T. E., 1986. Early Silurian Bryozoa from the Clemville Formation of the Port Daniel region, Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec. Geological Survey of Canada Paper 86: 12-106. (PDF File)

Boyer, M., Matricardi, G. & Pisano, E., 1986. Variazioni dello spettro zoariale in una comunitá infralitorale di briozoi. Boll Ist biol Univ Genova 52 suppl.: 301-306. (PDF File)

Braga, G. & Bignot, G., 1986. Les Bryozoaires de la formation d'âge Paléocène (Danien probable) du Mont Almé (Marne, Bassin parisien). Geobios 19: 279-293. (PDF File)

Calvín Calvo, J.C., 1986. Aportación al catálogo de los Briozoos del litoral murciano. Anales de Biología, 7 (Biología Animal, 2): 47-51. (PDF File)

Cancino, J. M., 1986. Marine macroalgae as a substratum for sessile invertebrates: a study of Celleporella hyalina (Bryozoa) on fronds of Laminaria saccharina (Phaeophyta). Monografías Biológicas 4: 279-308. (PDF File)

Carté, B. & Faulkner, D. J., 1986. Role of secondary metabolites in feeding associations between a predatory nudibranch, two grazing nudibranchs and a bryozoan. Journal of Chemical Ecology 12: 795-804. (PDF File)

Carson, A., Chojenski, P. & Patzkowsky, M. E., 1986. Surficial water flow patterns in Fistulipora sp. (Bryozoa) (Chesterian, Mississippian). Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 95: 304. (PDF File)

Chaix, C., Moissette, P. & Saint Martin, J.-P., 1986. Réflexions sur les biocénoses et paléobiocénoses en milieu récifal (Messinien d'Algérie). Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle 8: 219-230. (PDF File)

Cheetham, A. H., 1986. Tempo of evolution in a Neogene bryozoan: are trends in single morphologic characters misleading? Paleobiology 13: 286-296. (PDF File)

Cheetham, A. H., 1986. Branching, biomechanics and bryozoan evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society London Series B 228: 151-171. (PDF File)

Cheetham, A. H., 1986. Tempo of evolution in a Neogene bryozoan: rates of morphologic change within and across species boundaries. Paleobiology 12: 190-202. (PDF File)

Cook, P. L. & Chimonides, P. J., 1986. Recent and fossil Lunulitidae (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata), 6. Lunulites sensu lato and the genus Lunularia from Australasia. Journal of natural history 20: 681-705. (PDF File)

Cook, P. L. & Voigt, E., 1986. Pseudolunulites gen. nov., a new kind of lunulitiform cheilostome from the Upper Oligocene of northern Germany (Bryozoa). Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg 28: 107-127. (PDF File)

Crisman, T. L., Crisman, U. A. L. & Binford, M. W., 1986. Interpretation of bryozoan microfossils in lacustrine sediment cores. Hydrobiologia 143: 113-118. (PDF File)

Cuffey, Roger J., 1986. Telling one from the other - practical species concepts in Late Paleozoic bryozoans. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 18 (1 (Northeastern Section)): 10. (PDF File)

Cuffey, Roger J., Abdo, Ginette N. & Taylor, John F., 1986. Mid-Paleozoic bryozoan reef-rock - cystoporate lettucestone core within a latest Silurian patch reef in central Pennsylvania. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 18 (1 (Northeastern Section)): 10. (PDF File)

Cuffey, R. J. & Fonda, S. S., 1986. Superphylum Lophophorata (=Tentaculata). In: Sterrer, W. (editor) Marine Fauna and Flora of Bermuda: 500-517. John Wiley & Sons, New York. (PDF File)

Cuffey, Roger J. & Montaggioni, Lupine F., 1986. Discovery and significance of fossil reefal bryozoans the uplifted Miocene "atoll" of Makatea (French Polynesia). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 18: 577. (PDF File)

