Bryozoan Digital Library - 1955

1954 1956

Annoscia, Enrico, 1955. Osservazioni geo-paleontologiche sulle argille di Venosa. Tesi di Laurea Sc. Nat., 1st. Geol. Pal. Univ. Bari. (PDF File)

Astrova, G. G., 1955. On the generic complexes of bryozoans in Silurian deposits of the Soviet Union [in Russian]. Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Geologicheskii 30: 57-73. (PDF File)

Astrova, G. G., 1955. Bryozoa: in Fauna of the Ordovician and Gotlandian of the lower reaches of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River, its ecology and stratigraphic significance [in Russian]. Trudy Paleontologischeskogo Instituta Akademiya Nauk SSSR 56: 128-161. ( E. A. Ivanova et al., Fauna ordovika i gotlandiya nizhnego techeniya r. podkamennoj Tunguski, ee ekolo-giya i stratigraficheskoe znachenie) (PDF File)

Atkins, D, 1955. The ciliary feeding mechanism of the cyphonautes larva (Polyzoa Ectoprocta). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 34: 451-466. (PDF File)

Atkins, D., 1955. The cyphonautes larvae of the Plymouth area and the metamorphosis of Membranipora membranacea (L.). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 34: 441-449. (PDF File)

Balavoine, P., 1955. Description de quelques Bryozoaires des Calcaires de Montainville et de Vigny (Seine-et-Oise). Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France (6) 5: 59-64. (PDF File)

Bataller, J. R., 1955. Enumeración do las especies nuevas del Eocénico de España. An. Esc. Perìt. agric. Barcelona 13: 3-50. (PDF File)

Brien, Paul & Mordant, Colette, 1955. Relations entre les reproductions sexuee et asexuee a propos des phylactolemates. Annales de la Société royale zoologique de Belgique, 86: 169-189. (PDF File)

Gautier, Yves-Victor, 1955. Bryozoaires de Castiglione. Bull St Aquic Pêche Cast n.s., 7: 227-271. (PDF File)

Gautier, Yves-Victor, 1955. Bryozoaires des gastéropodes de l’herbier de Posidonies. Vie et Milieu, 6 (3): 335-341. (PDF File)

Kühn, O., 1955. Die Bryozoen der Retzer Sande. Sitzungsberichte der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Abteilung 1 164: 231-248. (PDF File)

Kluge, G. A. 1955. Mshanki (Bryozoa): Atlas besnozvonochnykh dal'nevostochnykh morei SSSR. pp. 99-104 (101 missing) Izdatel'stvo Akad. Nauk SSSR. (PDF File)

Kluge, G. A., 1955. Novye i maloizvestnye mshanki (Bryozoa) iz-Severnogo Ledovitogo okeana. (New and little known Bryozoa from the Arctic Ocean). II. Tr Zool inst Akad Nauk, SSSR 18: 63-99. (PDF File)

Lutaud, G., 1955. Sur la ciliature du tentacule chez les bryozoaires chilostomes. Archives de Zoologie expérimentale et Génerale 92: 13-19. (PDF File)

Lynch, W F, 1955. Synergism and antagonism in the induction of metamorphosis of Bugula larvae by neutral red dye. Biological Bulletin, 109(1): 82-98. (PDF File)

Marcus, E., 1955. Notas sôbre briozoos marinhos brasilieros. Arquivos Mus Nac Rio de Janiero 42: 273-342. (dated 1953, actual publication 1955) (PDF File)

Mawatari, S., 1955. A check list of known species of Japanese cyclostomatous Bryozoa. Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan 16-19: 44-50. (PDF File)

Modzalevskaya, E. A. & Nekhoroshev, V. P., 1955. Class Bryozoa [in Russian]. In: ?? atlas of Ordovician and Silurian fauna of the Siberian platform: 48-60. (Nedra VSEGEI? (PDF File)

