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News 2003 Cover

International Bryozoology Association


SECRETARY Timothy Wood
TREASURER Abigail Smith
Hugo Moyano
Maria Christina Orellana
COUNCIL MEMBERS 2001-2007 Matthew Dick
Eckart Håkansson
Hugo Moyano
Hans Arne Nakrem
Antonietta Rosso
Rolf Schmidt
COUNCIL MEMBERS 2004-2010 Aaron O'Dea
Beth Okamura
Maria Christina Orellana
Jo Porter
Priska Schäfer
Kevin Tilbrook

All correspondence should be addressed to:
International Bryozoology Association
c/o Dr. Timothy S. Wood
Department of Biological Sciences
Wright State University
3640 Colonel Glenn Highway
Dayton, OH 45435 USA

Email: tim.wood @ wright.edu

Front cover figure of Stictoporella gracilis (Eichwald), a Silurian bryozoan from Vassilkova, Russia. (after Bassler).

Report from the 13th International Conference

International Bryozoology Association
Concepción, Chile, 11-16 January 2004

The 2004 IBA International Conference in Concepción, Chile was superbly organized by Hugo Moyano (Universidad de Concepción) and Juan Cancino and María Cristina Orellana (Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción). Concepción is a city of some 325,000 inhabitants in central Chile, 45 minutes flying time south of Santiago. Originally built on the coast, the modern city is located inland and protected from the effects of tsunami that destroyed earlier incarnations, although earthquakes still regularly take a toll on the city and its people. Lecture and poster sessions took place in the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, adjacent to the cathedral and a bryolith’s throw away from the conference hotel. There could be no doubting the venue - suspended above the entrance was a large conference banner featuring feeding lophophores in a colony of Membranipora.

Seventy bryozoologists registered for the conference (see photo on page 15), delivering 64 oral and 25 poster presentations, a commendable level of active participation, especially as many of the papers were co-authored by two or more delegates. The abstracts have already been published as Volume 74 of the Boletín de la Sociedad de Biologia de Concepcion, and the full papers are scheduled to be published by Taylor & Francis.

For the first time PowerPoint presentations outnumbered slide shows but the subject matter remained as diverse as ever. Beginning with phylogeny, Claus Nielsen once more drew attention to the conflicting and sometimes bizarre results of molecular phylogenetic research, some of which, as explained by Jo Porter (with David Skibinski and Peter Hayward) may result from erroneous sequencing of microbial symbionts or the effects of pseudogenes. Tim Wood and Michael Lore’s 18S RNA analysis of the phylogenetic relationships of phylactolaemate bryozoans suggested that this freshwater class may not be closely related to the marine bryozoans, raising the spectre of a diphyletic origin for the phylum Bryozoa. They also found that, contrary to expectations, phylactolaemate genera with simple statoblasts and branching colony-forms seem to be more advanced than those with complex statoblasts and ‘integrated’, gelatinous colonies. If the phylactolaemates are eventually split-off from the Bryozoa sensu stricto, they will join the Phoronida.

Entoproctologists have always been welcomed at IBA conferences - this year Tohru Iseto spoke about entoprocts that live as ‘commensals’ with other invertebrates, entertaining the audience with some marvellous video clips of tiny entoprocts clinging to the gills of polychaete worms, and others moving across settlement panels using the tentacle crown and adhesive ‘foot’ in a looping motion.

Although the existence of profuse fouling of colony surfaces by biofilms has long been known, there has been little understanding of the specificity of these biofilms to particular species of bryozoans, or of the positive and negative effects that the biofilms have on their hosts. Sandra Kittelmann tackled the first of these issues by studying the molecular biology of the biofilms associated with four cheilostome species in the North Sea, finding (a) more diverse bacterial communities on the bryozoans than on control surfaces, and (b) indications of specificity for three of the four bryozoan species. Biofilms were also discussed by Penny Morris (with Dorothy Soule) who showed that diatoms are additional components. Joachim Scholz (with Shunsuke Mawatari) noted that true microbial mats, contrary to earlier notions, are rather rare on the surfaces of bryozoan colonies because their colonization is strongly resisted by the host animals.

The structure and chemistry of bryozoan skeletons has not received the attention it deserves. Schäfer and Bader’s comparative study of stable light isotopes in a variety of polar and temperate species showed disequilibrium effects in the isotopes of both oxygen and especially carbon. Kinetic disequilibrium in &Mac182;O18 was more prevalent in high- than low-latitude species. Such information will prove invaluable as spatial precision of isotope sampling improves and the thin walls of bryozoan colonies become amenable to analysis. A foretaste of what will be increasingly possible was provided by the work of Marcus Key (with Patrick Wyse Jackson, Eckart Håkansson, William Patterson and Dustin Moore) on some gigantic Permian trepostome bryozoans from Greenland. Their study tested the previously published idea that gigantism was due to algal symbiosis. A one-micrometre spatial resolution was achieved using a computer-driven micromilling device which could sample the walls with minimal contamination from cements filling the zooidal chambers. They were able to show no appreciable vital effect. This, in combination with the fact that the fossils were found in sediments estimated to have been deposited beneath 200 m of water at a paleolatitude of 35-40°, makes the hypothesis of algal symbiosis untenable. Isotopic profiling by Beate Bader and Priska Schäfer of the Recent Antarctic bryozoan Melicerita obliqua confirmed that the conspicuous growth bands in this peculiar lanceolate species represent annual checks, with colonies living for 45 years or more. Marcus Key and Abby Smith presented a preliminary exploration of the relationship between bryozoan mineralogy and marine geochemical supercycles (Calcite vs Aragonite Seas), stimulated by the work of Stanley and Hardie that proposed a strong link between ocean chemistry and the evolution of biomineralizing organisms. However, they could detect no relationship between the dates of first appearance of cheilostome families and their skeletal mineralogy, although this is a topic clearly demanding further data for analysis.

Bryozoan ecology was the focus of many papers. Maja Novosel and co-workers reported flourishing populations of the bushy cheilostome Pentapora fascialis close to karstic freshwater springs in the Adriatic Sea. Here, at depths as shallow as 1 m, nutrient levels are 10-50 times greater than normal sea-water, and colonies have an average diameter of 20 cm, despite salinity levels of only 0.8-2.0 ppt, showing that even heavily calcified cheilostomes can sometimes be euryhaline. We know astonishingly little about predation on bryozoans, as Scott Lidgard emphasized. Heavily calcified frontal shields, often explained functionally as having an anti-predatory role, are probably ineffective against the many groups of predators (e.g. echinoids, chitons) that produce mechanical forces that are too great for them to resist. Lidgard showed two examples of promising targets for research on fossil predation: small circular boreholes that penetrate the frontal shields of various bryozoans and may be due to drilling predation by tiny gastropods; and the intramural budding of new zooids within the zooecial chambers of dead zooids perhaps killed by single-zooid predators.

