Bryozoan Digital Library - 1975

1974 1976

Abbott, Marie B., 1975. Relationship of temperature to patterns of sexual reproduction in some Recent encrusting Cheilostomata. In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 37-50. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Abbott, M.B., 1975. Bryozoa. In: Culture of Marine Invertebrate Animals : Proceedings -- 1st Conference on Culture of Marine Invertebrate Animals Greenport, (Eds, Smith, Walter L. & Chanley, Matoira H.): 155-176. (Springer, Boston) (PDF File)

Agarwal, N. C., 1975. Discovery of bryozoan fossils in the calcareous horizon of Garwhal Group, Pauri-Garwhal district, U.P. Himalayan Geology 4: 600-618. (PDF File)

Balakin, G. V., 1975. Bryozoa. In: Foraminifery i mshanki nizhnego karbona Chatkal’skich gor [Foraminifers and bryozoans from the Lower Carboniferous of Chatkalsk Mountains], (Eds, Mikhno, N. M. & Balakin, G. V.): 62-125. (Izdatelstvo “Fan”, Tashkent, Uzbekskoy SSR) (PDF File)

Barbosa, M. M., 1975. Considerações sobre o desenvolimento do estudo dos briozoários no Brasil. Anais Acad bras Cienc 46: 377-382. (PDF File)

Blake, Daniel B., 1975. The Order Cryptostomata resurrected. In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 211-223. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Bolli, H.M., 1975. Monografia micropaleontologica sul Paleocene e l'Eocene di Possagno, provincia di Treviso, Italia. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen 97: 1-223. (PDF File)

Boney, A. D., 1975. A filamentous red alga endozoic in a calcareous polyzoan. Nova Hedwigia 26: 477-482. (PDF File)

Braga, G., 1975. I Briozoi dell'Eocene di Possagno. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen 97: 141-148, 217-123. (PDF File)

Brood, Krister, 1975. Cyclostomatous Bryozoa from the Silurian of Gotland. Stockholm Contributions in Geology 28: 45-119. (ZR has 1974; p.1-119) (PDF File)

Buge, E., 1975. Les bryozoaires de Oligocéne du Bassin de Paris et leurs relations avec les faunes de bassins d'oligocéne d'Europe. Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 44: 45-58. (PDF File)

Buge, Emile, 1975. Présence de Lichenopora variabilis (d'Orbigny) (Bryozoa-Cyclostomata) dans le Campanien Supérieur du bassin d'Aquitaine. Bulletin Mus. natn. Hist. nat. Paris (Sci. Terre) 42: 17-23. (PDF File)

Cadée, Gerhard C., 1975. Lunulitiform Bryozoa from the Guyana shelf. Netherlands journal of sea research 9: 320-343. (PDF File)

Cheetham, A. H., 1975. Preliminary report on Early Eocene Cheilostome bryozoans from site 308 - leg 32, deep-sea drilling project. Initial Report of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 32: 835-851. (PDF File)

Cherif, O.H., Bassiouni, M.A. & Ghanima, S.A., 1975. Stratigraphy, palaeontology and climates of the Neogene and Quaternary of the Mersa Matrouh area, north western desert, Egypt. Annals geol. Surv. Egypt 5: 137-147. (PDF File)

Cook, P. L., 1975. The genus Tropidozoum Harmer. In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 161-168. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Cummings, S. G., 1975. Zoid regression in Schizoporella unicornis floridana (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata). Chesapeake Science 16: 93-103. (PDF File)

Dunaeva, N. N. & Morozova, I. P., 1975. Revision of the Suborder Fenestelloidea. In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, : 225-233. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Dzik, Jerzy, 1975. The origin and early phylogeny of the cheilostomatous Bryozoa. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 20 (3): 395-423. (PDF File)

Edmunds, M., 1975. An eolid nudibranch feeding on Bryozoa. Veliger 17 (3): 269-270. (PDF File)

Eggleston, D., 1975. The marine fauna of the Cullercoats district. Ectoprocta. Reports of the Dove marine laboratory, Series 3 18: 1-30. (PDF File)

