Bryozoan Digital Library - 1960

1959 1961

Androsova, E. I., 1960. [in Russian] Nektorie dannie pro fauna Machanck (Bryozoa) sheltogo Morya. Sovmest Kitaisk-Sovyet Mor Biol Eksped, Trudui 3: 41-70. (in Weisbord 1967) (PDF File)

Astrova, G. G., 1960. Silurian fistuliporids from the northern regions of the RSFSR [in Russian]. Tr Akad Nauk SSSR Kom Fil Syktyvkar Inst Geol 1: 352-376. (Silurijskie Fistuliporidy iz sever-nykh rajonov RSFSR) (PDF File)

Astrova, G. G., 1960. Remarks on the M. K. Elias and G. E. Condra's book "Fenestella from the Permian of West Texas." Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1960 (3): 141-146. (PDF File)

Astrova, G. G., Pheophanova, Y. M., Modzalevskaya, E. A., Morozova, I. P., Schulga-Nesterenko, M. I., Nekhoroshev, V. P. & Shishova, N. A., 1960. Osnovy paleontologii. Vol. 7. Bryozoa [in Russian]. Izdatel'stvo Akad. Nauk SSSR 7: 1-112. (English translation in 1972) (PDF File)

Balavoine, P., 1960. Bryozoaires du Lutètien de Bois-Gouët (Loire-Atlantique). Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France (7) 1: 245-251. (PDF File)

Baranova, G. I., 1960. Novye rannepermskie rabdomesida pravoberezheya reki pechory [New Early Permian Rhabdomesida from the right bank of the river Petchora]. New species of fossil plants and invertebrates of the USSR, 1: 283-285. (VSEGEI, Moscow; Markowskii B.P., ed. ) (PDF File)

Baranova, G. I., 1960. Some Early Permian Bryozoa of the Pechora River Basin (Некоторые Р Аннепермские Мшанки Бассейна Р. Печоры) [in Russian]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1960 (1): 62-72. (PDF File)

Barbosa, M. M., 1960. Duas novas olorrências do briozoàrios fósseis no Brasil. Arq. Acad. bras. Cienc. 31 (4): XLIX. (PDF File)

Belloc, G., 1960. Catalogue des types de Bryozoaires du Musée océanographique de Monaco. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique, Monaco No. 1177: 1-16. (PDF File)

Boardman, R. S., 1960. Trepostomatous Bryozoa of the Hamilton Group of New York State. U.S. geological survey, professional paper 340: 1-87. (PDF File)

Boardman, R. S., 1960. A revision of the Ordovician bryozoan genera Batostoma, Anaphragma and Amplexopora. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections 140: 1-28. (PDF File)

Bobin, G. & Prenant, M., 1960. Electra verticillata (Ellis et Solander 1786) Lamouroux 1816, (Bryozoaire Chilostome). Cahiers de Biologie Marine 1: 121-156. (PDF File)

Bock, K. J., 1960. Biologische Untersuchungen, ins besondere Ciliatenfauna, in der durch Abwässer belasteten Schlei (westliche Ostsee). Kiel. Meeresforsch. 16: 57-68. (Polyzoa pp. 60-61) (PDF File)

Bolton, T. E., 1960. Catalogue of type invertebrate fossils of the Geological Survey of Canada pp.1-215. Ottawa. (PDF File)

Brien, P., 1960. Le bourgeonnement et la phylogenèse des Endoproctes et des Ectoproctes. Réflexions sur les processus de l'Évolution animale. Bulletin de l'Academie Royale de Belgique. Classes des Sciences (5) 46 (9): 748-766. (PDF File)

Brien, P., 1960. Classe des Bryozoaires. In: Grassé, P.-P. (editor) Traité de Zoologie: Anatomie, Systématique, Biologie. Tome 5 Fasc. 2: 1053bis-1335, figs. 1876-1223. (Masson et Cie, Paris. (PDF File)