Dade, W. B. & Honkalehto, T., 1986. Common ectoproct bryozoans of Kaneohe Bay, Oahu. Hawaii Inst Mar Biol Tech Rep 37: 52-65. (PDF File)

Dade, W. B. & Honkalehto, T., 1986. Bryozoan assemblages in modern coral reefs of Kaneohe Bay, Oaho. In: Jokiel, P.J., Richmond, R.H. & Rogers, R.A. (editors), Coral Reef Population Biology: 35-51. Hawaii Inst. Marine Biol. Technical Report 17. (PDF File)

David, Louis & Pouyet, Simone, 1986. Bryozoaires abyssaux des campagne safari (Océan Indien). Annales de l'Institut océanographique, Paris 62: 141-191. (PDF File)

Denisenko, N. V., 1986. Bryozoa [in Russian]. In: Galaktionov, K.V. (editor) Life and conditions for its existence in the benthic zone of the Barents Sea: 143-147. Akademiya Nauk, SSSR, Apatity. (PDF File)

Dehdashti, B. & Blinn, D. W., 1986. A bryozoan from an unexplored cave at Montezuma Well, Arizona. Southwestern Nat 31: 557-558. (PDF File)

Dyrynda, P. E. J., 1986. Defensive strategies of modular organisms. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London 313: 224-243. (PDF File)

Ettensohn, F. R., Amig, B. C., Pashin, J. C., Greb, S. F., Harris, M. Q., Black, J. C., Cantrell, D. J., Smith, C. A. & McMahan, T. M., 1986. Paleoecology and paleoenvironments of the bryozoan-rich Sulphur Well Member, Lexington Limestone (Midle Ordovician), central Kentucky. Southeastern Geol 26: 199-219. (PDF File)

Finger, K. L., Armstrong, G. L., Marolt, R. E. & Haman, D., 1986. Test ultrastructure of the problematic microfossil Bicornifera Keij from the gulf coastal plain Oligocene. Revista esp Micropaleont 18: 349-352. (PDF File)

Fernández Pulpeiro, E. F., 1986. Aportaciones al conocimenta de los Briozoos marinos ibéricos: Ctenostomados. Boletin de la Real Sociedad española de historia natural 82: 47-56. (PDF File)

Fernández Pulpeiro, E., 1986. Aportaciones al conocimento de los briozoos marinos ibericos: ctenostomados. Boletin de la Real Sociedad española de historia natural 82: 151-184. (PDF File)

Fernández Pulpeiro, E., 1986. Les bryozoaires littoraux de la ria de Ribadeo. Annales de l'Institut océanographique, Paris 62: 46-68. (PDF File)

Favorskaya, T. A., 1986. Some species of the genus Onychocella (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) from the Maastrichtian of eastern Turkmenistan and western Uzbekistan [in Russian]. Ezhegodnik Vsesoyuznogo Paleontologicheskogo Obshchestva 28: 19-33. (PDF File)

Fransen, C. H. J. M., 1986. Caribbean Bryozoa: Anasca and Ascophora Imperfecta of the inner bays of Curaçao and Bonaire. Studies on the Fauna of Curacao and other Caribbean Islands 68: 1-119. (PDF File)

Geimer, G. & Massard, J. A., 1986. Les Bryozoaires du Grand-Duchee de Luxembourg et des regions limitrophes. Trav Scient Mus Hist Nat Luxembourg 7: 1-188. (PDF File)

Gilmour, E. H. & Snyder, Edward M., 1986. Stellahexiformis and Morozoviella, two new genera of Bryozoa from the Gerster Formation, northeastern Nevada. Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming 24: 211-217. (PDF File)

Gilmour, E. H. & Walker, R. C., 1986. Bryozoans from the Phosphoria Formation, southeastern Idaho. Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming 24: 191-209. (PDF File)

Gontar, V. I., 1986. Bryozoa of the Onega Bay of the White Sea [in Russian]. Issledovaniya fauny morey 33: 147-149. (PDF File)