Competition for substrate space continues to be a major focus of ecological studies. Generally this results in partial or total overgrowth by the dominant competitor and the death of some zooids or the entire colony. However, Juan Cancino and Maria Cristina Orellana reported examples of small colonies surviving total overgrowth and subsequently resuming their growth. The ability to survive overgrowth depended not only on the identity of the overgrown species (e.g. Celleporella survived better than Umbonula) but also that of the overgrowing species (e.g. overgrowth by Cauloramphus was more likely to be fatal than by Alcyonidium). A high proportion of competitive interactions for space between bryozoans in the Antarctic are intraspecific according to David Barnes and Piotr Kuklinski. This is especially true in areas of high ice scour where frequent disturbance means that diversity is low and the only species present are pioneers. In a study of boulder-encrusting bryozoans from Svalbard, the same authors were able to find no relationship between numbers of species or individuals attached to the boulders and sampling depth down to 12 m. As in the Antarctic, disturbance levels are high – ice can flip boulders at depths as great as 40 m. Kuklinski reported a study of bryozoans in four Arctic fiords in Svalbard where glacial meltwater results in high rates of sedimentation. Here dropstones form oases for colonization by two erect cheilostome genera, and muddy sea-beds adjacent to glaciers are populated by the peculiar free-living ctenostome Alcyonidium disciforme.

Life history strategies of some closely-related Antarctic bryozoans were shown to vary by Juan Cancino (with Hugo Moyano and Patricio Manríquez), while David Barnes pointed out that high polar bryozoans can actually grow as quickly as their low latitude relatives but have much shorter growing periods and therefore do not achieve the same annual growth rates or sizes. In the discussion of this paper, Barnes made the important observation that Antarctic bryozoans (and other organisms) reared in aquaria become functionally incapable if the temperature of the water rises by only 2°C. Global warming may exceed this rise during the next 100 years, with potentially catastrophic consequences for Antarctic biotas.

Research on free-living, disc-shaped cheilostomes – cupuladriids – in central America formed the subject of three presentations. Aaron O’Dea compared the life histories of cupuladriids on the Pacific and Caribbean sides of the Panamanian Isthmus, finding that a higher proportion of colonies in the Pacific were formed as a result of asexual fragmentation rather than sexual production of larvae. Amalia Herrera-Cubilla read two co-authored papers on the systematics of these cupuladriids, showing that colonial characters, little used in their taxonomy, can actually be of great value in discriminating between species.

The painstaking refinement of species-level taxonomy seen in Central American cupuladriids finds a parallel in the work being undertaken by Roger Hughes and co-workers on Celleporella hyalina. This important research has elegantly demonstrated the existence of cryptic speciation æ supposed C. hyalina at the present day consists of about 15 genetically distinct species. A cluster of clades, each characterising a major geographical region, is thought to have diverged during the Miocene, about 10-15 million years ago, with subsequent subdivision of these clades in the Plio-Pleistocene. Mating experiments and SEM of skeletal morphology back-up the genetic results. Comfortingly for paleontologists, most of the genetic species are recognizable from their skeletal morphology. If these findings for C. hyalina are typical for cheilostomes as a whole, then we may be underestimating the diversity of modern cheilostomes by an order of magnitude, and the true diversity of Recent bryozoans may be nearer 50,000 than the oft-quoted figure of 6,000 species.

Patricio Manriquez, in a paper with Roger Hughes and John Bishop, assessed the capacity of Celleporella hyalina colonies to fuse, an indicator of their genetic relatedness. Importantly for studies of fusion based on skeletal evidence, as in fossils, some examples of apparent fusion are false. This can be shown in C. hyalina by applying a thermal shock to one of the colonies – if the two colonies are really fused this stimulates production of male zooids in the both colonies, if they are not fused, males appear only in the shocked colony. Steve Hageman and Chris Todd sampled Electra pilosa colonies from different stations and substations along a 1.5 km long marine channel (Clachen Seil Sound) in western Scotland to address the question of whether microenvironmental variation can be greater than macroenvironmental variation in skeletal morphology. Using nested ANOVA they found no differences between stations or substations along the channel but significant differences between colonies from the same substation and even between patches of zooids within the same colony. The source of this variation (genetic, environmental, or gene/environment interaction) is unknown in E. pilosa but this is one of relatively few bryozoans with a long-lived larvae so it would be interesting to see whether these results are atypical.

Long-lived, planktotrophic larvae are widely regarded as the primitive state for cheilostomes. The evolution of short-lived, non-planktotrophic larvae is indicated in the fossil record by the mid-Cretaceous appearance of ovicells, skeletal structures within which larval brooding occurs. Andrei Ostrovsky and Paul Taylor showed how the most primitive ovicells were constructed by mural spines forming a cage-like structure. Various kinds of spinose ovicells are found in the Cretaceous species and vestiges of spinosity persist in a few extant species too.

In many cheilostome bryozoans it is known that zooid size correlates inversely with temperature at the time of formation such that small zooids signify higher temperatures and high variance in zooid size within colonies indicates seasonality during the growth of the colony. However, John Ryland and Jo Porter were unable to find any correlation between zooid size and sea-surface temperature in 4 of 6 analyses in the ctenostome Alcyonidium.

Several years ago an interstitial fauna of tiny bryozoans was discovered encrusting coarse sand grains at Capron Shoal, Florida. To this previously unique occurrence Judy Winston (with Alvaro Migotto) has now added another interstitial bryozoan fauna living off Sao Paulo, Brazil that contains many genera in common with the Floridan fauna. The discovery of this second fauna shows that sandy substrates are not always ‘deserts’ for bryozoans. Careful scrutiny of both modern and ancient sands for interstitial bryozoans is clearly called for. Nevertheless, it does appear that high levels of clastic input generally have a negative effect on bryozoans, as shown by Yasser El Saffori’s work on nearshore bryozoan faunas impacted by the Nile Delta.

The results of fossil bryofaunal studies were presented by Françoise Bigey (Devonian and Carboniferous of South China), Patrick Wyse Jackson and Hans Weber (Visean of Germany), Andrej Ernst and Hans Arne Nakrem (Permian of Arctic Canada), Hans Arne Nakrem (Permian of Svalbard), Yasser El Safori and Ahmed Muftah (Oligocene of Libya), Eckart Håkansson, Silvio Casadio and Sven Nielsen (Miocene of Argentina), Norbert Vávra (Miocene of Czech Republic), Asit Guha and K. Gopikrishna (Cenozoic of India) and Antonietta Rosso (Pleistocene of Italy). According to Bigey, bryozoans show no appreciable extinction across the Frasnian-Famennian boundary in South China. Wyse Jackson’s talk concerned a remarkable find of silicified bryozoans covering the floor of a small karstic cave. Guha reported on a fauna comprising almost one hundred species, including the earliest diverse assemblage (15 species) of Thalamoporella which promises to be important in understanding the evolution of avicularia in this important cheilostome genus. Rosso described some striking examples of deep water (>200 metres) Pleistocene bryozoans associated with localized hard substrates, including a paleofault plane encrusted by bryozoans, molluscs and octocorals.