Buge, E., 1960. Bryozoaires fossiles. In: Grassé, P.-P. (editor) Traité de Zoologie: Anatomie, Systématique, Biologie. Tome 5 Fasc. 2: 1336-1379 figs. 1224-1269. (Masson et Cie, Paris. (PDF File)

Burckle, L. H., 1960. Some Mississippian fenestrate Bryozoa from Central Utah. Journal of Paleontology 34: 1077-1098. (PDF File)

Cheetham, A. H., 1960. Rimosocella, new genus of cheilostome Bryozoa. Micropaleontology 6: 287-289. (PDF File)

Cheetham, A H, 1960. Time, migration, and continental drift. Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 44(2): 244-251. (PDF File)

Crisp, D.J. & Williams, G.B., 1960. Effect of extracts from fucoids in promoting settlement of epiphytic Polyzoa. Nature 188: 1206-1207. (PDF File)

Dony, Yinmao & Wang, Fuzhen, 1960. Studies on the Marine Bryozoa of Zhejiang. I. Zoologica Sinica 12 (2): 191-200. (PDF File)

Ducasse, J. & Vigneaux, M., 1960. Dimorphomicropora: nouveau genre de Bryozoaire cheilostome du Maestrichtien du bassin aquitain. Compte Rendu Societe Géologique de France 6: 155-157. (PDF File)

Dunaeva, N. N., 1960. Novuie mshanki rods Rhombotrypella iz Verkhnegho Karbona Donetzkogho Basseina. [New Bryozoa species -of the genus Rhombotrypella from the Upper Carboniferous of the Donetz basin.]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1960 (2): 44-51. (PDF File)

Elias, M. K. & Condra, G. E., 1960. Proposed use of the plenary powers to designate a type species for the genus Fenestella Lonsdale, 1839 (Class Bryozoa) in harmony with accustomed usage. Bulletin of zoological Nomenclature 17: 294-300. (PDF File)

Franzén, Å. 1960. Monobryozoon limicola n.sp., a ctenostomatous Bryozoan from the detritus layer on soft sediment. Zoologiska Bidrag från Uppsala 33: 135-148. (PDF File)

Furon, R. & Balavoine, P., 1960. Les Bryozoaires aquitaniens de Qoum (Iran). Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France (7) 1 3: 294-303. (PDF File)

Hastings, A. B., 1960. Proposal to place the generic name Neoeuthyris Bretnall, 1921 (Phylum Polyzoa) on the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology, Z.N. (S.) 1314. Bulletin of zoological Nomenclature 17 (6-8): 244-245. (PDF File)

Kataoka, J., 1960. Bryozoa from Mogami-Tai, Japan Sea. Science Reports Tôhoku Univ 4: 393-399. (PDF File)

Kawahara, T., 1960. Analysis of ecological phenomena in the community of sessile organisms. (1) Extinction of Bugula neritina Linné and Styela plicata (Lesueur) from the community. Rep. Fac. Fish. Univ. Me 3 (3): 565-572. (PDF File)

Kawahara, T., 1960. Analysis of ecological phenomena in the community of sessile organisms. (2) Growth, maturation and propagation in Bugula neritina Linné. Rep. Fac. Fish. Univ. Me 3 (3): 573-681. (PDF File)

Long, E R & Rucker, J B, 1960. A comparative study of cheilostome Bryozoa at Yokosuka, Maizuru, and Sasebo, Japan. Pacific Science, 23: 56-69. (PDF File)

Lynch, W.F., 1960. Problems of the mechanism involved in the metamorphosis of Bugula and Amaroecium larvae. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 67: 522-631. (PDF File)

McCammon, 1960. Fauna of the Manitoba Group in Manitoba. Manitoba Dept Mines Nat. Res. Mines Branch Publ. 59-6: 1-109. (PDF File)

Mañé-Garzón, Fernando, 1960. Una nueva especie del género Hislopia (Bryozoa Ectoprocta) del Uruguay. Actas y trabajos del Primer Congreso Sudamericano de Zoología, 2 (3): 213-216. (PDF File)

