Bryozoan Digital Library - 1897

1896 1898

Bidenkap, O, 1897. Bryozoen von Ostspitzbergen. Zoologische Jahrbücher - Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere, 10: 609-639. (PDF File)

Canu, F., 1897. Bryozoaires du Cénomanien des Janières (Sarthe). Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France (3) 25 (3): 146-159. (Pl.5) (PDF File)

Canu, F., 1897. Bryozoaires du Cénomanien de St. Calais (Sarthe). Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France (3) 25 (3): 737-754. (pl.22) (PDF File)

Delage, Y & Hérouard, E., 1897. Traité de zoologie concrète. 2e Classe - Bryozoaires.</i> (Reinwald/Schleicher Frères, Paris): 47-155. (PDF File)

Hall, T. S., 1897. On the occurrence of the anchoring tubes of Adeona in the older Tertiaries of Victoria with an account of their structure. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria (new series) 9: 1-4. (pl.1) (PDF File)

Harmer, S. F., 1897. Note on new or rare British marine Polyzoa. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 5 (1): 51-53. (PDF File)

Johnson, J.Y., 1897. New Cyclostomatous Bryozoa found at Madeira. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (6) 20: 60-65. (PDF File)

Neviani, A. & Angelis d'Ossat, G. de, 1897. Corallari e Briozoi neogenici di Sardegna. Bolletino della Società Geologica Italiana 15: 571-598. (Bryozoa, Neviani, 580-596) (PDF File)

Parona, C. F. & Bonarelli, G., 1897. Sur la faune du Callovien inferieur (Chanasien) de Savoie. Memoires academie sciences belles lettres et arts Savoie, Chambery (4) 6: 35-211. (11 pls.) (PDF File)

Simpson, G. B. 1897. A handbook of the genera of the North American Paleozoic Bryozoa. pp. 405-669 Fourteenth Annual Report of the State Geologist of New York for the year 1895. (PDF File)

Waters, A. W., 1897. Notes on Bryozoa from Rapallo and other Mediterranean localities. Journal of the Linnean Society (zoology) London 26: 1-21. (check date) (PDF File)

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Document edited 12/11/2018
Edited by Phil Bock
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