Bryozoan Digital Library - 1973

1972 1974

Abbott, Marie B., 1973. Seasonal diversity and density in bryozoan populations of Block Island Sound (New York, U.S.A.). In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 37-51. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Abbott, M.B., 1973. Intra- and intercolony variation in populations of Hippoporina Neviani (Bryozoa-Cheilostomata). In: Boardman, R.S., Cheetham, A.H. & Oliver, W.A. Jr (editors), Animal colonies. Development and function through time: 223. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross Inc., Stroudsberg, Pennsylvania. (PDF File)

Andersen, M., 1973. Bryozoa from Jorgen Bronlund Fjord, North Greenland. Meddelelser om Grønland 191 (8): 1-18. (PDF File)

Andrews, J.D., 1973. Effects of tropical storm Agnes on epifaunal invertebrates in Virginia estuaries. Chesapeake Science 14 (4): 223-234. (PDF File)

Andrews, P.B., 1973. Late Quaternary continental shelf sediments off Otago Peninsula, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 16 (4): 793-830. (PDF File)

Androsova, E. I., 1973. Bryozoa Cheilostomata (Anasca) of the Antarctic and Subantarctic. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 369-373. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Androsova, E. I., 1973. The Bryozoa of the Antarctic and subantarctic [in Russian]. Informatsionnyi Byulleten' Sovetskoi Antarkticheskoi Ekspeditii 87: 65-69. (Translated in: Information Bull. Soviet antarct. Exped. 8(9): 508-510) (PDF File)

Ankar, S. & Jansson, B.O., 1973. Effects of an unusual natural temperature increase on a Baltic soft-bottom community. Marine Biology 18 (1): 9-18. (PDF File)

Annoscia, E. & Fierro, G., 1973. Bryozoan ecology in relation to sediment texture in the "Golfo dell'Asinara" (Sardinia, Italy). In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 53-64. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Anstey, R. L. & Delmet, D. A., 1973. Fourier analysis of zooecial chamber shapes in fossil tubular bryozoans. Geological Society of America Bulletin 84: 1753-1764. (PDF File)

Anstey, R. L. & Perry, T. G., 1973. Eden Shale bryozoans: a numerical study (Ordovician, Ohio Valley). Mich State Univ Publ Mus Paleontol Ser 1: 1-80. (PDF File)

Astrova, G. G., 1973. Polymorphism and its development in the trepostomatous Bryozoa. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 1-10. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Astrova, G. G., 1973. Systematic position and scope of the bryozoan genera Batostomella and Pseudobatostomella [in Russian]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1973 (3): 71-76. (PDF File)

Banta, W. C., 1973. Evolution of avicularia in cheilostome Bryozoa. In: Boardman, R.S., Cheetham, A.H. & Oliver, W.A. (editors), Animal colonies: development and function through time: 295-303. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Stroudsburg. (PDF File)

Banta, W. C., 1973. The significance of areolae in cheilostome Bryozoa. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and fossil Bryozoa: 209-219. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Banta, W. C., 1973. Evolution of avicularia in cheilostome Bryozoa. In: Boardman, R.S., Cheetham, A.H. & Oliver, W.A. Jr (editors), Animal colonies. Development and function through time: 295-303. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross Inc., Stroudsberg, Pennsylvania. (PDF File)

Banta, W. C., Soule, J. D. & Soule, D. F., 1973. Preparing whole mounts of hard parts of Recent Bryozoa. Chesapeake Science 14: 62-64. (PDF File)

Battaglini, P. & Pierantoni, A., 1973. Studi ecologici sulla fauna bentonica del golfo di Pozzuoli. Annuario Ist. Mus. Zool. Univ. Napoli 19 (8): 1-24. (PDF File)

Bigey, Françoise, 1973. Devonian Bryozoa from the southeastern Armorican Massif, western France. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 375-383. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Bigey, F., 1973. Presence d' Utropora aff. nobilis (bryozoaire cryptostome) dans le Devonien du sud-est du Massif Armoricain. Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France 14 (1-5): 315-319. (PDF File)

