Pourtalesella Winston, 2005

Type species: Schizopodrella incrassata Canu & Bassler, 1928

This genus includes the species:

  1. Pourtalesella alipioi
  2. (Marcus, 1955) Recent W Atlantic WoRMS 471800
  3. Pourtalesella carvalhoi
  4. (Marcus, 1937) Recent W Atlantic WoRMS 471801
  5. Pourtalesella chiarae
  6. Di Martino, Taylor & Portell, 2019 Neogene Pliocene Piacenzian USA Florida WoRMS 1406999
  7. Pourtalesella cornuta
  8. (Gabb & Horn, 1862) Recent USA (California) WoRMS 1447184
  9. Pourtalesella duoavicularia
  10. Ramalho & Moraes, 2021 Recent West Atlantic Brazil WoRMS 1497613
  11. Pourtalesella incrassata
  12. (Canu & Bassler, 1928) Recent W Atlantic WoRMS 422396
  13. Pourtalesella rugosa
  14. (Osburn, 1940) Recent W Atlantic WoRMS 422397
[Pourtalesella incrassata]
Pourtalesella incrassata

Winston, Judith E., 2005. Re-description and revision of Smitt's "Floridan Bryozoa" in the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University.
Virginia Museum of Natural History Memoir Number 7: i-x, 1-147. (with an annotated catalogue of specimens collected by L.F. de Pourtalès in Florida and Carolina, housed at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University) (VMNH link expired).

Home Page Systematic Family List Alphabetic Family List Family Page

Edited by Phil Bock
Modified on 1st August 2009
Modified on 12/3/2019 (added M.chiarae)
Modified on 17/6/2020 (Added WoRMS links)
Modified on 11/7/2020 (Moved Torquatella cornuta to Pourtalesella - thanks L.McCann)
Modified on 29/3/2021 (Added P.duoavicularia)
This URL is http://bryozoa.net/cheilostomata/celleporidae/pourtalesella.html