Stephanotheca Reverter-Gil, Souto & Fernández-Pulpeiro, 2012

Type species: Stephanotheca barrosoi Reverter-Gil, Souto & Fernández-Pulpeiro, 2012

This genus includes the species:

  1. Stephanotheca ambita
  2. (Waters, 1889) Recent E. Australia WoRMS 599858
  3. Stephanotheca ambita granulata ?
  4. (Canu & Bassler, 1929) Recent Philippines WoRMS 1044655
  5. Stephanotheca ambita granulosa ?
  6. (Canu & Bassler, 1929) Recent Sea of Japan WoRMS 1044656
  7. Stephanotheca arrogata
  8. (Waters, 1879) Recent Europe WoRMS 599859
  9. Stephanotheca bahloo
  10. Cumming & Sebastian, 2018 Recent Australia GBR WoRMS 1304502
  11. Stephanotheca barrosoi
  12. Reverter-Gil, Souto & Fernández-Pulpeiro, 2012 Recent Mediterranean WoRMS 599853
  13. Stephanotheca fayalensis
  14. (Calvet, 1903) Recent East Atlantic WoRMS 862809
  15. Stephanotheca fenestricella
  16. Dick & Grischenko, 2016 Recent Japan Okinawa WoRMS 23913
  17. Stephanotheca ipsum
  18. Cumming, 2015 Recent Gulf of Carpentaria WoRMS 844432
  19. Stephanotheca kutyeri
  20. Cumming & Sebastian, 2018 Recent Australia GBR WoRMS 1304503
  21. Stephanotheca monoecensis
  22. (Calvet, 1927) Recent Mediterranean WoRMS 599860
  23. Stephanotheca ochracea
  24. (Hincks, 1862) Recent Northeast Atlantic WoRMS 599861
  25. Stephanotheca perforata
  26. Reverter-Gil, Souto & Fernández-Pulpeiro, 2012 Recent Mediterranean WoRMS 599854
  27. Stephanotheca romajoyae
  28. Cumming, 2015 Recent Gulf of Carpentaria WoRMS 844433
  29. Stephanotheca triangulata
  30. Reverter-Gil, Souto & Fernández-Pulpeiro, 2012 Recent Mediterranean WoRMS 599855
  31. Stephanotheca victoriensis
  32. Reverter-Gil, Souto & Fernández-Pulpeiro, 2012 Recent Australia Victoria WoRMS 599856
  33. Stephanotheca watersi
  34. Reverter-Gil, Souto & Fernández-Pulpeiro, 2012 Recent Mediterranean WoRMS 599857

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Edited by Phil Bock
Modified on 3/1/2017
Modified on 19/11/2017
Modified on 15/10/2018 (Added S. bahloo, S. kutyeri)
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