Bishop, J.W. & Bahr, L.M., 1973. Effects of colony size on feeding by Lophopodella carteri (Hyatt). In: Boardman, R.S., Cheetham, A.H. & Oliver, W.A. Jr (editors), Animal colonies. Development and function through time: 433-437. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross Inc., Stroudsberg, Pennsylvania. (PDF File)

Blake, D. B., 1973. Coloniality and polymorphism in Bryozoa of the families Rhabdomesidae and Hyphasmoporidae (order Rhabdomesonata). In: Boardman, R.S., Cheetham, A.H. & Oliver, W.A. (editors), Animal Colonies: 361-376. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Stroudsburg. (PDF File)

Blake, D. B., 1973. Acanthopore morphology and function in the bryozoan family Rhabdomesidae. Journal of Paleontology 47: 421-435. (PDF File)

Blake, D. Bryan, 1973. Acanthopore ultrastructure in the Palaeozoic bryozoan family Rhabdomesidae. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 221-229. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Blake, D. B., 1973. Coloniality and polymorphism in Bryozoa of the families Rhabdomesidae and Hyphasmoporidae (order Rhabdomesonata). In: Boardman, R.S., Cheetham, A.H. & Oliver, W.A. Jr (editors), Animal colonies. Development and function through time: 361-376. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross Inc., Stroudsberg, Pennsylvania. (PDF File)

Boardman, Richard S., 1973. Body walls and attachment organs in some Recent cyclostomes and Palaeozoic trepostomes. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 231-246. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Boardman, R. S. & Cheetham, A. H., 1973. Degrees of colony dominance in Stenolaemate and Gymnolaemate Bryozoa. In: Boardman, R.S., Cheetham, A.H. & Oliver, W.A. (editors), Animal Colonies. Development and function through time: 121-220. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Stroudsburg. (PDF File)

Boardman, R. S. & Cheetham, A. H., 1973. Degrees of colony dominance in stenolaemate and gymnolaemate Bryozoa. In: Boardman, R.S., Cheetham, A.H. & Oliver, W.A. Jr (editors), Animal colonies. Development and function through time: 107-220. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross Inc., Stroudsberg, Pennsylvania. (PDF File)

Brood, Krister, 1973. Palaeozoic Cyclostomata (a preliminary report). In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 247-256. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Buge, E., 1973. Les Bryozoaires Miocènes du Nord-ouest de l'Allemagne. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 47 (1-2): 32-53. (PDF File)

Buge, E., 1973. Bryozoaires. Bulletin Inf. Geol. Bassin Paris 35: 55-59. (PDF File)

Buge, E, Debourle, A & Deloffre, R, 1973. Gisement Miocène a nodules algaires (rhodolithes) a l'ouest de Salies-de-Béarn (Aquitaine sud-ouest). Bull. Centre Rech. Pau - SNPA, 7(1): 1-51. (PDF File)

Bulman, O. M. B., 1973. Graptolite periderm structure and budding patterns: a resumé. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 11-20. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Bushnell, John H., 1973. The freshwater Ectoprocta: a zoogeographical discussion. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 503-521. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Cadée, G.C., 1973. Vittaticella elegans (Busk), a bryozoan hitherto unknown from the North Sea Basin. Mededelingen Wkgrp Tert Kwart Geol 10: 3-8. (PDF File)

Campisi, M.R., 1973. Briozoi dell’Isola Lachea (Golfo di Catania) – Nota preliminare. Bollettino Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali, Catania, Serie 4, 11: 135-156. (PDF File)

Carrada, G.C., 1973. Briozoi litorali della Ria di Vigo (Spagna Nord-Occidentale). Investigación Pesquera, 37 (1): 9-15. (PDF File)

Castric-Fey, A., 1973. Hydraires et bryozoaires infralittoraux du plateau continental Sud-armoricain. 1. - Plateau de Rochebonne et Ile d'Yeu. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 14 (2): 205-216. (PDF File)

Ceretti, E. & Poluzzi, A., 1973. Briozoi della biocalcarenit del Fosso di S. Spirito (Chieti, Abruzzi). Mem Soc. Ital. sc nat e Mus Milano 20: 131-169. (PDF File)

