Bryozoan Digital Library - 1978

1977 1979

Alagarswami, K. & Chellam, A., 1978. On fouling and boring organisms and mortality of pearl oysters in the farm at Veppalodai. Indian J. Fish. 23 (1-2): 10-22. (PDF File)

Anstey, R. L., 1978. Taxonomic survivorship and morphologic complexity in Paleozoic bryozoan genera. Paleobiology 4 (4): 407-418. (PDF File)

Astrova, G. G., 1978. Istoriya razvitiya, sistema i filogeniya mshanok [Historical development, systematics and phylogeny of Bryozoa. Order Trepostomata]. Trudy Paleontologischeskogo Instituta Akademiya Nauk SSSR 169: 1-240. (PDF File)

Bizzarini, Fabrizio & Braga, Giampetro, 1978. Upper Triassic new genera and species of fair and questionable Bryozoa and Chaetetida from the S.Cassiano Formation of the Dolomites (Eastern Alps). Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana 17 (1): 28-48. (PDF File)

Brébion, P, Lauriat-Rage, A, Pajaud, D, Pouyet, S & Roman, J, 1978. Les faunes pliocènes des environs d'Aguilas (provinces d'Almeria et de Murcia, Espagne méridionale). Bull. Mus. natn. Hist. nat., Paris, 3e sér., 68: 55-76. (PDF File)

Brice, D., Jenny, J., Stampfli, G. & Bigey, F. P., 1978. Le devonien de I'Elbourz oriental: stratigraphie, paleontologie (brachiopodes et bryozoaires), paleogeographie. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 84 (1): 1-56. (PDF File)

Brood, K., 1978. Fossil bryozoans from Gotland [in Swedish]. Fauna Flora, Stockholm 73 (1): 31-38. (PDF File)

Brood, K., 1978. Note on the bryozoan Pustulopora pustulosa (Goldfuss). Zoologica Scripta 7 (2): 121-123. (PDF File)

Brood, Krister, 1978. Bryozoa. In: Marine Micropalaeontology, (Eds, Haq, Bilal U. & Boersma, Anne): 189-201. (Elsevier) (PDF File)

Brood, K., 1978. Upper Ordovician Bryozoa from Dalmanitina beds of Borenshult, Östergötland, Sweden. Geologica Palaeont. 12: 53-72. (PDF File)

Calder, D. H. & Maturo, Frank J. S. Jr, 1978. Free-living invertebrates. Phylum Bryozoa (Ectoprocta). In: Zingmark, R.G. (editor) An annotated checklist of the biota of the coastal zone of South Carolina: 226-229. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia. (PDF File)

Carson, R. J. M., 1978. Body wall morphology of Pentapora foliacea (Ellis and Solander) (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata). Journal of morphology 156 (1): 39-52. (PDF File)

Christophersen, C. & Carlé, J. S., 1978. Chemical signals from a marine bryozoan. Naturwissenschaften 65 (8): 440-441. (PDF File)

Cook, P. L. & Chimonides, P. J., 1978. Observations on living colonies of Selenaria (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) I. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 19: 147-158. (PDF File)

Cuffey, R. J., 1978. A note on bryozoans in the modern reefs of Eniwetok Atoll and the Australian Great Barrier Reef. Pacific Geology 13: 65-76. (PDF File)

David, L. & Pouyet, S., 1978. Le genre Herentia Gray, 1848 (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata). Systèmatique et phylogènese, biostratigraphie et biogeographie. Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon HS 4, 'Livre Jubilaire Jacques Flandrin': 167-193. (PDF File)

de Burgh, M. E. & Fankboner, P. V., 1978. A nutritional association between the bull kelp Nereocystis luetkeana and its epizootic bryozoan Membranipora membranacea. Oikos 31: 69-72. (PDF File)

Emig, C., 1978. Un nouvel embranchement: les lophophorates. Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France 102 (4): 341-344. (PDF File)

Fenchel, T M, 1978. The ecology of micro- and meiobenthos. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 9: 99-121. (PDF File)

Gilmour, T.H.J., 1978. Ciliation and function of the food-collecting and waste-rejecting organs of lophophorates. Canadian Journal of Zoology 56 (10): 2142-2155. (PDF File)