SEM continues to be a vital research tool in bryozoology, as shown, for example, by the work of Dorothy Soule (with Penny Morris and Henry Chaney) on the pores and enigmatic sieve plates present in the frontal shields of some microporellids. Paul Taylor and Shunsuke Mawatari also studied this family of cheilostomes, presenting a preliminary overview of Microporella, a genus containing almost one hundred Miocene-Recent species, a total which are being added to at an ever-increasing rate. Another group of cheilostomes, Umbonula and its relatives, was the subject of a systematic revision presented by Andrei Grischenko (with Shunsuke Mawatari). Dennis Gordon (with Paul Taylor) focused on some cheilostome genera erected by the prolific Alcide d’Orbigny one hundred and fifty years ago. New SEM studies of type material show that several genera discarded by Bassler in the bryozoan Treatise justify revival. Type material of Recent cheilostome species in the Humboldt Museum, Berlin was illustrated by Jürgen Kaselowsky, while Lais Vieira Ramalho (with Guilherme Muricy and Paul Taylor) reported new records of Bugula from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Liz Campbell (with Yvonne Bone) discussed work on the little-known cyclostome fauna of the Antarctic, and Mary Spencer Jones noted the value of ancient shell middens when sampling for bryozoans in southern Chile.

Four papers focused on bryozoans in reefs. Roger Cuffey was not at the conference but his paper on bryozoan roles in Carboniferous mud mounds from the US mid-west was read by Marcus Key. Sixty-two bryozoan species were identified in these small mounds, none being restricted to the mounds. They appear to have been important in mud sedimentation, acting as sediment baffles and stabilizers, as well as supplying skeletal material to the mounds. Ed Snyder and Ernie Gilmour described the bryozoans present in a mound from the Permian of Washington State, USA. The Miocene bryozoan buildup in Moravia described by Zágorcek and Holcova contained over 100 species, including framework constructing celleporid cheilostomes. Celleporids also featured in the Messinian microbial-bryozoan-serpulid buildups from Sardinia described by Pierre Moissette and coworkers. Other Mediterranean Messinian buildups are dominated by hermatypic corals and contain abundant coralline and green algae but the Sardinian buildups are very different. Analogies were made with Paleozoic mud mounds, with the upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich waters favouring microbial communities containing abundant suspension feeders.

Bryozoan biogeography was the subject of papers read by Kevin Tilbrook (with Sammy De Grave), Björn Berning (with Pierre Moissette and Christian Betzler), and Ernie Gilmour (with Iraida Morozova). In the first of these contributions, Tilbrook used detrended correspondence analysis to make the first biogeographical analysis of Indo-West Pacific bryozoans for almost fifty years. At generic level, he was able to detect a West Pacific group outside of which were Hawaii and Mauritius. Berning showed how the Late Neogene bryozoan fauna of the Guadalquivar Basin in southern Spain supported greater connections between the Atlantic and Mediterranean than exist at the present day. Finally Gilmour’s lecture on the paleobiogeography of Middle to Late Permian Bryozoa showed bipolarity in the distributions of some genera.

Two papers of Jean-Loup d’Hondt’s, who was unable to be present at the conference, were graciously read by Francoise Bigey. The first concerned the historic collections of Recent bryozoans in the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, and the second a biological definition of the Phylum Bryozoa, something which will have to be rewritten if phylactolaemates prove not to be bryozoans.

The role of women in the IBA was analysed by Abby Smith. The proportion of women attending IBA Conferences since 1968 has increased steadily through time but women are still under-represented in view of the fact that they make up 52% of the IBA membership.

Women bryozoologists are certainly in the majority among specialists on freshwater bryozoans. Beth Okamura and Joanna Freeland reviewed the metapopulation ecology of Cristatella mucedo. This species inhabits isolated bodies of water and is likely to be dispersed by waterfowl onto which the hooked spines of the bryozoan statoblasts can become attached. Statoblast banks may also be important for recolonizing habitats after episodes of local population extinction. Another phylactolaemate - Lophopus crystallinus - has floating statoblasts. Samantha Hill and Beth Okamura were able to find L. crystallinus statoblasts in flood and float debris, significantly enlarging the known distribution of this species, which is categorized as ‘Rare’ in the UK Red Data Book. While L. crystallinus is a target for conservation, other freshwater bryozoans are targets for destruction. Abby Smith and Michelle Brunton have been studying the economically damaging infestation of a water reservoir in Dunedin, New Zealand which began in 1996 by two freshwater bryozoans. One of these species (Plumatella repens) can grow up to 2 cm a week and double its colony size in 4 days, the other (Paludicella articulata) grow as much as 0.8 cm/week. Other talks on freshwater bryozoans were presented by Beth Okamura (myxozoan parasites), María Cristina Orellana (species from central Chile) and Emmy Wöss (distribution of species in Austria).

In the final paper of the conference, IBA President Dennis Gordon talked about two biodiversity initiatives, Species 2000 and OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information System). Bryozoology needs many more hands on the systematic deck if it is to make full use of these initiatives and close the knowledge gap on some of the more intensely studied phyla.

The Larwood Young Investigator Prize was won by Virginia Miller for her poster setting out a quantitative approach to studying the evolution of complexity in bryozoans using polymorphs. This was one of several professionally produced posters on display.

Chile was definitely not chilly and the temperate rain forest was bone dry during our mid-conference excursion to Nahuelbuta National Park. This is an area of native forest dominated by araucarian trees. Having been accustomed to seeing lonely monkey puzzle trees in the gardens of English suburban houses, it was a real treat to observe them in their natural habitat, along with tarantulas and fine views of the snow-capped volcanoes of the distant Andes. Altogether, a memorable excursion befitting an excellent conference that was enjoyed by all who attended.

Paul Taylor (IBA President 2004-2007)
Dennis Gordon (IBA President 2001-2004)


Minutes of IBA Council Meeting,
Monday, January 12, 2004

IBA President Dennis Gordon called the meeting to order. Missing were Council members Matt Dick, John Todd, and the conference hosts.

