Bryozoan Digital Library - 1932

1931 1933

Abrikosov, G. G., 1932. Zur Fauna der Bryozoen des Laptev-Meeres (in Russian). Issledovanyiya morey SSSR 15: 141-146. (PDF File)

Atkins, D., 1932. The ciliary feeding mechanism of the entoproct Polyzoa, and a comparison with that of the ectoproct Polyzoa. Quarterly journal of microscopical science 75: 393-423. (PDF File)

Bassler, R. S., 1932. The Stratigraphy of the Central Basin of Tennessee. Bull. Tenn. Geol. Survey Nashville, 38: 1-268. (PDF File)

Canu, F. & Caillot, F, 1932. Les Adéones d'Ézanville (Seine-et-Oise). Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. méd. Seine-et-Oise (2) 13: 3-14. (PDF File)

Dartevelle, E, 1932. Contribution a l'Étude des Bryozoaires fossiles de l'Éocène de la Belgique. Annales de la Société Royale Zoologique de Belgique, 63: 55-116. (PDF File)

Deiss, Charles F., 1932. A description and stratigraphic correlation of the Fenestellidae from the Devonian of Michigan. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 3 (13): 233-275. (PDF File)

Fritz, M. A., 1932. Permian Bryozoa from Vancouver Island. Trans R soc Can 26: 93-110. (PDF File)

Hasenbank, W., 1932. Bryozoen der deutschen Tiefsee-expedition. 1 Teil. Wiss ergegbn deutsch Tiefsee-Exped 21: 319-380. (PDF File)

Hastings, A. B., 1932. The Polyzoa, with a note on an associated hydroid. Scientific Reports of the Great Barrier Reef Expedition 12: 399-458. (PDF File)

Nekhoroshev, V. P., 1932. Die Bryozoen des deutschen Unterkarbons. Abh preuss geol LdAnst Neue Folge, Heft 141: 1-74. (PDF File)

Nekhoroshev, V. P., 1932. Microscopic method of study of Palaeozoic bryozoans of the Family Fenestellidae [in Russian]. Izv Vses geol razv obed Uprav 51 (17): 279-303. (Trudy ?) (PDF File)

Nicolauescu, V., 1932. Contributions ä l'etude des Bryozoaires sarmatiens des Bessarabie. Bull. Soc. Geol. Roumanie, I (11). (PDF File)

Osburn, R. C., 1932. Biological and Oceanographic conditions in Hudson Bay. 6. Bryozoa from Hudson Bay and Strait. Contr Canad Biol Fish 7: 363-376. (PDF File)

Osburn, R. C., 1932. Bryozoa from Chesapeake Bay and Strait. Ohio Journal of Science 32: 441-446. (PDF File)

Prantl, F., 1932. Some Bryozoa from the Liten Beds Lα (Gothlandien). Stathiho Geol Ustavu CSI Rept 8: 270-273. (PDF File)

Voigt, E., 1932. Bryozoa (Paläontologie). Handb naturw 2 Auffl Jena 2: 280-286. (PDF File)

Voigt, E., 1932. Die Lithogenese der Flach- und Tiefwassersedimente des jüngeren Oberkreidemeeres. Jahrb Halles Verband Erforsch mitteld Bodenschät 8: 3-162. (PDF File)

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Document edited 27/11/2018
Edited by Phil Bock
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