Engel, B. A., 1975. A new ?bryozoan from the Carboniferous of Eastern Australia. Palaeontology 18: 571-605. (PDF File)

Everitt, B., 1975. Fresh-water Ectoprocta: distribution and ecology of five species in southeastern Louisiana. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 94: 130-134. (PDF File)

Farmer, G.T., Jr, 1975. New bifoliate tubular bryozoan genera from the Simpson Group (Middle Ordovician), Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma. Bulletins of American Paleontology 67 (287): 123-138. (PDF File)

Favorskaya, T. A., 1975. First information on Bryozoa of the Upper Cretaceous of the Amudar region and Central Kyzylkum [in Russian]. Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Geologicheskii 50 (4): 152. (PDF File)

Flor, F. D., 1975. Discotruncatulipora corbis n.g. n.sp. (Bryoz. Cycl.) aus der oberen Kreide. Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 44: 99-110. (PDF File)

Fritz, M. A., 1975. Redescription of type specimens of species of the bryozoan Heterotrypa from the Upper Ordovician rocks of the Credit River Valley, Ontario, Canada. Life Sciences Contribution, Royal Ontario Museum 111: 1-24. (Check ZR has no.101:1-30) (PDF File)

Geraci, S., 1975. Res Ligusticae 179. I Briozoi di Punta Manara (Sestri Levante - Golfo di Genova). Annali Mus. civ. Stor nat. Giacomo Doria 80: 33-57. (PDF File)

Gordon, D. P., 1975. The resemblance of bryozoan gizzard teeth to "annelid-like" setae. Acta Zoologica Stockholm 56: 282-289. (PDF File)

Gordon, D. P., 1975. The occurrence of a gizzard in a bryozoan of the order Cheilostomata. Acta Zoologica Stockholm 56: 279-282. (PDF File)

Gordon, D. P., 1975. Ultrastructure of communication pore areas in two bryozoans. In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 187-192. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Gordon, D. P., 1975. Ultrastructure and function of the gut in a marine bryozoan. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 16: 367-382. (PDF File)

Gorjunova, R. V., 1975. On the polymorphism of the bryozoan order Rhabdomesonida. In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 59-64. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Gorjunova, R. V., 1975. [in Russian] The systematic position and content of the genus Polyporella. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1975 (1): 62-69. (PDF File)

Gorjunova, R. V., 1975. Permian Bryozoa of Pamir [in Russian]. Trudy Paleontologischeskogo Instituta Akademiya Nauk SSSR 148: 1-127. (pl.1-29) (PDF File)

Gorjunova, R. V. & Kruchinina, O. N., 1975. [in Russian] Bryozoa. Trudy Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Geologo-Razvedochnyii Neftanoi 383: 146-153. (in Nakrem) (PDF File)

Graham, D. K., 1975. A review of Scottish Carboniferous acanthocladiid bryozoa. Bulletin of the geological Survey of Great Britain No. 49: 1-21. (PDF File)

Guha, A.K. & Ghose, B.K., 1975. Palaeoecology of the Bagh Group, Madyha Pradesh - an Investigation based on Bryozoa. Indian Journal of Earth Science 2 (190-197) (PDF File)

Hamond, R., 1975. The marine and brackish-water Bryozoa of Norfolk. Transactions Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc. 22 (6): 406-423. (PDF File)

Harmelin, J.-G., 1975. Callopora bathyalis n. sp., nouvelle espèce de bryozoaire chilostome de l'Ocean Atlantique nord-oriental. Bulletin zool. Mus. Univ. Amsterdam 4 (22): 191-196. (PDF File)

Hayami, T., 1975. Neogene Bryozoa from northern Japan. Science Reports Tôhoku Univ 45: 83-126. (Geology) (PDF File)

Hayward, P. J., 1975. A new species of epiphytic bryozoan from the Aegean Sea. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 16 (2): 207-212. (PDF File)

Hayward, P. J. & Ryland, J. S., 1975. Growth, reproduction and larval dispersal in Alcyonidium hirsutum (Fleming) and some other Bryozoa. Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli, Suppl. 39: 226-241. (PDF File)