Golubtzova, V.K, 1978. Stratigraphical and palaeontological research in Byelorussia [In Russian] Vol. pp.1-1-247. Nauka i Tekhnika, Minsk. (Palaeontology: 48-121) (PDF File)

Gontar, V. I., 1978. On the fauna of bryozoans of the coastal waters of the Iturup Island (southern Kurile Islands) [In Russian]. Biologiya Morya (Vladivostok) 1978 (1): 10-16. (PDF File)

Gontar, V.I., 1978. Bryozoa of the upper shelf of the Kuril Islands [in Russian]. In: Conformities of distribution and ecology of coastal biocoenoses, (Ed, Skarlato, O.O.): 60-62. (Nauka Press, Leningrad) (PDF File)

Gostilovskaja, M. G., 1978. Classification Key of Bryozoa of the White Sea [in Russian] Vol. pp.1-248. Nauka, Leningrad. (PDF File)

Harmelin, J.-G., 1978. Sur quelques cribrimorphes (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) d'Atlantique orientale. Tethys 8: 173-192. (PDF File)

Harmelin, J.-G., 1978. Bryozoaires des Iles d'Hyeres: 2 - Inventaire des fonds detritiques. Travaux scientifiques du Parc national de Port-Cros 4: 127-147. (PDF File)

Hayward, P. J., 1978. The morphology of Euginoma vermiformis Jullien (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata). Journal of natural history 12: 97-106. (PDF File)

Hayward, P. J., 1978. Systematic and morphological studies on some european species of Turbicellepora (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata). Journal of natural history 12: 551-590. (PDF File)

Hayward, P. J., 1978. Bryozoa from the west European continental slope. Journal of zoology, London 184: 207-224. (PDF File)

Hayward, P. J., 1978. Two new species of Ctenostomata (Bryozoa) from the Norwegian Sea. Sarsia 63 (3): 159-162. (PDF File)

Hayward, P. J. & Ryland, J. S., 1978. Bryozoa from the Bay of Biscay and western approaches. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 58: 143-159. (PDF File)

Hidu, H., 1978. Settling of estuarine invertebrates in Delaware Bay, New Jersey, related to intertidal-subtidal gradients. Internationale Revue ges. Hydrobiol. 63 (5): 637-661. (PDF File)

Hiroi, Y., Fuji, N. & Okimura, Y., 1978. New fossil discovery from the Hida metamorphic rocks in the Unazuki area, central Japan. Proceedings Japan Acad (B) 54 (6): 268-271. (PDF File)

d'Hondt, J.-L., 1978. Les Bryozoaires du Maroc et de Mauritanie (troisième mémoire, pour faire suite aux publications de F. Canu et R.S. Bassler). Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 19: 447-458. (PDF File)

Hughes, R. L. Jr & Woollacott, R. M., 1978. Ultrastructure of potential photoreceptor organs in the larva of Scrupocellaria bertholetti (Bryozoa). Zoomorphologie 91 (3): 225-234. (PDF File)

Jebram, D., 1978. Preliminary studies on "abnormities" in bryozoans from the point of view of experimental morphology. Zoologischer Jahrbücher, Abtheilung für Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere 100: 245-275. (PDF File)

Jebram, D. & Rummert, H.-D., 1978. Influences of different diets on growth and forms of Conopeum seurati (Canu) (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata). Zoologische Jb (Syst) 105 (4): 502-514. (PDF File)

Kopajevich, G. V., 1978. Forms of intraspecific variation in Fistulipora catena n. sp. [in Russian]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1978 (1): 94-102. (PDF File)

Kopajevich, G. V., 1978. Forms of intraspecific variation in Fistulipora catena n. sp. Paleontological Journal 12 (1): 85-92. (PDF File)

Kruchinina, O. N., 1978. Bryozoa [in Russian]. In: Grozdilov, L.P., Pozner, V.M. & Sultanaev, A.A. (editors), Key sections and fauna of the Visean and Namurian stages of the central and southern Urals: 83-84. Nedra, Leningrad. (PDF File)