Cheetham, A. H., 1973. Study of Cheilostome polymorphism using Principal Components Analysis. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 385-409. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Cook, P. L., 1973. Preliminary notes on the ontogeny of the frontal body wall in the Adeonidae and Adeonellidae (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology 25: 243-263. (PDF File)

Cook, P. L., 1973. Settlement and early colony development in some Cheilostomata. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 65-71. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Corneliussen, E.F. & Perry, T.G., 1973. Monotrypa, Hallopora, Amplexopora, and Hennigopora (Ectoprocta) from the Brownsport Formation (Niagaran), Western Tennessee. Journal of Paleontology 47 (2): 151-220. (PDF File)

Cuffey, Roger J., 1973. An improved classification, based upon numerical-taxonomic analyses, for the higher taxa of entoproct and ectoproct bryozoans. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and fossil Bryozoa: 549-564. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Cuffey, R. J., 1973. Bryozoan distribution in the modern reefs of the Eniwetok Atoll and the Bermuda Platform. Pacific Geology 6: 25-50. (PDF File)

Cutler, John F., 1973. Nature of "acanthopores" and related structures in the Ordovician bryozoan Constellaria. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 257-260. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Desgouilles, A., 1973. Plancton de la Baie de Lazaret (Tamaris). Pelagos 4 (2): 82-173. (PDF File)

Dudich, E., 1973. Paradoxes and use of Bryozoa. Öslénytani Viták 21: 13-27. (PDF File)

Dudley, J. E., 1973. Observations on the reproduction, early larval development, and colony astogeny of Conopeum tenuissimum (Canu). Chesapeake Science 14: 270-278. (PDF File)

Dudley, J. E., 1973. A note on the taxonomy of three membraniporine ectoprocts from Chesapeake Bay. Chesapeake Science 14: 282-285. (PDF File)

Dunaeva, N. N., 1973. Carboniferous Bryozoa of the Donetz Basin. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 73-77. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Dunaeva, N. N., 1973. Bryozoans of the genus Megacanthopora from Carboniferous deposits of the greater Donbass [in Russian]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1973 (4): 56-61. (PDF File)

Dunaeva, N. N., 1973. Bryozoa [In Russian]. In: O.L., Einor. (editor) Stratigraphy and fauna of Carboniferous deposits in the River Shartym (South Ural): 76-79. Visha Shkola, Lvov. (PDF File)

Emschermann, P., 1973. Cuticular pores and spines, ion regulatory organs in Entoprocta. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 261-270. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Farmer, J. D. & Rowell, A.J., 1973. Variation in the bryozoan Fistulipora decora (Moore & Dudley) from the Beil limestone of Kansas. In: Boardman, R.S., Cheetham, A.H. & Oliver, W.A. Jr (editors), Animal colonies. Development and function through time: 377-394. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross Inc., Stroudsberg, Pennsylvania. (PDF File)

Farmer, J. D., Valentine, J. W. & Cowen, Richard, 1973. Adaptive strategies leading to the ectoproct ground-plan. Systematic Zoology 22: 233-239. (PDF File)

Favorskaya, T. A., 1973. The use of casts and their significance in the study of fossil Bryozoa of the order Cheilostomata [in Russian]. Voprosy Paleont. 6: 19-23. (PDF File)

Flor, Ferdinand D., 1973. Variation and habitat in some erect fossil Bryozoa (preliminary report). In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 411-416. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Forester, Richard M., Sandberg, Philip A. & Anderson, Thomas F., 1973. Isotopic variability of cheilostome bryozoan skeletons. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 79-94. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Friese, U.F., 1973. Marine invertebrates in the home aquarium Vol. pp.1-1-240. T.F.H. Publications, The British Crown Colony of Hong Kong. (PDF File)

Fritz, M. A., 1973. Redescription of type specimens of bryozoan Stigmatella from the Upper Ordovician of the Toronto Region, Ontario. Life Sciences Contribution, Royal Ontario Museum 87: 1-31. (PDF File)

Gautier, T. Gary, 1973. Growth in bryozoans of the Order Fenestrata. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 271-274. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Geraci, S., 1973. Popolamenti di substrati artificiali posti in fonds a 'coralligeno' e in una prateria di Posidonia, II: I Briozoi. Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli, Suppl. 40: 53-68. (PDF File)

