Bryozoan References - 1830

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1829 1831
de Blainville, H. M. D., 1830.
Zoophytes. In: Cuvier, G.F. (editor) Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles, dans lequel on trate méthodiquement des differents êtres de la nature ... par plusieur professeurs du Muséum Nationale d'Histoire Naturelle et des autres principales écoles de Paris Vol. 60: 535-546. (F.G.Levrault, Paris.
Bosc, L. A. G., 1830.
Histoire naturelle des Vers Vol. 3. Paris. (2nd ed.)
Entry in Biodiversity Heritage Library
Thompson, J. V., 1830.
On Polyzoa, a new animal discovered as an inhabitant of some Zoophites - with a description of the newly instituted genera of Pedicellaria and Vesicularia, and their Species Vol. Memoir 5. King & Ridings, Cork. (pp.89-102 (treatment?))
1829 1831

Document edited 20th February 2007
Edited by Phil Bock
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