Hillmer, G., Gautier, T. G. & McKinney, F. K., 1975. Budding by intrazooecial fission in the stenolaemate bryozoans Stenoporella, Reptomulticava and Canalipora. Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 44: 123-132. (PDF File)

Hinds, R. W., 1975. Growth mode and homeomorphism in cyclostome Bryozoa. Journal of Paleontology 49: 875-910. (PDF File)

Hiscock, K. & Hoare, R., 1975. The ecology of sublittoral communities at Aberefddy Quarry, Pembrokeshire. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 55 (4): 833-864. (PDF File)

Hofmann, H.J., 1975. Bolopora not a bryozoan, but an Ordovician phosphatic, oncolitic accretion. Geological Magazine 112 (5): 523-526. (PDF File)

Holmquist, C., 1975. Lakes of northern Alaska and northwestern Canada and their invertebrate fauna. Zoologische Jb (Syst) 102 (3): 333-484. (PDF File)

d'Hondt, Jean-Loup, 1975. Etude anatomique et cytologique comparée de quelques larves de bryozoaires cténostomes. In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 125-134. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

d'Hondt, J.-L., 1975. Bryozoaires Cténostomes et Cheilostomes (Cribrimorphes et Escharellidae exceptés) provenant des dragages de la campagne océanographique Biaçores du "Jean Charcot". Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle 299: 553-600. (Zoologie 209) (PDF File)

d'Hondt, Jean-Loup, 1975. Sur quelques Bryozoaires de la region de Dakar. Bull. Inst. fr. Afr. Noire, ser. A, 37 (3): 619-628. (PDF File)

d'Hondt, J.-L. & Geraci, S., 1975. Benedenipora delicatula n.sp., nouveau Bryozoaire Cténostome de Méditerranée occidentale. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria, [1974-1975], 80: 294-303. (PDF File)

Humphries, Edythe M., 1975. A new approach to resolving the question of speciation of smittinid bryozoans (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata). In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 19-35. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Illies, Gisela, 1975. On the genus Stomatoporina Balavoine 1958 (Bryozoa Cyclostomata). In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 51-57. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Illies, G., 1975. Über die Knospungsmuster von Stomatopora Kolonien (Bryoz. Cycl.) aus dem Untermaastricht von Rügen. Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 44: 153-160. (PDF File)

Jackson, C.G., Jr & Ross, A., 1975. Epizoic occurrence of a bryozoan, Electra crustulenta, on the turtle Chrysemys alabamensis. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 94 (1): 135-136. (PDF File)

Jackson, J. B. C. & Buss, L. W., 1975. Allelopathy and spatial competition among coral reef invertebrates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. U.S.A. 72: 5160-5163. (PDF File)

Jebram, D., 1975. Effects of different foods on Conopeum seurati (Canu) (Bryozoa Cheilostomata) and Bowerbankia gracilis Leidy (Bryozoa Ctenostomata). In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 97-108. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Jebram, D., 1975. Dauerknospen ('Hibernacula') bei den Bryozoa Ctenostomata in mesohalinen and vollmarinen Gewassern. Marine Biology 31 (2): 129-137. (PDF File)

Kluge, G. A., 1962. Bryozoa of the northern seas of the USSR [English translation, Amerind] Akademie Nauk SSR, Opredeteli po Fauna SSSR, Izdavemye Zoologicheskim Institutom, Akademie Nauk SSSR No.76, Moscow. ((1975 translation, Bryozoa of the northern seas of the USSR, Amer...) (PDF File)

Kopajevich, G. V., 1975. Silurian bryozoans from Estonia and Podolia. Trudy Paleontologischeskogo Instituta Akademiya Nauk SSSR 151: 5-153. (PDF File)

Kubanin, A. A., 1975. Cheilostomata (Bryozoa) from the Peter the Great Bay [In Russian]. Sbornik Rab. Inst. Biol. Morya 3: 108-136. (PDF File)