Männil, R. M., 1960. The stratigraphical distribution and importance of the Bryozoa in the Ordovician of Estonia [in Russian??]. Geol Märkmed 1: 5-14. (PDF File)

Modzalevskaya, Y. A., 1960. Novyaya rannedevonskaya fistulipora vostochnogo Zabaikalya [New early Devonian Fistulipora from the Eastern Zabaikalye]. Novye vidy drevnikh rastenii I zhivotnykh [New species of fossil plants and invertebrates of the USSR], 1: 257-258. (VSEGEI, Moscow; Markowskii B.P., ed. ) (PDF File)

Modzalevskaya, Y. A., 1960. Novye devonskie trepostomaty vostochnogo Zabaikalya [New trepostomata from the Eastern Zabaikalye] [in Russian]. Novye vidy drevnikh rastenii I zhivotnykh [New species of fossil plants and invertebrates of the USSR], 1: 260-263. (VSEGEI, Moscow; Markowskii B.P., ed. ) (PDF File)

Nekhoroshev, V. P., 1960. Nekotorye vidy paleozoiskikh kriptostomat SSSR [Some species of Cryptostomata of USSR] [in Russian]. Novye vidy drevnikh rastenii I zhivotnykh [New species of fossil plants and invertebrates of the USSR], 1: 283-288. (VSEGEI, Moscow; Markowskii B.P., ed. ) (PDF File)

Numakunai, T, 1960. An observation on the budding of the stolon of a bryozoan, Bugula neritina Linné. Bulletin of the Marine Biological Station of Asamushi, 10(2): 99-101. (PDF File)

Owen, D. E., 1960. Upper Silurian Bryozoa from central Wales. Palaeontology 3: 69-70. (PDF File)

Perry, T. G. & Hattin, D. E., 1960. Osgood (Niagaran) bryozoans from the type area. Journal of Paleontology 34: 695-710. (PDF File)

Reguant, S., 1960. Nota sobre dos Briozoos del Mioceno de la provincia de Tarragona. Notes Inst. geol. Esp. 57: 127-134. (PDF File)

Rogick, M. D., 1960. Studies on marine Bryozoa, XIII. Two new genera and new species from Antarctica. Biological Bulletin, Woods Hole 119: 479-493. (PDF File)

Ross, June R. P., 1960. Restudy of types of seven Ordovician bifoliate Bryozoa. Palaeontology, 3 (1): 1-25. (PDF File)

Ross, J. P., 1960. Type species of Ptilodictya-Ptilodictya lanceolata (Goldfuss). Journal of Paleontology 34 (3): 440-446. (PDF File)

Ross, J. P., 1960. Re-evaluation of the type species of Arthropora Ulrich. Journal of Paleontology 34 (5): 859-861. (PDF File)

Ross, J. P., 1960. Larger cryptostome Bryozoa of the Ordovician and Silurian, Anticosti Island, Canada. Part 1. Journal of Paleontology 34 (6): 1057-1076. (PDF File)

Ryland, J. S., 1960. Experiments on the influence of light on the behaviour of polyzoan larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology 37: 783-800. (PDF File)

Ryland, John S., 1960. The British species of Bugula (Polyzoa). Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 134 (1): 65-105. (PDF File)

Sakagami, S., 1960. Hayasakapora, a new Permian bryozoan genus from Iwaizaki, Miyagi prefecture, Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New Series 39: 321-323. (PDF File)

Sakagami, S., 1960. Nipponostenopora, a new Carboniferous bryozoan genus from Fukuji, Hida massif, Japan. Recent Progress of Natural Sciences in Japan = Nihon Shizen Kagaku Shuho 31 (1): 9-11. (PDF File)

Sarycheva, T. G., 1960. Osnovy paleontologii. Vol. 7. Bryozoa and Brachiopoda [in Russian]. Izdatel'stvo Akad. Nauk SSSR 7: 1-112. (English translation by Indian National Scientific Documentation C...) (PDF File)