Lacourt, A. W., 1978. The marine Bryozoa of the Netherlands [in Dutch]. Wetenschappelijke Meded. K. ned. natuurh. Veren. 129: 1-21. (PDF File)

Lopez Gappa, J. J., 1978. Catálogo preliminar de los Bryozoa y Entoprocta marinos recientes citados para la Argentina. Contrib Cient CIBIMA 152: 1-111. (PDF File)

Lopez Gappa, J.J., 1978. Presencia de Crepidacantha crinispina (Levinsen, 1909) (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) en el Atlantico Sur. Physis, B. Aires (A) 37 (93): 59-56 51. (PDF File)

Lu, Lin-huang, 1978. On the bryozoan genus Hinganotrypa [In Chinese]. Acta paleontologica sinica 17 (1): 90-93. (PDF File)

Lu, L.-h, Xia, F.-s & Li, W.-J., 1978. [in Chinese] Carboniferous bryozoans from Weining, western Guizhou. Acta paleontologica sinica 17: 319-342. (PDF File)

Madhaven Pillai, S. R., 1978. A new species of Hippoporina (Ectoprocta, Ascophora) from Bombay coast. Current Sci. 47 (2): 61-63. (PDF File)

McKinney, Frank K., 1978. Astogeny of the lyre-shaped Carboniferous fenestrate bryozoan Lyroporella. Journal of Paleontology 52 (1): 83-90. (PDF File)

McLeod, J.D., 1978. The oldest bryozoans: new evidence from the Early Ordovician. Science 4343: 771-773. (PDF File)

McNamara, K.J., 1978. Symbiosis between gastropods and bryozoans in the Late Ordovician of Cumbria, England. Lethaia 11 (1): 25-40. (PDF File)

Malecki, J, 1978. Miocene Bryozoa from the Opatów environ, Central Poland. Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego, 48(3/4): 349-355. (PDF File)

Medd, A. W., 1978. Ellisina Norman and Periporosella Canu & Bassler (Superfamily Membraniporacea) from the Upper Cretaceous of Europe. Report inst geol Sci 78: 1-29. (PDF File)

Modzalevskaya, E. A., 1978. Bryozoa complexes from the Chergak series in Tuva [In Russian]. Ezhegodnik Vses. paleont. Obshch. 21: 119-147. (PDF File)

Moskalenko, T.A., Yadrenkina, A.G., V.S., Semenova. & Yaroshinskaya, A. M., 1978. Ordovician of the Siberian Platform. Key sections of the Upper Ordovician. [In Russian]. Trudy inst Geol Geofiz sib Otd 340: 6-160. (PDF File)

Moyano G., H. I., 1978. Bryozoa de Bahia Antarticas: algunos apectos ecologicos. Instituto Antartico Chileno, serie cientifica 24: 35-60. (PDF File)

Moyano G., H. I. & Melgarejo, S. M., 1978. Bryozoa Marinos Chilenos Nuevos o Poco Conocidos. Boletin de la Sociedad de biologia de Concepción 51: 167-181. (PDF File)

Nye, O. B. Jr & Lemone, David V., 1978. Multilaminar growth in Reptomulticava texana, a new species of cyclostome Bryozoa. Journal of Paleontology 52: 830-845. (PDF File)

Oda, S., 1978. A note on Bryozoa in Lake Shoji, Japan. Proceedings Jap Soc syst Zool 15: 19-23. (PDF File)

Pachut, J. F., 1978. Environmental stability and morphogenetic relaxation in bryozoan colonies from the Eden shale (Ordovician, Ohio Valley): a developmental explanation of stability-diversity-variation hypotheses. Diss Abs Int B Sci Eng 38 (10): 4704. (PDF File)

Partaly, E.M., 1978. Some ecological features of Zoothamnium hentcheli Khal. (Infusoria, Peritricha) - mass epibiotic species of the Sea of Azov [In Russian]. Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii 39 (2): 248-253. (PDF File)

Pohowsky, R. A., 1978. The boring Ctenostomate Bryozoa: taxonomy and paleobiology based on cavities in calcareous substrata. Bulletins of American Paleontology 73: 1-192. (PDF File)

