Bryozoan References - 1849

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1848 1850
Busk, G., 1849.
Observations on the Shepherd's Purse Coralline of Ellis (Notamia bursaria, Fleming).
Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London 2: 110-121.
Busk, G., 1849.
Observations on the Anguinaria spatulata.
Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London 2: 123-126.
Dana, James D., 1849.
United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, under the command of Charles Wilkes, USN. Geology. (Radiata, p.710-712, Pl. 11). (Geo. P. Putnam, New York).
d'Orbigny, A., 1849.
Description des quelques genres nouveaux de Mollusques bryozoaires.
Revue et Magazine de Zoologie pure et appliquée (2) 1: 499-504.
d'Orbigny, A., 1849.
Prodrome de Paléontologie Stratigraphique Universelle des Animaux Mollusques et Rayonnés faisant suite au Cours élémentaire de paléontologie et géologie stratigraphiques Vol. 1. pp.1-394. Masson, Paris. (or 1850?)
King, William, 1849.
On some families and genera of corals.
Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (2) 3: 388-390.
Lonsdale, W., 1849.
Notes on fossil zoophytes found in the deposits described by Dr Fitton in his memoir entitled "A stratigraphical Account of the Section from Atherfield to Rocken End".
Quarterly journal of the geological society (London) 5: 55-103.
M'Coy, F., 1849.
On some new genera and species of Palaeozoic corals and Foraminifera.
Annals and Magazine of Natural History (2) 3: 130-131.
1848 1850

Document edited 13/6/2022
Edited by Phil Bock
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