Bryozoan Digital Library - 1916

1915 1917

Annandale, N., 1916. Zoological results of a tour in the Far East. Polyzoa Entoprocta and Ctenostomata. Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 6: 13-37. (PDF File)

Annandale, Nelson, 1916. Preliminary report on the fauna of the Talé Sap or Inland Sea of Singgora. The journal of the Natural History Society of Siam, 2: 90-102. (PDF File)

Brydone, R. M., 1916. Notes on new or imperfectly known Chalk Polyzoa. Geological Magazine (Dec.6) 3: 97-100. (PDF File)

Brydone, R. M., 1916. Notes on new or imperfectly known Chalk Polyzoa. Geological Magazine (Dec.6) 3: 241-243. (PDF File)

Brydone, R. M., 1916. Notes on new or imperfectly known Chalk Polyzoa. Geological Magazine (Dec.6) 3: 337-335. (PDF File)

Brydone, R. M., 1916. Notes on new or imperfectly known Chalk Polyzoa. Geological Magazine (Dec.6) 3: 433-435. (PDF File)

Canu, F., 1916. Les bryozoaires fossiles des terrains du Sud-Ouest de la France. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France (4) t.15: 320-334. (PDF File)

Canu, Ferdinand, 1916 (1917?). Les ovicelles des Bryozoaires cyclostomes. Étude sur quelques familles nouvelles et anciennes. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, ser.4:t.16:fasc.1-9: 324-335. (PDF File)

Chapman, F., 1916. Cainozoic geology of the Mallee and other Victorian bores. Geological Survey of Victoria, Records 3: 327-430. (PDF File)

Faura Sans, M. & Canu, F., 1916. Sur les Bryozoaires des terrains tertiaires de la Catalogne. Treballs de l'Institucio Catalana d'Historia Natural Barcelona. 2: 69-193. (Published Sept. 1917 - see Brown 1952 p.79) (PDF File)

Lang, W. D., 1916. A revision of the 'Cribrimorph' Cretaceous Polyzoa. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (8)18: 81-112. (PDF File)

Lang, W. D., 1916. A revision of the 'Cribrimorph' Cretaceous Polyzoa. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (8)18: 381-410. (PDF File)

Lang, W. D., 1916. Calcium carbonate and evolution in Polyzoa. Geological Magazine (Dec.6) 3: 73-77. (PDF File)

Thornely, L. R., 1916. Report on the Polyzoa collected by Mr James Hornell at Okhamandal in Kattiawar. Report to the Government of Baroda on the Marine Zoology of Okhamandal in Kattiawar, 2: 157-165. (PDF File)

Waters, A. W., 1916. Some species of Crisia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (8) 18: 469-477. (PDF File)

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Document edited 5/1/2022
Edited by Phil Bock
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