Poluzzi, A., 1978. I Briozoi del fondi mobili dell'Adriatico settentrionale. Quaderno Cons naz Eic 1: 89-101. (PDF File)

Ponomareva, L. D., 1978. The new Miocene Cyclostomata (Bryozoa) of Volhyno-Podolia [In Russian]. Paleontologicheskii Sbornik Lemberg 15: 46-50. (PDF File)

Pouyet, S., 1978. Révision de quatre espèces actuelles de Celleporaria (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) déscrites par Lamarck en 1816. Geobios 11: 611-621. (PDF File)

Pouyet, S., 1978. Phoceana pliocenica espece fossile du genre Phoceana (Bryozoa Cheilostomata). Geobios 11: 119-123. (PDF File)

Prezbindowski, Dennis R. & Anstey, Robert L., 1978. A Fourier-numerical study of a bryozoan fauna from the Threeforks Formation (Late Devonian) of Montana. Journal of Paleontology 52: 353-369. (PDF File)

Rao, K. S., Diwan, A. P. & Shrivastava, P., 1978. Structure and environmental relations of sclerotized structures in fresh water Bryozoa. 3. Observations on Plumatella casmiana (Ectoprocta: Phylactolaemata). Journal Anim. Morph. Physiol. 25 (1-2): 8-15. (PDF File)

Reed, C. G., 1978. Larval morphology and settlement of the bryozoan, Bowerbankia gracilis (Vesicularioidea, Ctenostomata): structure and eversion of the internal sac. In: Chia, F.-S. & Rice, M.E. (editors), Settlement and metamorphosis of marine invertebrate larvae: Proceedings of the symposium on settlement and metamorphosis of marine invertebrate larvae: American Zoological Society meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, December 27-28, 1977: 41-48. Elsevier, New York. (PDF File)

Ross, June R. P., 1978. Biogeography of Permian ectoproct Bryozoa. Palaeontology 21: 341-356. (PDF File)

Ruggieri, G., 1978. Voorthuyseniella floridiae nuovo microfossile del Miocene delle Sicilia. (Briozoa). Naturalista siciliano (4) 2 (1-2): 35-40. (PDF File)

Sakagami, S., 1978. Study of the Paleozoic Bryozoa in East Asia. Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), 87 (6): 313-329. (PDF File)

Sakagami, S. & Sugimura, A., 1978. Morozovapora, a new Carboniferous bryozoan genus from the Akiyoshi Limestone, Japan. Proceedings Japan Acad 54 (6): 257-261. (PDF File)

Satyanarayana Rao, K. & Ganapati, P. N., 1978. Ecology of fouling bryozoans at Visakhapatnam Harbour. Proceedings Indian Acad. Sci (B) 87 (3): 63-75. (PDF File)

Schopf, T. J. M., Fisher, J.B. & Smith, C.A.F., III, 1978. Is the marine latitudinal diversity gradient merely another example of the species area curve? NATO Conf. Ser. (Mar. Sci.) 2: 365-386. (PDF File)

Serruya, C., 1978. The benthic community. 2. The benthic fauna. H. Bryozoa. Monographiae biol. 32 (340) (PDF File)

Sloka, N., 1978. Key to the animals of the Latvian SSR. 1. Spongia, Coelenterata, Bryozoa [In Latvian] Vol. pp.1-1-48. P. Stuckas Latvijas Valsts Universitate, Riga. (PDF File)

Sutherland, J. P., 1978. Functional roles of Schizoporella and Styela in the fouling community at Beaufort, North Carolina. Ecology 59 (2): 257-264. (PDF File)

Taylor, Paul D., 1978. The spiral bryozoan Terebellaria from the Jurassic of southern England and Normandy. Palaeontology 21: 357-391. (PDF File)

Taylor, P. D., 1978. A Jurassic ctenostome Bryozoan from Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 42: 211-216. (PDF File)

Taylor, P. D. & Furness, Robert W., 1978. Astogenetic and environmental variation of zooid size within colonies of Jurassic Stomatopora (Bryozoa, Cyclostomata). Journal of Paleontology 52: 1093-1102. (PDF File)

