Mesonea radians (Lamarck, 1816)

This specimen of Mesonea radians was collected from Bass Strait, off southeastern Australia. The species has been recorded from a wide area, but detailed comparison of material from different regions has not been done.

[Mesonea radians] [Mesonea radians]
A detailed image of frontal surface of a branch.
[Mesonea radians] [Mesonea radians]
A detailed image of the gonozooid. A detailed image of the basal surface of branch.
[Mesonea radians]
A detailed image of the side of the gonozooid.

A colour photograph by Karen Gowlett-Holmes is available.

Original description: Retepora radians Lamarck, 1816.


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Edited by Phil Bock
Modified on 9th March 2007
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