Bryozoan Digital Library - 1969

1968 1970

Allen, R. K., 1969. Common intertidal invertebrates of southern California Vol. pp.1-170. Peek Publications, Palo Alto, California. (PDF File)

Annoscia, E. & Grignani, D., 1969. Bryozoa, pollen, and macrospores from the subsurface uppermost Deyonian rocks in eastern Cyrenaica (Libya). Proc Third Afr Micropal Colloqium (1968) Cairo 3: 25-35. (PDF File)

Annoscia, E. 1969. The bryofauna of mesomiocenic al Jaghbub formation in eastern Cyrenaica (Lybia). Proc Third Afr Micropal Colloqium (1968) Cairo 3: 37-94. (PDF File)

Anstey, R. L. & Perry, T. G., 1969. Redescription of cotypes of Peronopora vera Ulrich, a Cincinnatian (Late Ordovician) ectoproct species. Journal of Paleontology 43: 245-251. (PDF File)

Balakin, G. V., 1969. New Lower Carboniferous fenestellids from northeastern Uzbekistan [In Russian]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1969 (4): 53-57. (Translated in: Paleont. J. 3 1969 [1970]: 496-500.) (PDF File)

Banta, W. C., 1969. The body wall of cheilostome Bryozoa, II. Interzoidal communication organs. Journal of morphology 129: 149-170. (PDF File)

Banta, W. C., 1969. The recent introduction of Watersipora arcuata Banta (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) as a fouling pest in southern California. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science 68: 248-251. (PDF File)

Banta, W. C., 1969. Watersipora arcuata, a new species in the subovoidea - cucullata - nigra complex (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata). Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science 68: 96-102. (PDF File)

Banta, W. C., 1969. Uscia mexicana, new genus, new species, a watersiporid bryozoan with dimorphic autozoids. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science 68: 30-35. (PDF File)

Bignot, G. & Ebrahimzadeh-Assadian, K., 1969. La craie a Marsupites testudinarius du Cap d'Ailly. (Pres de Dieppe, Seine-maritime). Bull. Soc. geol. Normandie 59: 4-15. (PDF File)

Boardman, R. S. & Cheetham, A. H., 1969. Skeletal growth, intracolony variation, and evolution in Bryozoa: a review. Journal of Paleontology 43: 205-233. (PDF File)

Boardman, R S, Cheetham, A H & Cook, P L, 1969. Intracolony variation and the genus concept in Bryozoa. Proceedings of the North American Paleontological Convention, Part C, 294-320. (PDF File)

Borset, E., 1969. Two new Norwegian records of the freshwater bryozoan [sic] Plumatella fugosa (Pall.) [In Norwegian summary]. Fauna, Oslo 22: 221-222. (PDF File)

Braga, G & Ghiurca, V, 1969. Considerazioni sui rapporti esistenti fra le marne a Briozoi dell'Eocene superiore del Veneto (Italia Nord Orientale) e della Transilvania (Romania). Atti e Memorie dell'Accademia Patavina di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 82: 151-161. (PDF File)

Buge, Emile, 1969. Un remarkable zoarium de bryozoaire chéilostome de l'Helvétien de Touraine. Annales de Paléontologie 55: 163-170. (PDF File)

Bullivant, J. S., 1969. Bathhouse Beach assemblage. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science 68: 86-95. (Reprinted in: Coll. Repr. N.Z. oceanogr. Inst. 1970) (PDF File)

Bullivant, J. S., 1969. Bryozoa. Antarctic Map fo. Ser. (NZ) 11: 22-23. (PDF File)

Campbell, K.S.W. & McKellar, R.G., 1969,. Eastern Australian Carboniferous Invertebrates: Sequence and Affinities. In: Stratigraphy and Palaeontology: Essays in honour of Dorothy Hill, (Ed, Campbell, K.S.W.): 77-119. (Australian National University Press, Canberra) (PDF File)