Secretary’s Report. Tim Wood reported that since the 12th IBA Conference he has produced and mailed two annual Newsletters and one interim Bulletin. He also managed the election for IBA President-Elect, in which most of the ballots were sent in by email. The secretary also has been contacting many members by email and postcard seeking corrections to the membership list.
Treasurer’s Report. Abby Smith submitted a financial statement covering the period of July 2001 to December 2003. Income from membership fees, conferences, and bank interest totalled 3,374.78_ ($4,187.86). Expenditures from printing, postage, and bank fees totalled 3,764.65_ ($4,669.87). The IBA ended the year 2003 with a deficit of 389.87_ ($482.01). One reason for the deficit has been the failure to seek or collect dues in a systematic way. The treasurer has now arranged for dues to be paid by credit card, which should make it easier for everyone. This new procedure entails some bank charges, which could be offset by raising dues for 2005-2007: 31_ to 34_ ($30 to $42; ^20 to ^24). The apparent difference in increase among various currencies reflects the most recent relative values for these currencies. Dues will remain voluntary among the membership in order not to exclude anyone for whom payment would be a hardship.
2007 Conference Venue. Steve Hageman reported that support from Appalachian State University remains strong for the 2007 conference in Boone, North Carolina. A conference website as been established at www.iba.appstate.edu. The conference volume will be co-edited by Marcus Key and Judith Winston. The pre-conference trip will be along the Atlantic coastal plain, visiting Paleozoic regions down the Ohio River and up the Mississippi River. The 2-hour drive from the nearest major international airport will be handled by a series of vans, with the cost built into the registration fee. The university conference center is experienced in handling these logistics and needs no money up front. The suggestion was made to have a two-tiered conference registration fee in 2007, with employed members paying more than students. Steve will take this suggestion under consideration.
Larwood Adjudication. Six non-council members were nominated to adjudicate the Larwood Award, to be given to the best first-time presenter of a talk or poster. Those nominated were Beth Okamura, Aaron O’Dea, Priska Schäfer, Kevin Tilbrook, and Marcus Key.
IBA Website. Recognizing the desperate condition of the official IBA website hosted by the Natural History Museum, the council enthusiastically accepted an offer by Rolf Schmidt to overhaul and maintain the site. Council members gratefully recognized the superb work of Phil Bock in maintaining the bryozoan website at www.civgeo.rmit.au/bryozoa/iba.html.
Voting procedure. Anticipating invitations from several institutions to host the 2010 conference, the Council discussed whether a vote should be taken only among participants at this conference or whether the vote should be expanded by email to include the entire membership. Sentiment was overwhelmingly in favor of the first option.
Conference volume. There has long been a concern within the membership that conference papers might not be receiving sufficient exposure and circulation. One proposal is that we negotiate with an established journal to publish the proceedings, the journal presumably being more acceptable to libraries than stand-alone volumes. Patrick Wyse-Jackson pointed out that the publisher for the Dublin meetings, Balkema, produced 1,000 volumes: 120 of these went to IBA members, and Balkema foresaw no problem marketing the rest. The Council felt it lacked solid information about volume circulation, acceptance, and accessibility. It will postpone further discussion until such time as a formal proposal is submitted for consideration. Meanwhile, Patrick will discuss the issue with all interested persons.
Officers. The Council confirmed that Abby Smith and Tim Wood would be continuing in their terms as IBA Treasurer and Secretary, and that nominations will be sought for new Council members and President-Elect. Nominations for Council membership will be sought during the conference, with a vote taken at the General Meeting Friday. Nominations for President-Elect will also be made during the conference, but the election will be open later to the entire membership through by mail and email ballots as was done previously.


Minutes of IBA General Business Meeting,
Friday January 16, 2004

1. Reports were presented by Secretary Tim Wood and Treasurer Abby Smith (see Council Minutes). These were approved.
2. The election of six new Council members was held by paper ballot. The newly elected members for 2004-2010 are: Aaron O’Dea, Beth Okamura, María Cristína Orellana, Jo Porter, Priska Schäfer, and Kevin Tilbrook. At this time in 2004 the outgoing council members are: Amalia Herrera, Pierre Moissette, Andrew Ostrovsky, John Todd, Judith Winston, and Emmy Wöss.
3. Five nominees for President-Elect were announced. They are Ekkart Håkkenson,Marcus Key, Hans Arne Nakron, Norbert Vavra, and Judith Winston. Paper ballots will be mailed out with the 2003 Newsletter in February, 2004.
4. We sadly acknowledged the death of Shuzitu Oda, freshwater bryozoologist and Professor Emeritus at Rikkuo University in Japan (see “News,” page 14).
5. We heard eloquent invitations from three members for venue of the 2010 IBA
Conference. Professor Yasser El Safori presented on behalf of Ain Shams University in Cairo; Priska Schäfer spoke for the University of Kiel, and Kamil Zágor_ek spoke for the National Museum in Prague. The vote went to Kiel. Members expressed gratitude and enthusiasm for each of these presentations.
6. The Larwood Award for best first-time presentation went to Virginia Miller for her
poster entitled, “Measuring and analyzing morphological complexity in cheilostome bryozoans.”
7. Certificates of appreciaton were presented to the Conference hosts: Juan Cancino, Hugo Moyano, and Maria Cristina Orrellana, accompanied by sustained and enthusiastic applause.
8. The title of President of the International Bryozoology Association was formally
passed from Dennis Gordon to Paul Taylor.


Ordering the Chile Conference Volume

Patrick Wyse-Jackson has announced a limited number of copies of the Chile Proceedings to be available available from from him at the low price of 40€ each. People who wait to purchase the volume from the publishers will pay 100 €.

IBA members who were unable to attend the conference, or who were there but wish to have a second copy should send Patrick* their name together with a check or bank draft payable to the "International Bryozoology Association". Patrick will mail copies out as soon as they become available.

Abstracts of papers and posters presented in Chile can be seen viewed online at www.civgeo.rmit.edu.au/bryozoa/iba.html, Phil Bock’s Bryozoa website.

* (Dr Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Department of Geology, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland)


News from the Membership

Phil Bock and Pat Cook are finishing off a revision of some Australian conescharellinids. Another project nearing completion is on the group known as 'Cheiloporina'. Further down the track is Sphaeropora (still), southern Australian microporellids and celleporids, and the fossil genus Glenelgia and its relations. In addition, a number of undescribed forms will be worked up, probably as a series of short contributions. No papers were published in 2003, although a short section on fossil bryozoans was included in "Geology of Victoria" (see list of reference in this newsletter).

Dennis Gordon renews his plea for IBA members to work together to arrive at a Global Species Database of all living species (synonymiszed) for Species 2000, and, eventually, a georeferenced list (with geographic coordinates) for all species records for OBIS.

Asit K. Guha announces that the Ph. D. thesis of his student, K. Gopikrishna entitled, Study of bryozoan assemblages from the Tertiary sequences of western Kachchh, Gujarat, India contains descriptions of 99 taxa (seven cyclostomate and 92 cheilostomate). Three genera and 88 species are new. Material is available for study.

Marcus Key has received a 3 year grant from the Petroleum Research Fund to examine stable isotopes of fossil bryozoans as a tool for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. He is working with Patrick Wyse Jackson, Abigail Smith and Andrej Ernst collecting fossil bryozoans from Ireland, New Zealand, and Estonia.

Shuzitu Oda died suddenly in January of a myocardian infarction. He was 81. Friends may contact Dr. Oda’s widow, Makiko Oda, 5-27-15 Kugayama, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 168-0082Á, JAPAN. A full obituary is not yet available to the IBA but will be forthcoming

Aaron O’Dea has just completed a one year fellowship at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute where he has been using cupuladriid bryozoans to map the history of coastal seasonality through time associated with the closure of the Isthmus of Panama. He and Jeremy Jackson recently celebrated the great news that their three year NSF proposal has been funded. Aaron will be working as a post-doc at Scripps Institute of Oceanography and the Smithsonian in Panama on the evolution of life history strategies in cupuladriids through the Neogene of Central America, using the huge Panama Paleontology Project material as well as making new collections. “As the project starts I am looking to extend our data base on Recent Central American cupuladriids. Any information regarding cupuladriids, collections or otherwise, will be gratefully received at odeaa@si.edu.”

