Bryozoan References - 1939

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1938 1940
Allègre, R., 1939.
Quelques Membraniporidés du Crétacé de l'Aurès (Algérie).
Bulletin du Muséum de l'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 2nd series 11: 163-166.
Bassler, R. S., 1939.
The Hederelloidea, a suborder of Paleozoic cyclostomatous Bryozoa.
United States National Museum Proceedings 87: 25-91.
Braem, F., 1939.
Victorella sibogae Harmer.
Zeitschrift Morphol u Oekol d Tiere 36: 267-278.
Chiplonkar, G.W., 1939.
Bryozoa from the Bagh Beds.
Proc. Indian Acad Sci. (B), (B) 10: 98-109.
Duncan, H., 1939.
Trepostomatous Bryozoa from the Traverse Group of Michigan.
Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan 5: 171-270.
Franke, Fritz, 1939.
Die Bryozoen des Unteroligocäns von Magdeburg.
Abh. Ber. Mus. Naturk. Vorgesch. naturwiss. Ver Magdeburg 7 (1): 59 - 67.
Grubbs, D. M., 1939.
Fauna of the Niagaran nodules of the Chicago area.
Journal of Paleontology 13: 543-560.
Hastings, A. B., 1939.
Notes on some cellularine Polyzoa (Bryozoa).
Novitates Zoologicae 41: 321-344.
Hiller, S., 1939.
The so-called "colonial nervous system" in Bryozoa.
Nature 143: 1069-1070.
Marcus, E., 1939.
Bryozoarios marinhos brasileiros III.
Boletim da Faculdade de filosofia, ciências e letras, Universidade di Sao Paolo, Zoologia 3: 113-299.
Neviani, A., 1939.
I Briozoi adriatici del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia.
Mem Real Ist Ven Sci Lett Art 30: 1-131.
Nikiforova, A. I., 1939.
New species of Upper Paleozoic bryozoans of the piedmont belt in Baskkeria.
Trudy Nauchno-issledovatel'skogo Geologo-razvedochnogo Instituta (NIGRI) Vyp.115: 70-101.
Nikiforova, A. I., 1939.
Средний И Верхний Отделы Каменноугольной Системы. Класс Мшалки. Atlas of the guide forms of the fossil faunas of the USSR. Middle and Upper Carboniferous. Bryozoa. 5: 70-79.
O'Donoghue, C. H. & de Watteville, D., 1939.
Bryozoa. Report No. 20. The fishery grounds near Alexandria.
Fouad I Institute of Hydrobiology & Fisheries 34: 1-58.
Orieux, M., 1939.
Etude de quelques Bryozoaires jurassiques.
Annales de Paléontologie 28: 1-24. (pls. 1-4, 8 figs.)
Prantl, F., 1939.
Further note on the Carboniferous Bryozoa from Dobsina (Slovakia).
Mem Soc Sci Boheme 24: 1-5.
Prantl, F., 1939.
Sur les Bryozoaires siluriens de la Montagne Noire.
Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Serie IIA Sciences de la Terre et des Planetes 208: 1415-1416.
Prantl, F., 1939.
Eine neue bryozoenart aus dem Böhmischen Ordovicium.
Bull Internat Acad Tchèque Sci 40: 195. (ann. (Ceska Akad. ved. Umene) 1939)
Rogick, M. D., 1939.
Studies on fresh-water Bryozoa. 8. Larvae of Hyalinella punctata (Hancock) 1850.
Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 58: 199-209.
Schulga-Nesterenko, M. I., 1939.
Permian Bryozoa [in Russian]. In: Atlas of Index Fossil Faunas of the USSR Vol. 6, Permian: 64-76. (Sci. & Geol. Prosp. Inst., Leningrad.
Trizna, V. B., 1939.
New species of Upper Palaeozoic Fenestellidae and Acanthocladiidae from the Bashkirian Urals [in Russian].
Trudy Nauchno-issledovatel'skogo Geologo-razvedochnogo Instituta (NIGRI) 115: 102-144.
Voigt, E., 1939.
Über die Dornenspezialisation bei cheilostomen Bryozoen und die Nichtumkehrbarkeit der Entwicklung.
Paläontologische Zeitschrift 21: 87-107.
1938 1940

Document edited 14/7/2020
Edited by Phil Bock
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