Gordon, D. P., 1986. The marine fauna of New Zealand: Bryozoa: Gymnolaemata (Ctenostomata and Cheilostomata Anasca) from the western south Island continental shelf and slope. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 95: 1-121. (PDF File)

Gorjunova, R. V., 1986. The origin and early divergence of the Bryozoa [in Russian]. Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Geologicheskii 61: 119. (PDF File)

Harmelin, J.-G., 1986. Patterns of distribution of bryozoans in the Mediterranean marine caves. Stygologia 2: 10-25. (PDF File)

Harvell, C. Drew, 1986. The ecology and evolution of inducible defenses in a marine bryozoan: cues, costs, and consequences. The American Naturalist 128: 810-823. (PDF File)

d'Hondt, J.-L., 1986. Bryozoa. In: Botosaneanu, L. (editor) Stygofauna Mundi: 145-146. E.J.Brill & W. Backhuys, Leiden. (PDF File)

d'Hondt, J.-L., 1986. Bryozoaires de Nouvelle-Caledonie et du plateau des Chesterfield. Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Section A, Zoologie, biologie et écologie animales (4) 8 (4): 697-756. (PDF File)

d'Hondt, Jean-Loup, 1986. La campagne oceanographique du <<Caudan>> (19 Aout - 2 Septembre 1895). Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon 55: IV-VII. (PDF File)

d'Hondt, J.-L., 1986. Etat de connaissances sur la position phylogenetique et l'evolution des bryozoaires. Bolletino di zoologia, pubblicato dall'Unione zoologica italiano. Napoli, etc. 53: 247-269. (PDF File)

d'Hondt, J.-L. & Goyffon, M., 1986. Étude de la variabilité intraspécifique d'Alcyonidium polyoum (Hassal, 1841) (Bryozoaires, Cténostomes) sur gels de polyacrylamide à gradient. Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France 111: 183-194. (PDF File)

d'Hondt, J.-L. & Mawatari, S. F., 1986. Les Alcyonidium (Bryozoa, Ctenostomida) des côtes du Japon. Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle 8: 457-469. (PDF File)

Hughes, D. J. & Hughes, R. N., 1986. Life history variation in Celleporella hyalina (Bryozoa). Proceedings of the Royal Society London Series B 228: 127-132. (PDF File)

Hughes, D. J. & Hughes, R. N., 1986. Metabolic implications of modularity: studies on the respiration and growth of Electra pilosa. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London 313: 23-29. (PDF File)

Hu, C.-H., 1986. Bryozoan fossils from the Tungshiao Formation (Pleistocene), Tungshiao, Miaoli, Taiwan. Proceedings geol soc China 29: 98-117. (PDF File)

Hu, Z.-x, 1986. Some trepostomatous Bryozoa from the Upper Ordovician and Lower Devonian of Xainza, Xizang. Bull Nanjing Inst Geol Paleontol 10: 195-200. (PDF File)

Hu, Zhao-xun, 1986. Late Ordovician bryozoans from Yushan County, Jiangxi Province. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica 3: 167-184. (PDF File)

Hynda, V. A., 1986. [in Russian] Small benthos fauna of the Ordovician of south-west Eastern European Platform. 154. Naukova dumka, Kiev. (PDF File)

Ivanova-Kazas, O. M., 1986. Analysis of the larval development in Tentaculata. 2. Bryozoa larvae [in Russian]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 65: 1445-1456. (PDF File)

Jackson, J. B. C. & Coates, A. G., 1986. Life cycles and evolution of clonal (modular) animals. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London 313: 7-22. (PDF File)

Jackson, J. B. C., 1986. Ecology of cryptic coral reef communities. III. Abundance and aggregation of encrusting organisms with particular reference to cheilostome Bryozoa. Journal of experimental biology and ecology 75: 37-57. (PDF File)

Jackson, J. B. C., 1986. Models of dispersal of clonal benthic invertebrates: consequences for species' distributions and genetic structure of local populations. Bulletin of Marine Science 39: 588-606. (PDF File)