Schulga-Nesterenko, M. I., 1960. General characters of the the Bryozoa of the Upper Ordovician of the Altai Mountains [in Russian]. Trudy Sibiriskii nauchno-issledovatel. Institut geologii, geofisiki i mineralnogo surv? ...SSSR 8: 84-85. (Same reference with Yaroshinskaya as author?) (PDF File)

Schulga-Nesterenko, M. I., 1960. Bryozoa [in Russian]. Trudy Sibiriskii nauchno-issledovatel. Institut geologii, geofisiki i mineralnogo surv? ...SSSR 19: 362,393-400. (Same reference as Yaroshinskaya below?) (PDF File)

Schulga-Nesterenko, M. I., 1960. Development of the Carboniferous Bryozoans of the Russian Platform. Sbornik Trudov po Geologii i Paleontologii: 255-271. (Collection of papers on Geology and Palaeontology, Syktyvkar; Komi Filial Akad. Nauk SSSR) (PDF File)

Shishova, N. A., 1960. Novuie Permskie mshanki Zapadnogho Zabaikal'ya. [New Permian Bryozoa of the Western Transbaikal.]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1960 (1): 73-83. (PDF File)

Soule, J D, 1960. The distribution and affinities of the littoral marine Bryozoa (Ectoprocta). Systematic Zoology, 9(3/4): 100-104. (PDF File)

Thomas, H. D. & Larwood, G. P., 1960. The Cretaceous species of Pyripora d'Orbigny and Rhammatopora Lang. Palaeontology 3: 370-386. (PDF File)

Troizkaya, T. D., 1960. Novyi famenskii predstavitel heterotriypid iz Tarabagataya [New representative of Heterotrypidae from the Tarbagatai]. [in Russian]. Novye vidy drevnikh rastenii I zhivotnykh [New species of fossil plants and animals], 1: 258-260. (VSEGEI, Moscow; Markowskii B.P., ed. ) (PDF File)

Utgaard, J. & Perry, T. G., 1960. Fenestrate bryozoans from the Glen Dean Limestone (Middle Chester) of southern Indiana. Bulletin of the geological society of America 70: 1-32. (PDF File)

Voigt, E., 1960. Bryozoen und andere benthonische Kleinfossilien aus dem Liechtensteiner Kreideflysch. Abh dtsch Akad Wiss Kl Bergbau, Hüttenwesen u Montangeol 1: 225-234. (PDF File)

Voigt, E., 1960. Sur les différents stades de l'astogénèse de certains Bryozoaires cheilostomes. Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France (7) 1: 697-704. (PDF File)

Voigt, E., 1960. Zur Frage der stratigraphischen Selbständigkeit der Danienstufe. Rep Int Geol Conf Copenhagen 21: 199-209. (PDF File)

Wiesemann, Gerd, 1960. Polyester-Steinkerne der Gattung Beisselina Canu 1913 (Bryoz. foss.). Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen Staatsinstitut in Hamburg 29: 101-103. (PDF File)

Yaroshinskaya, A. M., 1960. General characters of the Bryozoa of the Upper Ordovician of the Altai Mountains [in Russian]. Trudy Sibirskogo nauchno-isledovatelskogo instituta geologii, geofiziki i mineralnogo syrya (SNIIGGIMS) 8: 84-85. (Same reference as Schulga-Nesterenko above?) (PDF File)

Yaroshinskaya, A. M., 1960. Paleontological characteristic of the Ordovician of Sayano-Altai region. Bryozoa [in Russian]. Trudy Sibirskogo nauchno-isledovatelskogo instituta geologii, geofiziki i mineralnogo syrya (SNIIGGIMS) 19: 362, 293-400. (3 pls., Same reference with Schulga-Nesterenko as author?) (PDF File)

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Document edited 27/9/2020
Edited by Phil Bock
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