Rolf Schmidt received has his PhD with a thesis entitled, "Eocene Bryozoa of the St Vincent Basin, South Australia - Taxonomy, Biogeography And Palaeoenvironments." (See also Rolf’s paper with Yvonne Bone cited in the bibliography).

Dorothy Soule has been selected by the USC Emeriti College to receive the Borchard Award, an honor given to a faculty member for research produced after retirement (“ I turned 80 this last year so I only drive in to work four days a week.”) She is to give a lecture on March 11 on her research. Dorothy now has 155 publications and four in press, including papers on environmental research and history. “Hooray for the Bryozoa!”

Mary Spencer Jones has for some time assumed the role of Archivist for the IBA. Her working home at the Natural History Museum (London) is a repository not only for our individual publications, but also for documents, photos, and memorabilia related to the International Bryozoology Association. She invites anyone with such materials, especially from the early years, to contact her about donating them to the archives.

Kevin Tilbrook is looking for a set of Harmer's Siboga volumes, in particular the anascan and ascophoran volumes of 1926 & 1957. “Any one got a set that they want shot of, I'd like to know about so that we can discuss numbers for their acquisition.”

Kamil Zágorcek. “With Prof. Vávra and other colleagues we continue in research of paleoecology of Miocene bryozoans from south Moravia, Austria, Slovakia and Hungary. The main result has been presented in IBA conference, and other results will be published consequently. The project would terminated on August 2004, but we asked for prolongation and looking forward the answer. In the scope of the project we are looking for someone with experience in geochemical analysis of bryozoan skeletons.”


Freshwater Bryozoology Association of Thailand

Kasetsart University in Bangkok, Thailand, is the home of the newly formed Freshwater Bryozoology Association of Thailand. Under the initiative of Dr. Patana Anurakpongsatorn and Dr. Jukkrit Mahujchariyawong of the Department of Environmental Science, the group is currently exploring the use of freshwater bryozoans for biological monitoring of water quality. A project in western Thailand on the Mae Klong River was funded by the National Research Council, and additional funding is anticipated for an expansion of this effort. The group is also gathering laboratory data on responses of different local species to a variety of toxins and other conditions. They have taken a “Freshwater Bryozoa Road Show” to area high schools, including Powerpoint presentations and opportunities for students to examine living specimens. The group’s website, www.thaibryozoans.com, was released February 2, 2004 in Thai by webmaster Nattawut Intorn. An English version is expected soon. IBA Secretary Tim Wood serves as advisor to this first organization to be devoted exclusively to freshwater bryozoans.


Invitation from Kiel - 15th IBA Conference Site in 2010

On the final day of the IBA Conference in Concepción delegates voted to accept the invitation by Priska Schäfer to hold the 2010 conference in Kiel, Germany. The following is a summary Priska’s presentation:

Kiel is a city of 250,000 people located at the Baltic Sea and Kiel Canal. It is 90 km east of Hamburg and is served by a local airport. The city is known as the sailing center of Germany. It also has museums (art, zoology, paleontology, maritime history), a seawater aquarium, parks, mansions, and surrounding rural countryside. Travelers can reach Kiel by air to Hamburg International Airport (90 km west) or Kiel local airport; by train via Hamburg; or by ferry from Oslo (Norway), Göteborg (Sweden), and Klaipeda (Litavia)

The University of Kiel has all necessary facilities as well as the Leibniz Centre for Marine Sciences. The IBA Conference will take place during the last week of July, 2010 in the main lecture building of the Institute of Geosciences. A variety of lodging is available including student dormitories, a youth hostel, and nearby hotels. A student mensa can provide food, and there is a wide range of restaurants in the vicinity.

The Pre-conference trip might include :
• Excursion to Baltic Sea with RV Alkor (bryozoan ecology);
• Excursion to the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea (ecology and sedimentology of tidal flats);
• Excursion to Helgoland, a rocky island in the North Sea (rocky shore ecology, shore and off-shore bryozoans)
• Excursion to the Maastrichtian/Danian bryozoan localities in Seeland, Denmark
(Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary at Stevn‘s Klint; Fakse bryozoan and coral mounds)

The Post-conference trip might include:
• Zechstein, Harz Mountains
• Maastrichtian localities near Maastricht and the cathedral of Aachen
• Devonian/Carboniferous, Eifel/Rhenisch Massif
• Boat trip on the river Rhine
• Tertiary, Mainz Basin
• Messel, Eocene fossil locality near Heidelberg
• Senckenberg-Museum,Frankfurt am Main Museum of Natural History

The Mid-conference trip might include
• Sightseeing tour to the medievial town Lübeck, former centre of the commercial Hanse organisation;
• Sightseeing tour to the medievial town Schleswig Castle of the former duke of Schleswig- Holstein, including the Viking settlement Haithabu


Vacancy in Invertebrate Zoology

The National Museum of Natural History, Leiden, The Netherlands is seeking a new Curator of Invertebrates, at 32 hours per week. The position will be available from April 1, 2004. The curator will co-operate with colleagues in the department with regard to research and collections of invertebrates (in particular collections of Echinodermata, Tunicata, Porifera, Bryozoa and Brachiopoda).

Her/his tasks will involve:
• management of historic and valuable scientific collections (information services, international correspondence with colleagues, scientific support of visitors, scientific aspects of loans)
• independent research, both on behalf of collection management and problem-oriented research, resulting in research reports and publications
• editing scientific publications for museum journals
• participation in the marine research programme "Fauna Malesiana Marina", including at least four weeks of fieldwork abroad
• dissemination of knowledge to the general public
• supervision of a collection technician

The successful applicant is expected
• to have an academic degree (PhD or MSc) in animal taxonomy and/or marine biology
(in case of a MSc only, the applicant should be willing to follow a PhD-programme);
• to have diving and field research experience;
• to have a background, general interest, and publication experience in marine invertebrates
(preferably Indo-Pacific ascidians, echinoderms, bryozoans, and/or sponges);
• to be experienced in managing scientific invertebrate collections;
• to be experienced in molecular techniques with regard to phylogeny reconstruction and biogeographical analyses, or to be willing to learn these techniques;
• if Dutch is not the mother tongue, to show willingness to learn Dutch and become fluent within six months time
• to raise funds for research and collection management
• to coach students in animal taxonomy
• to work in close co-operation with colleagues, especially during field work
• to be willing to assist the head of the department in the logistic organization of field work
• to be experienced in handling computerised data bases
• to have well-developed organizational skills, particularly in the field of project mgmnt.
• to have oral and written fluency in English

For further information contact Head of the Department of Invertebrates, Dr. B.W. Hoeksema, tel. +31 71 5687631; e-mail Hoeksema@naturalis.nnm.nl. Applications
(accompanied by curriculum vitae, list of publications, and names with addresses of at least two academic referees) should be sent before March 15, 2004 to: Department of Personnel & Organization, National Museum of Natural History, Postbus 9517, 2300 RA, Leiden, The Netherlands.
(Information forwarded to the IBA by Andrew Ostrovsky)



The following list of papers was compiled from standard abstracting services as well as from papers and citations sent directly to the IBA Secretary. In addition to 2003 publications, the list includes references from past years that did not appear in previous IBA Newsletters. Members are encouraged to support future compilations by continuing to submit complete citations to the IBA Secretary at any time. Reprints will be gratefully received by IBA Archivist, Mary Spencer Jones.