Jell, Peter A. & Duncan, Peter M., 1986. Invertebrates, mainly insects, from the freshwater, Lower Cretaceous, Koonwarra Fossil Bed (Korumburra Group), South Gippsland, Victoria. Memoir of the Association of Australian Palaeontologists 3: 111-205. (PDF File)

Jebram, D., 1986. Does the lophophore form in bryozoans depend on the body size? Zoologischer Anzeiger 216: 48-52. (PDF File)

Jebram, D., 1986. Arguments concerning the basal evolution of the Bryozoa. Zeitschrift für zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung 24: 266-290. (PDF File)

Jebram, D., 1986. The ontogenetical and supposed phylogenetical fate of the parietal muscles in the Ctenostomata (Bryozoa). Zeitschrift für zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung 24: 58-82. (PDF File)

Karklins, O. L., 1986. Chesterian (Late Mississipian) bryozoans from the upper Chainman Shale and the lowermost Ely Limestone of western Utah. Memoir of the paleontological society 17: 1-48. (PDF File)

Keough, M. J., 1986. The distribution of a bryozoan on seagrass blades: settlement, growth, and mortality. Ecology 67: 846-857. (PDF File)

Kiel, P., Nielsen, E. G., Anthoni, U. & Christophersen, C., 1986. Marine alkaloids. 2. Flustramide B and flustrarine B from the marine bryozoan Flustra foliacea. Synthesis of flustrarine B. Acta Chemica Scandinavica 40: 555-558. (PDF File)

Khmeleva, N. N. & Mukhin, YuF., 1986. The development of vast amounts of Plumatella fungosa in a cooling basin [in Russian]. Dokl Akad Nauk belorussk SSR 30: 184-187. (PDF File)

Kiseleva, A. V., 1986. Late Permian Bryozoa of Vladivostok Formation in Primorye region [in Russian]. In: Zakharov, Y.D. (editor) Permian-Triassic events during the evolution of the north-east Asia biota. Project No. 203 of the International Geological Correlation Programme: 48-56. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Vladivostok. (PDF File)

Kubota, K & Mawatari, S F, 1986. A systematic study of ceilostomatous bryozoans from Oshoro Bay, Hokkaido. 2. Ascophora. Environmental Science, Hokkaido, 8(2): 195-208. (PDF File)

Lidgard, S., 1986. Ontogeny in animal colonies: a persistent trend in the bryozoan fossil record. Science 232: 230-232. (PDF File)

Lisitsyn, D. V., 1986. New species of bryozoan from the Permian of Pechora Basin [in Russian]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1986 (4): 49-55. (PDF File)

Lisitsyn, D. V., 1986. New species of bryozoan from the Permian of Pechora Basin. Paleontological Journal 1986 (4): 45-52. (PDF File)

López Gappa, J. J., 1986. A new bryozoan genus from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology 6: 103-105. (PDF File)

López Gappa, J. J., 1986. Presencia del genero Hemismittoidea Soule y Soule (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) en el Atlantico sudoccidental. Physis, Buenos Aires (A) 44: 71-72. (PDF File)

Lu, Lin-huang, 1986. Maokou Stage bryozoans from central Hunan - western Zhejiang [in Chinese]. Mem Nanjing Inst Geol Palaeont, Acad Sinica 22: 103-144. (PDF File)

Lutaud, G., 1986. L'infestation du myoepithelium de l'oesophage par des microorganismes pigmentes et al structure des organes a bacteries du vestibule chez le Bryozoaire cheilostome Palmicellaria skenei (E. et S.). Canadian Journal of Zoology 64: 8. (PDF File)

Mackie, G O, 1986. From aggregates to integrates: physiological aspects of modularity in colonial animals. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Ser. B, 313: 175-196. (PDF File)

Malecki, J., 1986. Bryozoa from the Korytnicka Clays, Gory Swietokrzyskie, Poland. Tocz Pol Tow Geol 55: 191-200. (PDF File)