Caulet, J P, 1969. Contribution á l'analyse des sédiments organogènes du précontinent algérien. Variations régionales de composition des accumulations de Lamellibranches et Bryozoaires. Bull. Mus. natn. Hist. nat., Paris, 2e sér., 41(3): 801-816. (PDF File)

Cheetham, A. H., Rucker, J. B. & Carver, R. E., 1969. Wall structure and mineralogy of the cheilostome bryozoan Metrarabdotos. Journal of Paleontology 43: 129-135. (PDF File)

Clausade, M., 1969. Peuplement animal sessile des petits substrats solides récoltés dans trois biocoenoses des fonds détritiques des parages de Marseille. Tethys 1: 719-750. (PDF File)

Cuffey, R.J., 1969. Bryozoa versus Ectoprocta-the necessity for precision. Systematic Zoology 18: 250-251. (PDF File)

Deflandre, G & Chennaux, G., 1969. Sur la position systématique du genre Salpingocryptum Defl. et Chen., à propos de la découverte d'une èspece nouvelle de Corynotrypa (Bryozoaire) dans le Dévonien moyen de l'Ahnet, Sahara. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Academie des sciences 268D: 1482-1484. (PDF File)

Dunmore, J., 1969. French Explorers in the Pacific. II. The Nineteenth Century Vol. Oxford University Press, Oxford. (PDF File)

Duncan, H., 1969. Bryozoans. Memoirs of the Geological Society of America 114: 345-433. (PDF File)

Eggleston, D., 1969. Marine fauna of the Isle of Man: revised lists of Phylum Entoprocta (=Kamptozoa) and Phylum Ectoprocta (=Bryozoa). Reports of the marine biological station, Port Erin 81: 57-80. (PDF File)

Fleming, P. J. G., 1969. Fossils from the Neerkol Formation in Central Queensland. In: Campbell, K.S.W. (editor) Stratigraphy and Palaeontology: Essays in honour of Dorothy Hill: 264-275. Australian National University Press, Canberra. (PDF File)

Campbell, K.S.W. & McKellar, R.G., 1969. Eastern Australian Carboniferous Invertebrates: Sequence and Affinities. In: Campbell, K.S.W. (editor) Stratigraphy and Palaeontology: Essays in honour of Dorothy Hill: 77-119. Australian National University Press, Canberra. (PDF File)

Franzén, Å. 1969. Phylogenetic aspects of the morphology of spermatozoa and spermiogenesis. ,. In: Baccetti, B. (editor) Comparative sperrnatology. Proceedings of the International Symposium, held in Rome and Siena, 1-5 July 1969.: 29-46. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Academic Press,, Rome. New York & London. (PDF File)

Greeley, R., 1969. Basally 'uncalcified' zoaria of lunulitiform Bryozoa. Journal of Paleontology 43: 252-256. (PDF File)

Harmelin, J.-G., 1969. Bryozoaires des grottes sous-marines obscures de la région marseillaise. Faunistique et écologie. Tethys 1: 793-806. (PDF File)

Harmelin, J.-G., 1969. Bryozoaires récoltés au cours de la campagne du Jean Charcot en Méditerranée Orientale (août-septembre 1967). Dragages. Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle 41: 295-311. (PDF File)

Jebram, D, 1969. Bryozoen als Holzschädlinge im Brackwasser. Kieler Meeresforsch., 25(1): 224-231. (PDF File)

Karklins, O. L., 1969. The cryptostome Bryozoa from the Middle Ordovician Decorah Shale, Minnesota. Minnesota geological survey special publication no. 6: 1-121. (PDF File)

Keij, A. J., 1969. Encicellaria, a new cheilostomatous bryozoan genus from the Maastrichtian of Maastricht, Netherlands. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen Series B 72 (3): 211-217. (PDF File)

Keij, A. J., 1969. Dicasignetella, a bryozoan-like problematicum from the Bartonian of Belgium. Revue de Micropaleontologie 12 (1): 21-24. (PDF File)