Geraci, S. & Relini, G., 1973. Fouling di zone inquinate. Osservazioni nel Porto di Genova i briozoi. Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli 38 (Suppl. 2): 21-32. (PDF File)

Geraci, S. & Relini, G., 1973. Insediamento su pannelli atossici immersi nella Rada di Vado Ligure: i briozoi. Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli 38 (Suppl. 1): 19-33. (PDF File)

Ghiurca, Virgil, 1973. Types of Miocene Bryozoa described in Roumania. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 417-419. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Gordon, D. P., 1973. A fine-structure study of brown bodies in the gymnolaemate Cryptosula pallasiana (Moll). In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 275-286. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Gurgel, I & Vasseur, P, 1973. Sur une collection de Bryozoaires récoltes a l'Île Europa (Canal de Mozambique). Tethys, 5(2-3): 337-350. (PDF File)

Håkansson, E., 1973. Mode of growth of the Cupuladriidae (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata). In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and fossil Bryozoa: 287-298. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Hamond, R., 1973. The marine and brackish-water Bryozoa of Norfolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society 22: 406-423. (PDF File)

Harmelin, J.-G., 1973. Callopora minuta n.sp., nouvelle espéce de Bryozoaire chilostome (Alderinidae) des côtes francaises de Méditerranée. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 14: 28-37. (PDF File)

Harmelin, J.-G., 1973. Les Bryozoaires des peuplements sciaphiles de Méditerranée: le genre Crassimarginatella Canu (Chilostomes Anasca). Cahiers de Biologie Marine 14: 471-492. (PDF File)

Harmelin, J.-G., 1973. Morphological variations and ecology of the Recent cyclostome bryozoan "Idmonea" atlantica from the Mediterranean. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 95-106. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Harmelin, J.-G., 1973. Bryozoaires de l'herbier de Posidonies de l'Ïle de Port-Cros. Rapports P-v Réun Commn int Explor scient Mer Méditerr 21: 675-677. (PDF File)

Hayami, T., 1973. The Recent Cheilostomata (Bryozoa) from Kuroko-Shima, northern Honshu, Japan. Research bull Saito Ho-on Kai Mus 42: 47-56. (PDF File)

Hayami, T., 1973. The genus Cellaria (cheilostomatous Bryozoa) from the Neogene sediments of northern Japan. Science Reports Tôhoku Univ. (Geol.) Spec. Vol. No. 6: 391-400. (PDF File)

Hayward, P. J., 1973. Preliminary observations on settlement and growth in populations of Alcyonidium hirsutum (Fleming). In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 107-113. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Hinds, Robert W., 1973. Intrazooecial structures in some tubuliporinid cyclostome Bryozoa. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 299-306. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

d'Hondt, J.-L., 1973. Bryozoaires de la campagne de la 'Thalassa' (3-12 août 1967). Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (3) 120: 365-386. (Zoologie 92) (PDF File)

d'Hondt, Jean-Loup, 1973. Bryozoaires et brachiopodes de la Campagne Noratlante. Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (3) No. 179 (Zoologie 118): 1209-1223. (PDF File)

d'Hondt, J.-L., 1973. Musculature de la larve d'Alcyonidium polyoum (Hassall), bryozoaire ctenostome. Comparaison avec la musculature larvaire d'autres bryozoaires eurystomes. Compte r. hebd. Seanc. Acad. Sci., Paris (Ser. D) 276D (9): 1449-1452. (PDF File)

Humphries, E. M., 1973. Seasonal settlement of bryozoans in Rehoboth Bay, Delaware, U.S.A. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 115-128. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Illies, Gisela, 1973. Different budding patterns in the genus Stomatopora (Bryozoa, Cyclostomata). In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 307-315. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Jain, A.K. & Das, A.K., 1973. On the discovery of Upper Palaeozoic bryozoans from Kameng district, Arunachal Pradesh. Current Sci. 42 (10): 352-354. (PDF File)