Matsunaga, S., Fusetani, N. & Hashimoto, K., 1986. Bioactive marine metabolites - 8. Isolation of an antimicrobial blue pigment from the bryozoan Bugula dentata. Experientia 42: 84. (PDF File)

Mawatari, S. F., 1986. A new genus and species of celleporid bryozoan with ancestrular triad from Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of natural history 20: 193-202. (PDF File)

Mawatari, S. & d'Hondt, J.-L., 1986. Alcyonidium (Ctenostomata, Bryozoa) from northern Hokkaido. Zoological Science 3: 1113. (PDF File)

Mawatari, S. F. & Mawatari, S., 1986. Bryozoa [in Japanese]. In: The Japan Research Group on Marine Fouling Organisms, Tokyo: Study of Marine Fouling. Identification of species: 72-106. Koseisha-koseikaku, Tokyo. (PDF File)

Mawatari, S. F. & Mawatari, S., 1986. Studies on Japanese Anascan Bryozoa 8. Division Malacostega (6). Environmental Science, Hokkaido University 9: 239-246. (PDF File)

McKinney, F. K., 1986. Historical record of erect bryozoan growth forms. Proceedings of the Royal Society London Series B 228: 133-148. (PDF File)

McKinney, F. K., 1986. Evolution of erect marine bryozoan faunas: repeated success of unilaminate species. The American Naturalist 128: 795-809. (PDF File)

McKinney, Frank K. & Kríz, Jirí, 1986. Lower Devonian Fenestrata (Bryozoa) of the Prague Basin, Barrandian area, Bohemia, Czechoslovakia. Fieldiana 1368: 1-90. (PDF File)

McKinney, F. K., Listokin, M. R. A. & Phifer, C. D., 1986. Flow and polypide distribution in the cheilostome bryozoan Bugula and their inference in Archimedes. Lethaia 19: 81-93. (PDF File)

McKinney, F. K., Webb, F. & McKinney, M. J., 1986. In situ bryozoans in an intertidal-shallow subtidal sedimentary sequence (Middle Ordovician, southwestern Virginia). Abstracts with programs Geological Society of America 18: 254. (PDF File)

Miller, M. C. & Willan, R. C., 1986. A review of the New Zealand arminacean nudibranchs (Opisthobranchia: Arminacea). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 13: 377-408. (PDF File)

Modzalevskaya, E. A., 1986. Bryozoa of the Family Dittoporidae from the Ordovician of the Leningrad region [in Russian]. Ezhegodnik Vsesoyuznogo Paleontologicheskogo Obshchestva 29: 74-91. (PDF File)

Morozova, I. P., 1986. Bryozoa [in Russian]. Trudy Vsesoyuznyy Nauchno-Issledovatelskiy Geologicheskiy Institut (VSEGEI), New Series 331: 98-125. (PDF File)

Morozova, I. P., 1986. Triassic Bryozoa - Parastratigraphic groups of flora and fauna of the Triassic [in Russian]. Trudy Vsesoyuznyy Nauchno-Issledovatelskiy Geologicheskiy Institut (VSEGEI), New Series 334: 67-78. (PDF File)

Morozova, I. P., 1986. [in Russian] Bryozoa. In: Muravev, I.S. & Grigoreva, A.D. (editors), [in Russian] Faunal atlas of the Upper Carboniferous and Lower Permian in Samara Bend: 69-77. Izd-vo Kazanskogo Universiteta, Kazan. (PDF File)

Morozova, I. P. & Kruchinina, O. N., 1986. Permian Bryozoa of the Arctic region [in Russian] (Permskie mshanki arktiki). 143. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow. (PDF File)

Moyano G., H. I., 1986. Estructura y sistematica del briozoo Antartico flustriforme Kymella polaris (Waters, 1909). Boletin de la Sociedad de biologia de Concepción 57: 21-35. (PDF File)

Moyano G., H. I., 1986. Bryozoa marinos chilenos VI. Cheilostomata Hippothoidae: South eastern Pacific species. Boletin de la Sociedad de biologia de Concepción 57: 89-135. (PDF File)

