Hippoporidra edax (Busk, 1859)

Hippoporidra edax with pagurid (hermit crab), Recent, USA.

Hippoporella edax Hippoporella edax
Hippoporidra edax with pagurid (hermit crab), Recent, USA Fossil from Pliocene of the Netherlands (Bishop, 1989)
Hippoporella edax
Fossil from North Carolina (Di Martino et al, 2017)

Original description: Cellepora edax Busk, 1859.
Locality: Pliocene, England
Type Specimen

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Edited by Phil Bock
Modified on 19/9/2021
This URL is http://bryozoa.net/cheilostomata/hippoporidridae/hippoporidra_edax.html