Jaroshinskaya, A. M., 1973. Ordovician Bryozoa of the Altai-Sayan region. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 421-428. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Jebram, D., 1973. Stolonen-Entwicklung und Systematik bei den Bryozoa Ctenostomata. Zeitschrift für zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung 11: 1-48. (PDF File)

Jebram, D., 1973. The importance of different growth directions in the Phylactolaemata and Gymnolaemata for reconstructing the phylogeny of the Bryozoa. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and fossil Bryozoa: 565-576. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Jebram, D., 1973. Ecological aspects of the phylogeny of the Bryozoa. Zeitschrift für zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung 11 (4): 277-283. (PDF File)

Jebram, D., 1973. Preliminary observations on the influences of food and other factory on the growth of Bryozoa. With the description of a new apparatus for cultivation of sessile plankton feeders. Kieler Meeresforsch. 29 (1): 50-57. (PDF File)

Jebram, D., 1973. Zooid individuality and brooding organs (Bryozoa). Additional aspects in the discussion about the phylogeny of the Bryozoa. Zeitschrift Morph. Tiere 75 (3): 255-258. (PDF File)

Jensen, K. & Bender, K., 1973. Invertebrates associated with snail shells inhabited by Pagurus bernhardus (L.) (Decapoda). Ophelia 10 (2): 185-192. (PDF File)

Jones, D.J., 1973. Variation in the trophic structure and species composition of some invertebrate communities in polluted kelp forests in the North Sea. Marine Biology 20 (4): 351-365. (PDF File)

Kaufmann, K. W., 1973. The effect of colony morphology on life-history parameters of colonial animals. In: Boardman, R.S., Cheetham, A.H. & Oliver, W.A. Jr (editors), Animal colonies. Development and function through time: 221-222. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross Inc., Stroudsberg, Pennsylvania. (PDF File)

Keij, A. J., 1973. The bryozoan genus Skylonia Thomas (Cheilostomata). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) (Geology) 24 (3): 217-233. (PDF File)

Kiepura, M., 1973. Devonian bryozoans of the Holy Cross mountains, Poland. Part 2. Cyclostomata and Cystoporata. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 18 (4): 323-400. (PDF File)

Kiseleva, A. V., 1973. Some new and rare Cystoporata from the Upper Permian of the southern Maritime Territory [In Russian]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1973 (3): 65-70. (PDF File)

Konkova, N. I., 1973. Peculiarities of Bryozoa distribution in Upper Tortonian deposits of Moldavia [In Russian]. In: Negadev-Nikonov, K.N. (editor) Fauna of the Late Caenozoic in Moldavia: 75-83. Shtiintza, Kishinev. (PDF File)

Kopaevich, G. V., 1973. The genera Stictopora and Rhinidictya of the family Rhinidictyidae (Bryozoa, Cryptostomata) [In Russian]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1973 (3): 59-64. (PDF File)

Kruchinina, O. N. 1973. [in Russian] Phylum Bryozoa. pp. 82-97 New species of fossil plants and invertebrates of the USSR. (PDF File)

Kuc, M., 1973. Fossil statoblasts of Cristatella mucedo Cuvier in the Beaufort Formation and in imerglacial and postglacial deposits of the Canadian Arctic. Geological Survey of Canada Paper 72 (28): 1-12. (PDF File)

Labracherie, M., 1973. Les assemblages des bryozoaires des sédiments muebles du Golfe de Gascogne dans la zone W-Gironde. Contribution à la connaissance de la distribution des formes de croissance zoariale. Bulletin de l'Institut de Géologie du Bassin Aquitaine 13: 87-99. (PDF File)

Labracherie, Monique, 1973. Functional morphology and habitat of Bryozoa in the Eocene of the northern Aquitaine Basin, France. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 129-138. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Lagaaij, R., 1973. Shallow-water Bryozoa from deep-sea sands of the Principe Channel, Gulf of Guinea. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 139-151. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Lagaaij, R. & Cook, P. L., 1973. Some Tertiary to Recent Bryozoa. In: Hallam, A. (editor) Atlas of Palaeobiogeography: 489-498. Elsevier, Amsterdam. (PDF File)

Lane, N.G., 1973. Paleontology and paleoecology of the Crawfordsville fossil site (Upper Osagian; Indiana). University Calif. Publs geol. Sci. 99: 1-141. (PDF File)