Labracherie, M., 1975. Descriptions des bryozoaires Cheilostomes d'age Eocene inferieur du Site 246 (croisiere 25, Deep Sea Drilling Project). Bulletin de l'Institut de Géologie du Bassin Aquitaine 18: 149-202. (PDF File)

Labracherie, M., 1975. Sur quelques bryozoaires de l'Eocene inferieur nord-aquitain. Revista Española de Micropaleontología 7: 127-164. (PDF File)

Lacourt, A. W., 1975. Remarks on F. Wiebach's Proposals for a revision of the genus Hyalinella. Hydrobiologia, 47 (1): 173-174. (PDF File)

Lavrentjeva, V. D., 1975. A new bryozoan genus of the family Phylloporinidae [in Russian]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1975 (4): 138-140. (English translation in Paleontological Journal 9 (4): 555-557) (PDF File)

Li, Y-X., Song, L-S., Zhou, Z-Q. & Yang, J-Y., 1975. Early Palaeozoic stratigraphy of western section of Tapa Mountain [in Chinese] Vol. pp.1-1-372. Earth Sciences Publishing House, Beijing. (PDF File)

Liszka, S., 1974. Bicornifera n.gen. Lindenberg (1965) in the Polish flysch Carpathians. Ann. Soc. Géol. Pologne 44 (1): 31-35. (PDF File)

Lopez Gappa, J. J., 1975. Briozoos marinos de Tierra del Fuego. I. Physis, Buenos Aires (A) 34 (89): 433-439. (PDF File)

Mawatari, Shizuo & Mawatari, Shunsuke F., 1975. Development and metamorphosis of the cyphonautes of Membranipora serrilamella Osburn. In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1 : 13-18. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Mawatari, S. F., 1975. The life history of Membranipora serrilamella Osburn (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata). Bulletin of the Liberal Arts and Science Course, School of Medicine, Nihon University 3: 19-57. (PDF File)

McKinney, Frank K., 1975. Autozooecial budding patterns in dendroid stenolaemate bryozoans. In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 65-76. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Menon, N. R., 1975. Observations on growth of Flustra foliacea (Bryozoa) from Helgoland waters. Helgolander Meeresunters 27 (3): 263-267. (PDF File)

Menon, N. R. & Nair, N. B., 1975. Indian species of Malacostega (Polyzoa, Ectoprocta). Journal of The Marine Biological Association of India 17 (3): 553-579. (PDF File)

Morozova, I. P., 1975. Bryozoa [in Russian]. Trudy Inst. Geol. Vilnius 29: 84-93. (PDF File)

Moyano G., H. I., 1975. Romancheina asymmetrica sp.nov., nueva especie de la Antartica y clave para los especies antarticas y magellanicas de Exochellidae (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata). Boletin de la Sociedad de biologia de Concepción 49: 61-69. (PDF File)

Moyano G., H. I., 1975. El polimorfismo de los Bryozoa antarcticos como un indice de estabilidad ambiental. Gayana Zoologia, Concepción 33: 1-42. (PDF File)

Nitecki, M. H. & McKinney, F. K., 1975. Cucumulites Gurley 1884: a bryozoan, not a sponge. Journal of Paleontology 49 (3): 561-563. (PDF File)

O'Connor, R. J., Boaden, P. J. S. & Seed, R., 1975. Niche breadth in Bryozoa as a test of competition theory. Nature 255 (5515): 307-309. (PDF File)

Oda, S., 1975. Notes on Pectinatella magnifica occurring in Japan [In Japanese]. Collecting Breed. Tokyo 37 (2): 40-53. (PDF File)

Oda, S., 1975. The name of bryozoans as a higher taxon [In Japanese.]. Circular Jap. Soc. syst. Zool. 45: 7-12. (PDF File)

Pinter Morris, Penny A., 1975. A comparative study of decalcification of Mollusca shells by various bryozoans. In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 109-113. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Pohowsky, Robert A., 1975. Boring Bryozoa. In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 255-256. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Poluzzi, Angelo & Sartori, Renzo, 1975. Report on the carbonate mineralogy of Bryozoa. In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 193-210. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Poluzzi, A. & Sartori, R., 1975. Carbonate mineralogy of some Bryozoa from Talbot Shoal (Strait of Sicily, Mediterranean). Giornale di Geologia (Ser. 2) 39 (1): 11-15. (PDF File)

