Bryozoan Digital Library - 1974

Banta, W. C. & Holden, P.M., 1974. Bud size alone does not control zoid row bifurcation in Schizoporella unicornis floridana (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata). Chesapeake Science 15 (2): 104-109. (PDF File)

Banta, W. C., McKinney, F. K. & Zimmer, R. L., 1974. Bryozoan monticules: excurrent water outlets? Science, 185: 783-784. (PDF File)

Pohowsky, R. A., 1974. Notes on the study and nomenclature of boring Bryozoa. Journal of Paleontology, 48: 557-564. (PDF File)

Library Contents

Document edited 21st December 2009
Edited by Phil Bock
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