Bryozoan References - 1937

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1936 1938
Becker, G, 1937.
Untersuchungen über den Darm und die Verdauung von Kamptozoen, Bryozoen und Phoroniden.
Zoomorphology, 33(1): 72-127.
Brien, P. & Huysmans, G., 1937.
La croissance et le bourgeonnement du stolon chez les Stolonifera (Bowerbankia Farre).
Annales de la Société royale zoologique de Belgique, 68: 13-40.
Bronstein, G., 1937.
Étude du système nerveux de quelques bryozoaires gymnolemides.
Trav Stn biol Roscoff, 15: 155-174.
Dartevelle, E, 1937.
Bryozoaires du Miocéne de la Grande Canarie.
Annales de la Société Royale Zoologique de Belgique, 67: 105-107. s
Elias, M. K., 1937.
Stratigraphic significance of some late Paleozoic fenestrate bryozoans.
Journal of Paleontology 11: 306-334.
Gillard, P. A., 1937.
Sur la presence du genre Diastopora Lamouroux dans le Lias superieur de Liguge (Vienne).
Compte Rendu Sommaire des Seances de la Societe Geologique de France (5) 7 (16): 251-252.
Marcus, E., 1937.
Bryozoarios marinhos brasileiros I.
Boletim da Faculdade de filosofia, ciências e letras, Universidade di Sao Paolo, Zoologia 1: 5-224.
Marcus, E., 1937.
Bryozoen von St. Helena.
In: Papers from Doktor Th. Mortensen’s Pacific Expedition 1914–16, LXIX. Videskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening I Kjøbenhavn. 101, 193-252.
McNair, A. H., 1937.
Cryptostomatous Bryozoa from the Middle Devonian Traverse Group of Michigan.
Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan 5: 103-170.
Nobre, A., 1937.
Fauna marinha de Portugal. 1º aditamento.
Memórias e Estudos do Museu Zoológico da Universidade de Coimbra, série 1, 99: 1-30.
O'Donoghue, C. H. & de Watteville, D., 1937.
Notes on South African Bryozoa.
Zoologischer Anzeiger 117: 12-22.
Okada, Y. & Mawatari, S., 1937.
On the collection of Bryozoa along the coast of Onagawa Bay and its vicinity, the northern part of Honshu, Japan.
Science Reports Tôhoku Univ 11: 433-445.
Rogick, M. D., 1937.
Studies on fresh-water Bryozoa. 5. Some additions to Canadian fauna.
Ohio Journal of Science 37: 99-104.
Rogick, M. D., 1937.
Studies on fresh-water Bryozoa. 6. The finer anatomy of Lophopodella carteri var. typica.
Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 56: 367-396.
Schulga-Nesterenko, M. I., 1937.
On the new discoveries of Bryozoa in the Paleozoic of the USSR.
Ann Soc Paleont Russ Leningrad 11: 124-127.
Stach, L. W., 1937.
The species of Chiastosella (Bryozoa).
Australian Zoologist 8: 334-340.
Stach, L. W., 1937.
Bryozoa of Lady Julia Percy Island.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 49: 374-384.
Stach, L. W. 1937.
The application of the Bryozoa in Cainozoic stratigraphy. pp. 80-83 Report ANZAAS.
1936 1938

Document edited 21/1/2017
Edited by Phil Bock
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