Anstey, Robert L.; Pachut, Joseph E.; Tuckey, Michael E. 2003. Patterns of bryozoan endemism through the Ordovician-Silurian transition. Paleobiology. 29(3): 305-328

Anstey, R. L., J. F. Pachut, and M. E. Tuckey. 2003. Biogeographic associations among bryozoans through the Ordovician-Silurian transition. Paleobiology, 29:305-328.

Backus, Byron T. and William C. Banta 2002. NOR-Chromosome morphology and evidence for rDNA selection in phylactolaemates. Hydrobiologia 482(89-95).

Barnes, David K. A. 2003. Competition asymmetry with taxon divergence. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences Series B. 270(1515): 557-562

Benedetto, Juan L. 2003. [Early Caradoc brachiopods from the La Pola Formation, sierra de Villicun, precordillera of San Juan (Argentina).] Ameghiniana. 40(1): 33-52

Bingli, Liu; Rigby, J. Keith; Zhongde, Zhu. 2003. Middle Ordovician lithistid sponges from the Bachu-Kalpin area, Xinjiang, northwestern China. Journal of Paleontology 77(3): 430-441

Bock, Philip E. 2003. Bryozoans. In 'Geology of Victoria'. (Ed. WD Birch) pp. 627,629. Geological Society of Australia, Victorian Division Special Publication 23: Melbourne.

Bolton, T.E., & Cuffey, R.J. Bryozoa of the Lower (Romaine Formation) and Middle (Mingan Formation) Ordovician of the Mingan Islands, Quebec. Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin, (in press).

Brachert, T. C.; Forst, M. H.; Legoinha, P.; Pais, J. J.; Reijmer, J. J. G. 2003. Lowstand carbonates, highstand sandstones? Sedimentary Geology. 155(1-2): 1-12.

Breton, G. 2002. Baronichnus armatus gen. nov. sp. nov.: un fouisseur du tuffeau turonien de Touraine arme son terrier de bryozoaires. Bulletin Trimestriel de la Société Géologique de Normandie et Amis Muséum du Havre 87 (4) [for 2000]: 29-37.

Buatois, Luis A.; Mangano, M. Gabriela. 2003. [Ichnologic and paleoenvironmental characterization of the Orchesteropus atavus Frenguelli type locality, Huerta de Huachi, San Juan Province, Argentina.] Ameghiniana 40(1): 53-70.

Canning, E. U.; Refardt, D.; Okamura, B.; Vossbrinck, C. R.; Curry, A. 2003. Nosema-like microsporidia in bryozoans: Need for new genera. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 50(2): 16A. (Abstract).

Carrera, Marcelo G. 2003. The genus Prasopora (Bryozoa) from the Middle Ordovician of the Argentine Precordillera. Ameghiniana. 40(2): 197-203

Caselli, Gianni; Cocco, Ennio; Gisotti, Giuseppe; Spadea, Roberto. 2003. Geomorphological evolution of Cape Colonna (Crotone) during the historical period and its relationship with the Hera Lacinia Greek temple. [Evoluzione geomorfologica di Capo Colonna (Crotone) nel periodo storico e suoi rapporti col Tempio Greco di Hera Lacinia]. Bollettino del Servizio Geologico d'Italia. 117: 3-16.

Charalambidou, Iris; Santamaria, Luis; Figuerola, Jordi. 2003. How far can the freshwater bryozoan Cristatella mucedo disperse in duck guts? Archiv für Hydrobiologie 157(4): 547-554.

Chimenz Gusso C., Soule Dorothy.F. 2003. Plesiocleidochasma mediterraneum sp. n., the first recognized occurrence of the genus in the Mediterranean region (Bryozoa, Cheilostomatida). Boll. Mus. St. Nat. Verona, Botanica Zoologia 27: 71-76.

Chiocchini, Ugo 2003. Affioramento di Arenaria di Manciano (Miocene) nel Lazio nord-occidentale [An outcrop of the Manciano Sandstone (Miocene) in northwestern Latium}. Bollettino del Servizio Geologico d'Italia. 117: 17-26.

Cornell, Sean R.; Brett, Carlton E.; Sumrall, Colin D. 2003. Paleoecology and taphonomy of an edrioasteroid-dominated hardground association from tentaculitid limestones in the Early Devonian of New York: A Paleozoic rocky peritidal community. Palaios. 8(3): 212-224

De Meester, Luc, Gómez, Africa, Okamura, Beth, & Schwenk, Klaus. 2002. The monopolization hypothesis and the dispersal-gene flow paradox in aquatic organisms. Acta Oecologica 23: 121-135.

Denisenko N.V. 2003. New data about the fauna of bryozoans and their ecology from the Franz-Josef Land Archipelago. Kuzbass Pedagogical Academy Publisher, Novokuznetsk.. p.48-61. (In Russian)

Denisenko S. G., Denisenko N. V., Lehtonen K. K., Andersin A.- B., Laine A. O. 2003. Macrozoobenthos of the Pechora Sea (southeastern Barents Sea): community structure and spatial distribution in relation to environmental conditions. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 258:109-123.

Denisenko, N.V., Rachor, E., Denisenko, S.G. 2003. Benthic fauna of the southern Kara Sea // Siberian River Runoff in the Kara Sea: Characterization, quantification variability and environmental significance. In: R.Stain, K. Fahld, D.K. Futterer, E.M.Galimov and O.V.Stepanetz (eds.) Proceedings in marine science. Elsevier. Amsterdam, 6: 213-236.

Di Geronimo, Italo; Di Geronimo, Raffaella; Rosso, Antonietta; Girone, Angela; La Perna, Rafael. 2003. Autochthonous and allochthonous assemblages from Lower Pleistocene sediments (Palione river, Sicily). Bollettino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana. 42(1-2): 133-138.

Dick, Matthew H.; Herrera-Cubilla, Amalia; Jackson, Jeremy B. C. 2003. Molecular phylogeny and phylogeography of free-living Bryozoa (Cupuladriidae) from both sides of the Isthmus of Panama. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 27(3): 355-371.

Erickson, J. Mark; Bouchard, Timothy D. 2003. Description and interpretation of Sanctum laurentiensis, new ichnogenus and ichnospecies, a domichnium mined into Late Ordovician (Cincinnatian) ramose bryozoan colonies. Journal of Paleontology. 77(5): 1002-1010.

