Exochella Jullien, 1888

Type species: Mucronella tricuspis Hincks, 1881

This genus includes the species:

Exochella abigailae Gordon & Taylor, 2015 Paleogene Eocene Ypresian New Zealand Chatham Islands
Exochella areolata Okada & Mawatari, 1937 Recent Japan
Exochella armata (Hincks, 1882) Recent New Zealand
Exochella avicularis Hayward, 1991 Recent Antarctica, S. Atlantic
Exochella conjuncta Brown, 1952 Recent
New Zealand, Australia
New Zealand
Exochella discors Hayward, 1991 Recent S. Atlantic
Exochella dubia Livingstone, 1929 Recent New Zealand
Exochella eleanorae (Brydone, 1936) Cretaceous Europe
Exochella elegans Hayward, 1991 Recent S. Shetland I.
Exochella frigidula Winston, Vieira & Woollacott, 2014 Recent Southwest Atlantic Brazil
Exochella? gracilis Gordon & Taylor, 1999 Paleocene Chatham I., NZ
Exochella grandis Canu & Bassler, 1935 Tertiary SE Australia
Exochella hymanae (Rogick, 1956) Recent Antarctica
Exochella jellyae Brown, 1952 Tertiary New Zealand
Exochella jullieni Gordon, 1989 Recent New Zealand
Exochella levinseni Gordon, 1989 Recent New Zealand
Exochella? labiosa (Reuss, 1869) Tertiary Europe
Exochella linearis Gordon & Taylor, 2015 Paleogene Eocene Ypresian New Zealand Chatham Islands
Exochella longirostris Jullien, 1888 Recent W. Atlantic
Cape Horn to Gulf of Mexico
Exochella longirostris quadricella Sakakura, 1935 Pleistocene Japan
Exochella lobata Levinsen, 1909 Recent Australia
Exochella marionae Hayward, 1991 Recent Marion I., Prince Edward Is.
Exochella moyanoi Ramalho & Calliari, 2015 Recent West Atlantic Brazil Rio Grande do Sul
Exochella munita (MacGillivray, 1883) Recent Australia
Exochella najdini Voigt, 1962 Cretaceous Russia
Exochella quadrispinosa De Blauwe & Gordon, 2014 Recent Antarctic - Weddell Sea
Exochella reidae Gordon & Taylor, 2015 Paleogene Eocene Ypresian New Zealand Chatham Islands
Exochella rogickae Hayward, 1991 Recent Antarctica
Exochella rossi Hayward, 1991 Recent Antarctica
Exochella septentrionalis Canu & Bassler, 1933 Cretaceous USA
Exochella tricuspis (Hincks, 1881) Recent Australia
Exochella tropica Winston & Woollacott, 2009 Recent West Atlantic - Barbados
Exochella umbonata Hayward, 1991 Recent S. Shetland I.
Exochella woodae Gordon & Taylor, 2015 Paleogene Eocene Ypresian New Zealand Chatham Islands
Exochella tricuspis
Exochella tricuspis

Harmer notebook - entry for Exochella

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Edited by Phil Bock
Modified on 7/05/2015
This URL is http://bryozoa.net/cheilostomata/romancheinidae/exochella.html