Keij, A. J., 1969. Bicornifera lindenbergi n. sp. from the Upper Oligocene of Escorbeou, S. W. France. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte 1969: 241-246. (PDF File)

Kiseleva, A. V., 1969. New bryozoans of the Family Girtyporidae from the Upper Permian of the southern Maritime Territory [in Russian]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1969 (1): 90-94. (Translated in Paleontological Journal 3: 79-84) (PDF File)

Labracherie, Monique, 1969. Nouveaux bryozoaires de la famille des Farciminariidae du Tertiaire aquitain. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, (7) 11: 630-637. (PDF File)

Lagaaij, R, 1969. Paleocene Bryozoa from a boring in Surinam. Geologie en Mijnbouw, 48(2): 165-175. (PDF File)

Larwood, G. P., 1969. Frontal calcification and its function in some Cretaceous and Recent cribrimorph and other cheilostome Bryozoa. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology 18: 171-192. (PDF File)

Lutaud, G, 1969. La nature des corps funiculaires des cellulariines, Bryozoaires Chilostomes. Arch. Zool. Exp. & Gén., 110(1): 5-29. (PDF File)

Lutaud, G., 1969. Le "plexus" pariétal de Hiller et la coloration du système nerveux par le bleu de méthylène chez quelques Bryozoaires Chilostomes. Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie 99: 302-314. (PDF File)

McKinney, F. K., 1969. Bibliography and List (1900-1965) of the Families Constellariidae and Dianulitidae (Ectoprocta, Order Cystoporata). Southeastern Geology 10 (3): 175-184. (PDF File)

McKinney, F. K., 1969. Organic structures in a Late Mississippian trepostomatous ectoproct (bryozoan). Journal of Paleontology 43: 285-288. (PDF File)

Menon, N R & Nair, N B, 1969. Rediscovery of Bugulella clavata Hincks, 1887 (Ectoprocta). Curr. Sci., 38(5): 116. (PDF File)

Mongereau, Noél, 1969. Le genre Idmonea Lamouroux 1821 (Bryozoa, Cyclostomata) dans le Tertiaire d'Europe. Geobios 2: 205-264. (PDF File)

Moyano G., H. I., 1969. Bryozoa colectados por la Expedicion Antartica Chilena 1964-65. III. Family Cellariidae Hincks, 1880. Boletin de la Sociedad de biologia de Concepción 41: 41-77. (PDF File)</a></p>

Mortelmans, G., 1969. L'etage Tournaisien dans sa localite-type. Compte r. Congr. Strat. Geol. Carbon. 6 (1): 19-43. (PDF File)

Okland, J., 1969. Plumatella fungosa (Pallas) new to Norway, and remarks on regional studies of the freshwater Bryozoa. Fauna, Oslo 22: 215-221,. (PDF File)

Owen, D. E., 1969. Wenlockian Bryozoa from Dudley, Niagara, and Gotland and their palaeogeographic implications. Palaeontology 12: 621-636. (PDF File)

Owen, D. E., 1969. Lower Carboniferous Polyzoa from Scotland. Geological Journal 6: 257-266. (PDF File)

Pinter, P.A., 1969. Bryozoan-algal association in southern California waters. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science, 69 (4), 199-217 (PDF File)

Pitt, L. J. & Thomas, H. D., 1969. The Polyzoa of some British Jurassic clays. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) (Geology) 18: 31-38. (Pl. 1-4) (PDF File)

Powell, N. A., 1969. Indo-Pacific Bryozoa new to the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology 18: 157-168. (PDF File)

Powell, N. A., 1969. A check-list of Indo-Pacific Bryozoa in the Red Sea. Israel Journal of Zoology 18: 357-362. (PDF File)