Ernst, Andrej 2001. Carnocladiidae - a new family of fenestrate bryozoans. Senckenbergiana lethaea 81(2): 295-305.

Ernst, Andrej 2001. Bryozoa of the Upper Permian Zechstein Formation of Germany. Senckenbergiana lethaea 81(1): 135-181.

Ernst, Andrej 2002. Zooidal anatomy in Ordovician and Carboniferous trepostome bryozoans. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 76(2): 339-346.

Figuerola, Jordi; Green, Andy J.; Santamaria, Luis 2003. Passive internal transport of aquatic organisms by waterfowl in Donana, south-west Spain. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 12(5): 427-436

Fine, M.; Loya, Y. 2003. Alternate coral-bryozoan competitive superiority during coral
bleaching. Marine Biology (Berlin). 142(5): 989-996.

Freeland, Joanna R.; Lodge, Rebecca J.; Okamura, Beth. 2003. Sex and outcrossing in a sessile freshwater invertebrate. Freshwater Biology. 48(2): 301-305.

Gerdes, D.; Hilbig, B.; Montiel, A. 2003. Impact of iceberg scouring on macrobenthic communities in the high-Antarctic Weddell Sea. Polar Biology. 26(5): 295-301

Gontar, V.I., Hop, H. & Voronkov, A.Yu. 2001. Diversity and distribution of Bryozoa in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. Polish Polar Research 22 (3-4), 187-204.

Gontar, V.I., Hop, H.,Voronkov, A.Yu. 2002. Bryozoa as environmental bioindicators in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences 296: 53-62.

Gordon, D.P. 2003: Living lace. New Zealand Geographic 61: 78-93.

Gordon, D.P.; Mawatari, S.F.; Kajihara, H. 2002: New taxa of Japanese and New Zealand Eurystomellidae (phylum Bryozoa) and their phylogenetic relationships. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 136: 199-216.

Gorjunova, R. V.; Weiss, O. B. 2003. New Devonian Bryozoans from Mongolia. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal. 3: 49-52

Grandstaff, Barbara Smith, Yousry Attia and Joshua B. Smith 2002. New specimens of Mawsonia (Actinistia: Coelacanthiformes) from the Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous) of Bahariya Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt. Sixty-Second Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 22(3 Supplement): 60A.

Gudo, M., M. Gutmann and J. Scholz, Eds. (2002). Concepts of Functional, Engineering and Constructional Morphology. Senckenbergiana lethaea. Frankfurt am Main.

Gussmann, O. A. and A.M. Smith 2002. Mixed siliciclastic-skeletal carbonate lagoon sediments from a high volcanic island, Viti Levu, Fiji, Southwest Pacific. Pacific Science 56: 169-189.

Guha A. K. and Gopikrishna, K. 2003. Record of Genus Thalamoporella from Tertiary Sequences of Kachchh, Gujarat. In P. Kundal (ed.), Recent Developments in Indian Micropaleontology. Gondwana Geological Magazine, Sp. Vol. 6, 105 - 113.

Guha, A. K. 2003. Cretaceous Bryozoa from Peninsular India - a review. In P. Kundal (ed.), Recent Developments in Indian Micropaleontology. Gondwana Geological Magazine, Sp. Vol. 6, 115 - 128.

Gul, Murat; Eren, Muhsin. 2003. The sedimentary characteristics of Dagpazari patch reef (middle Miocene, Mut-Icel/Turkey). Carbonates and Evaporites. 18(1): 51-62.

Hageman, Steven J. 2003. Complexity generated by iteration of hierarchical modules in
bryozoa. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 43(1): 87-98.

Hara, Urszula 2000. Bryozoan remains from Eocene glacial erratics of McMurdo Sound, East Antarctica. Pp 321-323. In: Stilwell, J. and Feldman, R.M. (eds.) Paleobiology and Paleoenvironments of Eocene fossiliferous erratics, McMurdo Sound, East Antarctica, Geophysical Union, Antarctic Research Series

Hara, Urszula 2001. Bryozoa from the Eocene of Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Palaeontologia Polonica. Pp 33-156. In: Ga3dzick, A. (eds.) Palaeontological Results of the Polish Antarctic Expeditions, Part III

Hara, Urszula 2002. A new macroporid bryozoan from Eocene of Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Polish Polar Research 23(3-4): 213-225.

Hara, Urszula. 2003. Drogi migracji i zwiazki biogeograficzne fauny mszywiolLow z eocenskiej formacji La Meseta Wyspy Seymour (Antarktyka). [Migration routes and biogeographic connections of the bryozoan fauna from the Eocene La Meseta Formation in Seymour Island, Antarctica]. Przeglad Geologiczny (Geological Review) 51(3): 251-252.

Harmelin J.G. 2003. Biodiversité des habitats cryptiques du parc national de Port-Cros (Méditerranée, France. Assemblages de bryozoaires d’une grotte sous-marine et de faces inférieures de pierres. Sci. Rep. Port-Cros natl.Park, Fr., 19: 101-116.

Harmelin J.G. Boury-Esnault N., Fichez R., Vacelet J., Zibrowius H. 2003. Peuplement de la grotte sous-marine de l’île de Bagaud (parc national de Port-Cros, France, Méditerranée). Sci. Rep. Port-Cros natl. Park, Fr., 19:117-134.

Heydari, E.; Ghazi, A. M.; Hassanzadeh, J.; Wade, W. J. 2003. Permian-Triassic boundary interval in the Abadeh section of Iran with implications for mass extinction; Part 1, Sedimentology Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 193(3-4): 405-423.

Hideaki Machiyama, Tsutomu Yamada, Naotomo Kaneko, Yasufumi Iryu, Kei Odawara, Ryuji Asami, Hiroki Matsuda, Shunsuke F. Mawatari, Yvonne Bone and Noel P. James 2003. Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes of Cool-Water Bryozoans from the Great Australian Bight and Their Paleoenvironmental Significance.

d’Hondt, J.-L., R. Coutin, D. Defaye, P. Dessaix, J.-L. Dommanget, G. Magniez and J. Mathieu 2000. Observations sur la faune et la flore des bras morts de l'Isle à Savignac-les-Eglises (Dordogne). 2. La macrofaune. L'Ascalaphe 8: 10-13.

d’Hondt, Jean-Loup 2001. Flustrina versus Neocheilostomina (Bryozoaires). Remarques sur la biosystémique aux niveaux supraspécifiques. Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France 126(4): 391-406.

d’Hondt, J-L. and M.-J. d' Hondt 2001. Les précurseurs français dans la connaissance des Bryozoaires et des Octocoralliaires des Antilles et de la Guyane françaises. Pp 191-221. In: Hondt, J.-L. d' and Lorenz, J. (eds.) L'exploration scientifique des Antilles et de la Guyane. Paris, Editions du CTHS, French Ministry of Scientific Research.