Larwood, G. P., 1973. New species of Pyripora d'Orbigny from the Cretaceous and the Miocene. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 463-473. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Leathem, W., Kinner, P., Maurer, D., Biggs, R. & Treasure, W., 1973. Effect of spoil disposal on benthic invertebrates. Marine Pollut. Bull. 4 (8): 122-125. (PDF File)

Lee, S.W. & Trott, L.B., 1973. Marine succession of fouling organisms in Hong Kong, with a comparison of woody substrates and common, locally-available, antifouling paints. Marine Biology (Berlin) 20 (2): 101-108. (PDF File)

Ludford, A., Madgett, P. & Sadler, H.E., 1973. The Carboniferous Limestone margin between Crowdecote and Hartington, Derbyshire. Mercian Geol. 4 (3): 213-222. (PDF File)

Lutaud, G., 1973. L'innervation du lophophore chez le Bryozoaire Chilostome Electra pilosa (L.). Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie 140: 217-234. (PDF File)

Lutaud, Geneviéve, 1973. The great tentacle sheath nerve as the path of an innervation of the frontal wall structures in the cheilostome Electra pilosa (Linné). In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 317-326. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Major, A.P., 1973. Coast, estuary and seashore life Vol. pp.1-256. John Gifford, London. (PDF File)

Marano, G. & Vaccarella, R., 1973. Fauna sessile delle foglie di Posidonia oceanica (L.). Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli 38 (Suppl. 1): 45-50. (PDF File)

Matricon, I., 1973. Quelques données ultrastructurales sur un myoépithélium: le pharynx d'un Bryozoaire. Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie 136 (4): 569-578. (PDF File)

Maturo, F. J. S., 1973. Offspring variation from known maternal stocks of Parasmittina nitida (Verrill). In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and fossil Bryozoa: 577-584. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Mawatari, S., 1973. Studies on Japanese Anascan Bryozoa. 1. Inovicellata. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Tokyo 16: 409-428. (PDF File)

Mawatari, S., 1973. Studies on Japanese Anascan Bryozoa. 2. Division Scrupariina. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Tokyo 16: 605-624. (PDF File)

Mawatari, S., 1973. New occurrence of Pectinatella magnifica (Leidy) in a Japanese lake. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of systematic Zoology 9: 41-44. (PDF File)

Mawatari, S., 1973. The post-larval development of Membranipora serrilamella Osburn (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata). Proceedings of the Japanese Society of systematic Zoology 9: 45-54. (PDF File)

Mawatari, S. & Mawatari, S. F., 1973. Notes on marine Bryozoa from Hokkaido. 1. Crisiidae (Cyclostomata). Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University 19 (1): 95-104. (PDF File)

McKinney, F. Kenneth & Cuffey, Roger J., 1973. Information services desired by bryozoologists. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 601-606. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Menon, N. Ravindranatha, 1973. Vertical and horizontal distribution of fouling bryozoans in Cochin backwaters, southwest coast of India. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 153-164. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

Menon, N. R., 1973. A note on the occurrence of Pelagonema obtusicauda, a free-living nematode inside bryozoans. Helgolander Meeresunters 25 (1): 170-172. (PDF File)

Menon, N. R., 1973. Species of the sub-order Ctenostomata (Bryozoa) from Indian waters. In: Zeitzschel, B. (editor) The biology of the Indian Ocean: 407-408. Chapman & Hall, London. (PDF File)

Menon, N. R., 1973. Species of the genus Parasmittina Osburn (Bryozoa, Ascophora) from Indian waters. In: Zeitzschel, B. (editor) The biology of the Indian Ocean: 405-406. Chapman & Hall, London. (PDF File)

Mileikovsky, S.A., 1973. Speed of active movement of pelagic larvae of marine bottom invertebrates and their ability to regulate their vertical position. Marine Biology (Berlin) 23 (1): 11-17. (PDF File)

Moore, P. G., 1973. Bryozoa as a community component on the northeast coast of Britain. In: Larwood, G. P. (editor) Living and Fossil Bryozoa: 21-36. Academic Press, London. (PDF File)

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