Poluzzi, A. & Teolis, A., 1975. I briozoi Cheilostomi del Pliocene della Val d'Arda (Piacenza, Italia). Memorie Soc. ital. Sci. nat. 21 (2): 35-78. (PDF File)

Ponomareva, L. D., 1975. About new genus of the Bryozoa (Cyclostomata) from the Miocene deposits of Volyno-Podolia. Paleontologicheskii Sb. Lemberg 12 (1-2): 112-114. (PDF File)

Popeko, L. I. & Gorelova, N. G., 1975. On the possibility of Fenestella genus objective grouping. In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 235-245. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Pushkin, V. I., 1975. Bryozoan associations from Ordovician and Silurian of the Brest Depression and its paleogeographic significance [in Russian]. In: Questions of geochemistry and geophysics of the study of the Earth: 155-161. Nauka y Tekhnika, Minsk. (PDF File)

Pushkin, V. I., 1975. About genus Mediapora and its new representatives from the Upper Silurian in Belarus and Latvia [in Russian]. Transactions of the museum of earth-study of Moscow University 11: 113-120. (PDF File)

Rho, B.-J. & Chung, H. B., 1975. A taxonomic study on the marine bryozoans in Korea. Journal of Korean Research Institute for Better Living 27: 57-80. (PDF File)

Romanchuk, T. V., 1975. First finds of Carboniferous bryozoans in the Tugur-Chumikan district of the Khabarovsk territory [in Russian]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1975 (2): 69-78. (Translated in Paleontological Journal 9 (2): 193-203) (PDF File)

Ross, June R. P., 1975. Organisation of calcified tissues in stenolaemate ectoprocts. In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 179-186. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Ryland, John S., 1975. Parameters of the lophophore in relation to population structure in a bryozoan community. In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 123-124. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Ryland, J. S., 1975. Parameters of the lophophore in relation to population structure in a bryozoan community. In: Barnes, H. (editor) Proceedings of the 9th European Marine Biology Symposium: 363-393. Aberdeen University Press, Aberdeen. (PDF File)

Sakagami, S., 1975. Permian Bryozoa from Khao Hin Kling, near Phetchabun. north-central Thailand. Geology Paleont. S.E. Asia 16: 33-43. (PDF File)

Sandberg, Philip A., 1975. Bryozoan diagenesis: bearing on the nature of the original skeleton of rugose corals. Journal of Paleontology 49: 587-606. (PDF File)

Satyanarayana Rao, K. & Ganapati, P. N., 1975. Littoral Bryozoa in the Godavary Estuary. Bulletin Dep. mar. Sci. Univ. Cochin 7 (3): 591-600. (PDF File)

Schopf, T J M, Raup, D M, Gould, S J & Simberloff, D S, 1975. Genomic versus morphologic rates of evolution: influence of morphologic complexity. Paleobiology, 1(1): 63-70. (PDF File)

Shelton, G.A.B., Thorpe, J.P. & Laverack, M.S., 1975. Colonial nervous control of lophophore retraction in cheilostome Bryozoa. Science 189 (4196): 60-61. (PDF File)

Sokurov, V.S., 1975. Bryozoans of the genus Smittina (Cheilostomata) from the Paleogene of Mangyshlak. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1975 (1): 117-120. (Translated into English in Paleontological Journal 9 (I):115-118) (PDF File)

Soule, John D. & Soule, Dorothy F., 1975. Spathipora, its anatomy and phylogenetic affinities. In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 247-253. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Soule, J. D., Soule, D. F. & Pinter, P.A., 1975. Phylum Ectoprocta (Bryozoa). In: Smith, R.I. & Carlton, J.T. (editors), Light's manual: intertidal invertebrates of the central California coast: 579-608. University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles. (PDF File)