Terakado, K. & Mukai, H., 1978. Ultrastructural studies on the formation of yolk granules in the statoblast of a fresh-water bryozoan, Pectinatella gelatinosa. Journal of morphology 156 (3): 317-338. (PDF File)

Thorpe, J. P., Beardmore, J. A. & Ryland, J. S., 1978. Taxonomy, interspecific variation and genetic distance in the phylum Bryozoa. In: Battaglia, B. & Beardmore, J.A. (editors), Marine Organisms: Genetics, Ecology, and Evolution: 425-445. Plenum Press for NATO, New York. (PDF File)

Thorpe, J.P., Beardmore, J. A. & Ryland, J. S., 1978. Genetic evidence for cryptic speciation in the marine bryozoan Alcyonidium gelatinosum. Marine Biology 49 (1): 27-32. (PDF File)

Thorpe, J. P., Ryland, J. S. & Beardmore, J. A., 1978. Genetic variation and biochemical systematics in the marine bryozoan Alcyonidium mytili. Marine Biology 49: 343-350. (PDF File)

Vávra, N., 1978. Bobiesopora n.g. - eine neue Gattung der Cyclostomata (Bryozoa) aus dem österreichischen Neogen. Annalen des naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 81: 229-235. (PDF File)

Vávra, N., 1978. Die Frondiporidae (Cyclostomata, Bryozoa) des österreichischen Neogens. Annalen des naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 81: 237-252. (PDF File)

Vávra, N., 1978. Bryozoen aus dem Paleozän von Michelstetten (Waschbergzone, Niederösterreich). Verhandlungen geol. Bundesanst., Wien 1978 (2): 97-108. (PDF File)

Vávra, N., 1978. Sphaerogypsina Galloway, 1933 (Foraminiferida) - von Reuss (1848) also Bryozoe (Ceriopora giobulus) and als Koralle (Chaetetes pygmaeus) beschrieben. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte 1978 (12): 741-746. (PDF File)

Voigt, E., 1978. Die Bryozoengenera Pustulopora und Cyrtopora v.Hagenow aus der Maastrichter Tuffkreide. Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 48: 119-134. (PDF File)

Voigt, E., 1978. Pachyteichopora n.g. (Bryoz. Cyclostomata) aus der oberen Kreide. Paläontologisches Zeitschrift 52: 257-270. (PDF File)

Wass, R. E. & Vail, L. L., 1978. Encrusting Bryozoa exhibit linear growth. Search 9: 42-44. (PDF File)

Wiebach, F. & d'Hondt, J.-L., 1978. Bryozoa. In: Illies, J. (editor) Limnofauna Europaea. Eine Zusammenstellung alter die europaischen Binnengewasser bewohnenden mehrzelligen Tierarten mit Angaben uber ihre Verbreitung and Okologie: 492-493. Gustav Fischer Verlag Swets & Zeitlinger B.V., Stuttgart & New York Amsterdam. (PDF File)

Winston, J. E., 1978. Polypide morphology and feeding in marine ectoprocts. Bulletin of Marine Science 28: 1-31. (PDF File)

Woollacott, R. M. & Zimmer, R. L., 1978. Metamorphosis of cellularioid bryozoans. In: Chia, F.-S. & Rice, M.E. (editors), Settlement and Metamorphosis of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. Proceedings of the symposium on settlement and metamorphosis of marine invertebrate larvae: American Zoological Society meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, December 27-28, 1977: 49-63. Elsevier, New York. (PDF File)

Yaroshinskaya, A. M., 1978. Lower and Middle Devonian Bryozoa of the Altai Mountains [In Russian]. Trudy Mezhvedomstvennyy Stratigraficheskiy Komitet SSSR 6: 114-116. (In: Voprosy stratigrafi paleozoya (devon, karbon). Rotay, A. P., Rzhonsnitskaya, M. A., Donakova, L. M. Kalmykova, M. A., Kulikova, V. F., Petrosyan, N. M. (eds.). Izdatel'stvo Nauka Leningradskoye Otdeleniye. St. Petersburg. (PDF File)

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Document edited 20/11/2018
Edited by Phil Bock
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