Phidolopora Gabb & Horn, 1862

Type species: Phidolopora labiata Gabb & Horn, 1862

Image below is of the original genus definition, from Gabb & Horn, 1862.
Prepared by courtesy of Mary Spencer-Jones, Copyright © Natural History Museum, London.

Gabb & Horn genus definition

This genus includes the species:

  1. Phidolopora avicularis
  2. (MacGillivray, 1883) Recent Australia WoRMS 470148
  3. Phidolopora bartrumi
  4. (Brown, 1952) Neogene Miocene Serravallian New Zealand WoRMS 1412886
  5. Phidolopora chakra
  6. Boonzaaier-Davids, Florence & Gibbons, 2020 Recent West Indian Ocean South Africa WoRMS 1450363
  7. Phidolopora elongata
  8. (Smitt, 1866) Recent N. Atlantic WoRMS 111445
  9. Phidolopora elongata watersi
  10. (Guerin-Ganivet, 1911) Recent Northeast Atlantic WoRMS 1035993
  11. Phidolopora labiata
  12. Gabb & Horn, 1862 Pleistocene USA (California) WoRMS 711852
  13. Phidolopora pacifica
  14. (Robertson, 1908) Recent NE Pacific WoRMS 470149
  15. Phidolopora pacifica catalinensis
  16. (Robertson, 1908) Recent Northeast Pacific WoRMS 1035994
  17. Phidolopora pacifica disposita
  18. (Buchner, 1924) Recent west North Pacific WoRMS 472705
  19. Phidolopora pacifica japonica
  20. (Okada, 1920) Recent Northwest Pacific - Japan WoRMS 1035995
  21. Phidolopora pacificoidea
  22. Liu, 2001 Recent W Pacific (China) WoRMS 470152
  23. Phidolopora robusta
  24. Canu & Bassler, 1927 Recent Hawaii WoRMS 470150
  25. Phidolopora trisinuata
  26. Liu, 2001 Recent W Pacific (China) WoRMS 470151

Harmer notebook - entry for Phidolopora

Phidolopora avicularis Phidolopora elongata
Phidolopora avicularis Phidolopora elongata
(Thanks to Matt Dick)

Phidolopora pacifica - at the British Columbia Creature Page.

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Edited by Phil Bock
Modified on 6/12/2015
Modified on 15/6/2020 (Added WoRMS links)
Modified on 27/7/2020 (Added P.chakra)
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