Powell, N. A., 1969. The occurrence of Melicerita angustiloba Tenison-Woods (Bryozoa - Cellariidae) in New Zealand offshore waters. Trans roy soc NZ (biol sci) 11: 201-204. (PDF File)

Reguant, S., 1969. Algunos briozos del Cuaternario del delta del rio Llobregat (Barcelona). Acta geol. hispan. 4: 38-43. (PDF File)

Ross, J. P., 1969. Champlainian (Ordovician) Ectoprocta (Bryozoa), New York State, Part II. Journal of Paleontology 43: 35-49. (PDF File)

Rucker, J. B. & Carver, R. E., 1969. A survey of the carbonate mineralogy of the cheilostome Bryozoa. Journal of Paleontology 43: 791-799. (PDF File)

Ryland, J. S., 1969. A nomenclatural index to 'A history of the British Marine Polyzoa' by T.Hincks (1880). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology 17: 207-260. (PDF File)

Schopf, T. J. M., 1969. Paleoecology of ectoprocts (bryozoans). Journal of Paleontology 43: 234-244. (PDF File)

Schopf, T J M, 1969. Geographic and depth distribution of the Phylum Ectoprocta from 200 to 6,000 meters. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 113(6): 464-474. (PDF File)

Silén, L., 1969. Ur den fatsittande faunans liv: studier over bryozoen Electra crustulenta. Zool. Revy 31: 29-32. (PDF File)

Simma-Krieg, B., 1969. On the variation and special reproduction habits of Aetea sica (Couch). Cahiers de Biologie Marine 10: 129-137. (PDF File)

Soule, J. D. & Soule, D. F., 1969. Systematics and biogeography of burrowing bryozoans. American Zoologist 9: 791-802. (PDF File)

Soule, J D & Soule, D F, 1969. Three new species of burrowing bryozoans (Ectoprocta) from the Hawaiian Islands. Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences, 78: 1-9. (PDF File)

Ström, R, 1969. Sexual reproduction in a stoloniferous bryozoan, Triticella koreni (G. O. Sars). Zoologiska Bidrag från Uppsala, 38: 113-128. (PDF File)

Szczechura, J., 1969. Problematic microfossils from the Upper Eocene of Poland. Revista Española de Micropaleontología 1 (1): 81-94. (PDF File)

Tavener-Smith, R., 1969. Wall structure and acanthopores in the bryozoan Leioclema asperum. Lethaia 4: 89-97. (PDF File)

Tavener-Smith, R., 1969. Skeletal structure and growth in the Fenestellidae (Bryozoa). Palaeontology 12: 281-309. (PDF File)

Utgaard, J., 1969. A revision of North American genera of ceramoporoid bryozoans (Ectoprocta): Part III: the ceramoporoid genera Ceramopora, Papillalunaria, Favositella, and Haplotrypa. Journal of Paleontology 43: 289-297. (PDF File)

Viganò, Antonio, 1969. Colonizzazione sperimentale di acque umbre con statoblasti di briozoi. Boll. Zool. 36: 358-359. (PDF File)

Volkova, K. N., 1969. Evolution of the Devonian bryozoan genus Lioclema (On material from the south of Western Siberia) [in Russian]. Trudy inst Geol Geofiz sib Otd 68: 40-55. (PDF File)

Walter, B., 1969. Les Bryozoaires jurassiques en France. Étude systématique. Rapports avec la stratigraphie et la paléoécologie. Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon 35: 1-328. (PDF File)

Wass, R. E., 1969. Australian Permian polyzoan faunas: distribution and implications. In: Campbell, K.S.W. (editor) Stratigraphy and Palaeontology: Essays in honour of Dorothy Hill: 236-245. Australian National University Press, Canberra. (PDF File)

Wass, Robin E. & Byrnes, J. G., 1969. A new genus of Polyzoa (Cryptostomata) from the Devonian of New South Wales, Australia. Geological Magazine 106: 159-165. (PDF File)

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Document edited 22/11/2018
Edited by Phil Bock
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