Bryozoan Digital Library - 1942

1941 1943

Brydone, R. M., 1942. On Some Recently Described Cretaceous Cheilostomatous Poiyzoa. Geological Magazine, 79 (1): 62-64. (PDF File)

Crockford, J. M., 1942. Bryozoa from the Silurian and Devonian of New South Wales. Journal of the Royal Society of New South Wales 75: 104-114. (PDF File)

Fritz, Madeleine A., 1942. Catalogue of Types in the Royal Ontario Museum of Palaeontology Part 2. RContributions of the Royal Ontario Museum os Palaeontology. (PDF File)

Fritz, Madeleine A., 1942. A Late Palaeozoic Stenoporid from British Columbia. Royal Canadian Institute Transactions, 24 (1): 167-169. (PDF File)

Howe, H V, 1942. Fauna of the Glendon Formation at its type locality. Journal of Paleontology, 16(2): 264-271. (PDF File)

Kaisin, F., 1942. Les Bryozoaires Fenestrellinides et Acanthocladiides du Tournaisien de la Belgique. Mémoires de l'Institut de Geologie de Louvain 13: 92-141. (PDF File)

Loeblich, A R, 1942. Bryozoa from the Ordovician Bromide Formation, Oklahoma. Journal of Paleontology, 16(4): 413-436. (PDF File)

MacFarlan, A. C., 1942. Chester Bryozoa of Illinois and western Kentucky. Journal of Paleontology 16: 437-458. (PDF File)

McNair, A. H., 1942. Upper Devonian Bryozoa. Journal of Paleontology 16: 343-350. (PDF File)

Marcus, E, 1942. Sôbre Bryozoa do Brasil II. Boletim da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras, Universidade di São Paolo, Zoologia, 6: 57-106. (PDF File)

Nobre, A., 1942. Estudo sôbre os organismos recolhidos pela missão hidrográfica da costa de Portugal, nos anos de 1923, 1924, 1927 e 1928. Memórias e Estudos do Museu Zoológico da Universidade de Coimbra, 134: 1-80. (PDF File)

Nobre, A. & Braga, S.M., 1942. Notas s`gico da Universidade de Coimbra, 138: 1-52. (PDF File)

Pomerat, C M & Reiner, E R, 1942. The influence of surface angle and light on the attachment of barnacles and other sedentary organisms. Biological Bulletin, 82(1): 14-25. (PDF File)

Rogick, M. D. & Brown, C. J. D., 1942. Studies on fresh-water Bryozoa. 12. A collection from various sources. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 43: 123-144. (PDF File)

Schulga-Nesterenko, M. I., 1942. A review of the stratigraphic distribution of the Carboniferous bryozoans of the Moscow depression [in Russian]. Bull Acad Sci URSS Ser Biol 1-2: 99-123. (PDF File)

Silén, L., 1941 (not 1942). Carnosa and Stolonifera (Bryozoa) collected by Prof. Sixten Bock's Expedition to Japan and the Bonin Islands 1914. Arkiv för zoologi 34A: 1-33. (PDF File)

Silén, L., 1942. On spiral growth of the zoaria of certain Bryozoa. Arkiv för zoologi 34A: 1-22. (Pl.1-4) (PDF File)

Silén, L., 1942. Origin and development of the Cheilo-ctenotomatous stem of Bryozoa. Zoologiska Bidrag från Uppsala 22: 1-59. (PDF File)

Voigt, E., 1942. Kreidebryozoen aus New Jersey (U.S.A.) unter A.E.Reuss' Originalen zu seiner Monographie der Bryozoen und Foraminiferen des Unteren Pläners (1872) und H.B.Geinitz Das Elbtalgebirge in Sachsen. Zeitschrift der Deutsche geologischen Gesellschaft 94: 326-338. (PDF File)

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Document edited 3/2/2021
Edited by Phil Bock
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