Nekhorosheva, L. V., 1986. [in Russian] New Middle Ordovician Stictoporella (Bryozoa) from central Tajmyr. Ezhegodnik Vsesoyuznogo Paleontologicheskogo Obshchestva 28: 264-269. (PDF File)

Oda, S. & Horikoshi, I., 1986. Massive colonies of Pectinatella magnifica, a freshwater bryozoan, occurring in a pond in Yoshino Park, Mitsukaido, Ibaraki Prefecture. Collecting and breeding 48: 218-222. (PDF File)

Occhipinti Ambrogi, A., 1986. Osservazioni sul popolamento a Briozoi in praterie di Posidonia oceanica del litorale pugliese. Bollettino dei Musei e degli Istituti Biologici dell'Universita di Genova 52 suppl.: 427-439. (PDF File)

Otten, B. G., 1986. Conopeum reticulum on the Maasvlaakte [in Dutch]. Zeepaard 46: 64-65. (PDF File)

Oswald, R. C. & Seed, R., 1986. Organisation and seasonal progression within epifaunal communities of coastal macroalgae. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 27: 29-40. (PDF File)

Pettit, G. R., Kamano, Y., Herald, C. L., Schmidt, J. M. & Zubrod, C. G., 1986. Relationship of Bugula neritina (Bryozoa) antineoplastic constituents to the yellow sponge Lissodendoryx isodictyalis. Pure appl chem 58: 415-421. (PDF File)

Poluzzi, A., Padovani, M. A. & Agnoletto, A., 1986. I briozoi cheilostomi di Vallugola (Pesaro) e delle scogliere artificiali adiacenti. Acta Naturalia de "l'Ateneo Parmense" 22: 73-83. (PDF File)

Pouyet, S. & Herrera-Anduaga, Y., 1986. Systematics and palaeogeographical studies of some species of Bryozoa (Cheilostomata) from the Gulf of Mexico. Univ Nac Auton Mexico, Inst Geologia, Revista 6: 204-221. (PDF File)

Pouyet, S. & Moissette, Pierre, 1986. Bryozoaires cheilostomes nouveaux du Miocène supérieur du bassin d'Alboran (Méditerranée occidentale). Geobios 19: 385-391. (PDF File)

Pushkin, V. I., 1986. Bryozoan and brachiopod communities in Ordovician of South Pribaltic [in Russian]. In: Paleontology and its role in the study of the geological structure of Belarus: 59-90. Nauka & Tekhnika, Minsk. (PDF File)

Pushkin, V. I., 1986. Bathymetry of the Ordovician bryozoans within the Baltic Sea basin [in Russian]. Dokl Akad Nauk belorussk SSR 30: 745-748. (PDF File)

Ramsdell, J. S., Pettit, G. R. & Tashjian, A. H. Jr, 1986. Three activators of protein kinase C, bryostatins, dioleins, and phorbol esters, show differing specificities of action on GH4 pituitary cells. Journal Biol chem 261: 17073-17080. (PDF File)

Reed, C. G., 1986. The dynamic functions of cilia during settlement and metamorphosis: a biomechanical approach. In: International conference on marine biodeterioration: Advanced techniques applicable to the Indian Ocean: 34-35. Department of Zoology, Marathawada University, Aurangabad, India. (PDF File)

Rho, B.-J. & Seo, J.-E., 1986. A systematic study on the marine bryozoans in Cheju-Do. Korean Journal of Zoology 29: 31-60. (PDF File)

Ryland, J. S., 1986. A key for the identification of British intertidal Bryozoa. 71. Richmond Publishing Co,, Richmond. (PDF File)

Ryland, J. S. & Warner, G. F., 1986. Growth and form in modular animals: Ideas on the size and arrangement of zooids. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London 313: 53-76. (PDF File)

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Document edited 26/10/2020
Edited by Phil Bock
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