Bryozoan References - 1856

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1855 1857
Allmann, G. J., 1856.
A monograph of the Freshwater Polyzoa, including all the known species, both British and Foreign Vol. pp.1-119. The Ray Society, London. (17 text-fig., 11 pl.)
Busk, G., 1856.
Polyzoa collected by Mr M'Andrew on the coast of Norway and Finmark in 1856.
Annals and Magazine of Natural History (2)18: 32-36.
Busk, G., 1856.
Quarterly journal of microscopical science 4: 308-312.
Busk, G., 1856.
Quarterly journal of microscopical science 4: 93-96.
Busk, G., 1856.
Quarterly journal of microscopical science 4: 176-179.
Eichwald, E., 1856.
Beitrag zur geographischen Verbreitung der fossil Thiere Russlands.
Bulletin de la Société Impériale des naturalistes de Moscou Geol Band 29: 91-96, 448-466.
Gosse, P. H., 1856.
Marine zoology. 2. Devonshire Coast Vol.
Huxley, Thomas H., 1856.
Note on the reproductive organs of the Cheilostome Polyzoa.
Quarterly journal of microscopical science 4: 191-192.
1855 1857

Document edited 26/04/2016
Edited by Phil Bock
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