Modzalevskaya, E. A., 1955. Colonies of Ordovician bryozoans and the dependence of their forms on habitat conditions. [in Russian]. Vopr Paleontol 2: 125-135. (Ref. from Astrova, 1965 Also Izd. Leningrad un-ta) (PDF File)

Morozova, I. P., 1955. Carboniferous Bryozoa of the Middle Don Basin. Trudy Paleontologischeskogo Instituta Akademiya Nauk SSSR 58: 1-88. (PDF File)

Morozova, I. P., 1955. New Upper Devonian Bryozoa of Kuznetzk Basin [in Russian]. Doklady Akademiya Nauk SSSR 100 (4): 783-786. (from Morozova 1961) (PDF File)

Morozova, I. P., 1955. Finding of a new bryozoan genus in the Upper Carboniferous of Don Luka [in Russian]. Doklady Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 100 (3), 567-569 (PDF File)

Nekhoroshev, V. P., 1955. Characteristics of bryozoans of the order Cryptostomata in Ordovician and Silurian of Siberian Platform [in Russian]. Mat VSEGEI Vyp.7: 129-132. (PDF File)

Osburn, R. C., 1955. The circumpolar distribution of Arctic-Alaskan Bryozoa. In: Essays in honor of Capt J. Hancock, Los Angeles, 1955, Los Angeles. (PDF File)

Perry, T. G. & Hattin, D. E., 1955. Osgood (Niagaran) bryozoans from the type area. Bulletin of the geological society of America 66: 1695-1696. (PDF File)

Rogick, M. D., 1955. Studies on marine Bryozoa, VI. Antarctic Escharoides. Biological Bulletin, Woods Hole 109: 437-452. (PDF File)

Rogick, M. D., 1955. Genus Emballotheca Levinsen 1909. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 74: 103-112. (PDF File)

Schulga-Nesterenko, M. I., 1955. Carboniferous Bryozoa from the Russian Platform [in Russian]. Trudy Paleontologischeskogo Instituta Akademiya Nauk SSSR 58: 1-207. (or vol.58) (PDF File)

Toriumi, Makoto, 1955. Taxonomical study on fresh-water Bryozoa. IX. Plumatella repens (L.). Science Reports of the Tôhoku University. 4 ser, Biology, 21 (1): 51-66. . (PDF File)

Toriumi, Makoto, 1955. Taxonomical study on fresh-water Bryozoa. X. Plumatella casmiana Oka. Science Reports of the Tôhoku University. 4 ser, Biology, 21 (1): 67-77. . (PDF File)

Toriumi, Makoto, 1955. Taxonomical study on fresh-water Bryozoa. XI. Stephanella hina Oka. Science Reports of the Tôhoku University. 4 ser, Biology, 21 (2): 131-136.. (PDF File)

Toriumi, Makoto, 1955. Taxonomical study on fresh-water Bryozoa. XII. On Plumatella repens var. minuta Toriumi 1941. cience Reports of the Tôhoku University. 4 ser, Biology, 21 (2): 137-144. . (PDF File)

Toriumi, Makoto, 1955. Taxonomical study on fresh-water Bryozoa. XIII. Hyalinella punctata (Hancock). Science Reports of the Tôhoku University. 4 ser, Biology, 21 (3-4): 241-247.. (PDF File)

Toriumi, Makoto, 1955. Taxonomical study on fresh-water Bryozoa. XIV. Reconsideration on Hyalinella toanensis Hōzawa and Toriumi. Science Reports of the Tôhoku University. 4 ser, Biology, 21 (3-4): 249-255. . (PDF File)

Voigt, E., 1955. Artspezifischer Parachorismus (?) von Serpuliden in Kreidebryozoen. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 29: 8-20. (PDF File)

Yang, Jingzhi, 1955. Bryozoa [in Chinese]. In: Index fossils of China Vol. 2: 970198. ( (PDF File)

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Document edited 26/11/2018
Edited by Phil Bock
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