Stratton, J. F., 1975. Ovicells in Fenestella from the Speed Member, North Vernon Limestone (Eifelian, Middle Devonian) in southern Indiana, U.S.A. In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 169-177. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Straughan, D. & Lawrence, D.M., 1975. Investigation of ovicell hyperplasia in bryozoans chronically exposed to natural oil seepage. Water Air Soil Pollut. 5 (1): 39-45. (PDF File)

Tajima, I. & Mukai, H., 1975. Electron microscope studies on the statoblast of a freshwater bryozoan, Pectinatella gelatinosa. l. Vitellogenesis in the 'yolk cell' during statoblast formation [in Japanese]. Zoological Mag. Tokyo 84 (3): 205-216. (PDF File)

Taramelli Rivosecchi, E. & Chimenz Gusso, C., 1975. Notes sur les organismes de la salissure et sur les perforants dans le port de Civitavecchia (Rome). Rapports P-v Réun Commn int Explor scient Mer Méditerr 23 (2): 109-111. (PDF File)

Tavener-Smith, R., 1975. The phylogenetic affinities of fenestelloid bryozoans. Palaeontology 18: 1-17. (PDF File)

Taylor, P. D., 1975. Monticules in Jurassic cyclostomatous bryozoan. Geological Magazine 112: 601-606. (PDF File)

Thorpe, John P., 1975. Behaviour and colonial activity in Membranipora membranacea (L.). In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 115-121. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Thorpe, J. P., Shelton, G. A. B. & Laverack, M. S., 1975. Electrophysiology and coordinated behavioural responses in the colonial bryozoan Membranipora membranacea (L.). Journal of experimental biology 62: 389-404. (PDF File)

Thorpe, J. P., Shelton, G. A. B. & Laverack, M. S., 1975. Colonial nervous control of lophophore retraction in cheilostome Bryozoa. Science 189: 80-81. (PDF File)

Tillier, S., 1975. Recherches sur la structure er révision systématique des heteroporides (Bryozoa, Cyclostomata) des Faluns du Touraine. Travaux du Laboratoire de Paleontologie Université de Paris Faculté des Sciences d'Orsay (PDF File)

Tillier, S., 1975. Recherches sur la structure et révision systématique des heteroporides (Bryozoa, Cyclostomata) des faluns de Touraine. Travaux Lab. Paleont. Univ. Paris 1975 (June): 1-102. (PDF File)

Tillier, S., 1975. Precisions morphologiques, structurales et systematiques sur Reptomulticava parviporosa Canu et Lecointre (Bryozoa, Cyclostomata). Geobios 8 (1): 75-78. (PDF File)

Troizkaya, T. D., 1975. [in Russian] Bryozoa. Materialy Geol tzentr Kazakh 18: 42-50. (PDF File)

Troizkaya, T. D., 1975. [in Russian] Main features of the development of bryozoans in central Kazakhstan at the boundary between the Devonian and the Carboniferous. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1975 (3): 54-69. (also in Pal. Jour., 9:323-339) (PDF File)

Ünsal, I., 1975. Bryozoaires marins de Turquie. Istanbul Üniv Fen Fak Mec 40: 37-54. (PDF File)

Viganò, Antonio & Taticchi-Viganò, M. Illuminata, 1975. Some notes on size variability of Plumatella fruticosa Allman (Bryozoa) statoblasts collected in some Italian freshwater habitat. In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 135-147. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Voigt, E., 1975. Bryozoen aus dem Campan von Misburg bei Hannover. Bericht der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Hannover 119: 235-277. (PDF File)

Voigt, Ehrhard, 1975. Heteromorphy in Cretaceous Bryozoa. In: Pouyet, S. (editor) Bryozoa 1974, Documents de Laboratoires de Géologie Facultéde sciences de Lyon HS 3, fasc.1: 77-95. Université Claude Bernard, Lyon. (PDF File)

Voigt, E., 1975. Ist Domopora stellata (Goldfuss, 1862) (Bryoz. Cyclos.) = Coronopora truncata (Fleming, 1828) ein lebendes Fossil aus der Oberkreide? Zoologischer Anzeiger 195: 186-200. (PDF File)

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Document edited 19/10/2021
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