d’Hondt, Jean-Loup 2002. Les Bryozoaires des milieux saumâtres côtiers et estuariens. Etat des connaissances sur les espèces européennes. Pp 45-74. In: Hondt, J.-L.d' and Lorenz, J. (eds.) Côtes est estuaires: milieux naturels. Paris, Editions due CTHS, French Ministry of Scientific Research

d’Hondt, Jean-Loup and M. Goyffon 2002. Observations complémentaires sur le polymorphisme enzymatique d'Electra pilosa et d'E. crustulenta (Bryozoaires Cheilostomes). Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France 127(3): 223-232.

d’Hondt, J.-L., A. Morgillo and B. Gontier 2002. Urnatella gracilis Leidy, 1855, un Entoprocte d'eau douce nouveau pour la faune française. Bulletin de la Société Linnéennede Lyon 71(7): 269-274.

d’Hondt, Jean-Loup 2003 On a collection of Bryozoa from the Tromsö area (Norway). Fauna Norvegica , 23 : 15-24.

d’Hondt, Jean-Loup, A. Occhipinti Ambrogi, & M. Goyffon 2003. Etude comparée du polymorphisme électrophorétique chez deux familles de Bryozoaires cellularines : les Bugulidae et les Candidae. Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France, 128 (3) : 161-183.

Hughes, R. N.; Manriquez, P. H.; Bishop, J. D. D.; Burrows, M. T. 2003. Stress promotes maleness in hermaphroditic modular animals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100(18): 10326-10330.

Jamet. C. M. and J. F. Pachut. 2003. Triassic bryozoan diversity patterns. Paleobios 23: Supplement 1, p. 4.

Kahle, Jens; Gerdes, Gisela; Liebezeit, Gerd 2003. Culture of Flustra floliacea (bryozoa) for secondary metabolite production. Biomolecular Engineering. 20(2): 80-1. (Abstract)

Kaselowsky, J. , J. Scholtz and G. S. Levit 2002. The biological potential of encrusting bryozoans. Pp 181-192. In: Gudo, M., Gutmann, M. and Scholz, J. (eds.) Concepts of Functional, Engineering and Constructional Morphology. Frankfurt am Main, Senckenbergiana lethaea.

Kazanci, Nilgun; Oguzkurt, Didem; Girgin, Sonmez; Dugel, Muzaffer 2003. Distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in relation to physico-chemical properties in the Koycegiz-Dalyan estuarine channel system (Mediterranean Sea, Turkey). Indian Journal of Marine Sciences. 32(2): 141-146

Key, M. M., Jr., P. N. Wyse Jackson, E. Håkansson, W. P. Patterson, and M. D. Moore. 2003. Gigantism in Permian trepostomes from Greenland: stable isotope evidence of the algal symbiosis hypothesis. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 34(6): 420.

Key, M. M., Jr., P. N. Wyse Jackson, E. Håkansson, W. P. Patterson, & M. D. Moore 2003. C and O isotopic test of the algal symbiosis hypothesis for gigantism in Permian trepostomes from Greenland. Boletin de la Sociedad de Biologia de Concepcion. 74: 74.

Key, M. M., Jr., & A. M. Smith 2003. From plate tectonics to bryozoan evolution. Boletin de la Sociedad de Biologia de Concepcion. 74: 75.

Kobayashi, Fumio. 2003. Palaeogeographic constraints on the tectonic evolution of the
Maizuru Terrane of Southwest Japan to the eastern continental margin of South China during the Permian and Triassic. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 195(3-4): 299-317.

Lasemi, Z., Norby, R.D., Utgaard, J.E., Ferry, W.F., Cuffey, R.J., & Dever, G.R. Mississippian carbonate platforms and buildups and the case for upwelling in the Illinois Basin. SEPM Special Publication 78, (in press).

LeBlanc, A. R.; Landry, T.; Miron, G. 2003. Identification of fouling organisms covering mussel lines and impact of a common defouling method on the abundance of foulers in Tracadie Bay, Prince Edward Island. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, No. 2477 p. i-vii; 1-18.

Levit, G. S. and J. Scholz 2002. The Biosphere as a morphoprocess and a new look at the concepts of organism and individuality. Pp 367-372. In: Gudo, M., Gutmann, M. and Scholz, J. (eds.) Concepts of Functional, Engineering and Constructional Morphology. Frankfurt am Main, Senckenbergiana lethaea

Lim, G. E.; Haygood, M. G. 2003. Molecular phylogeny of the bacterial symbionts in the bryozoan genus Bugula. Abstracts of the General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. 103: N-231

Lukasik, Jeff J.; James, Noel P. 2003. Deepening-upward subtidal cycles, Murray Basin, South Australia. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 73(5): 653-671.

McGovern, Tamara M.; Hellberg, Michael E. 2003. Cryptic species, cryptic endosymbionts, and geographical variation in chemical defences in the bryozoan Bugula neritina. Molecular Ecology. 12(5): 1207-1215.

McKinney, F.K. & Taylor, P.D. 2003. Palaeoecology of free-lying domal bryozoan colonies from the Upper Eocene of southeastern USA. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 48: 447-462.

McKinney, Frank K.; Taylor, Paul D. 2003. Palaeoecology of free-lying domal bryozoan colonies from the Upper Eocene of southeastern USA. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 49(3): 447-462.

McKinney, F. K.; McGhee, G. R. 2003. Evolution of erect helical colony form in the Bryozoa: Phylogenetic, functional, and ecological factors. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 80(2): 235-260.

McKinney, F.K., Taylor, P.D. & Lidgard, S. 2003. Predation on bryozoans and its reflection in the fossil record. Pp. 239-261. In: Kelley, P.H., Kowalewski, M & Hansen, T.A. (eds) Pedator-Prey Interactions in the Fossil Record. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York.

Medvedev, P., M. Phillippov, A. Romashkin and N. Vávra 2001. Primary organic matter and lithofacies of siliceous shungite rocks from Karelia. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh. 2001(11): 641-658.

Mendola, Dominick. Aquaculture of three phyla of marine invertebrates to yield bioactive metabolites: Process developments and economics. Biomolecular Engineering. 20(4-6): 441-458.

Mehrtens, C., & Cuffey, R. J. Paleoecology of the Day Point Formation (lower Chazy Group, Middle Ordovician) and its bryozoan reef mounds, northwestern Vermont and adjacent New York state. Northeastern Geology, (in press).

Meunier, F. and J.-L. d' Hondt 2002. "Preface" to the new edition of L'Histoire entière des Poissons (by Guillaume Rondelet, 1558). Pp 7-26. In: Hondt, J.-L. d' (eds.) Editions du CTHS, French Ministry of Scientific Research. Paris

Mulet, J.; Valor, L. M.; Wikman, P.; Reddy, K.; Bernal, J. A.; Criado, M.; Sala, S.; Sala, F. 2003. Effects of an alkaloid from Flustra foliacea on recombinant human neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. European Biophysics Journal. 32(3): 272. (Abstract)

Nielsen, C. 2002. Entoprocta. - In A. O’Daly (ed.): Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, vol. 6, pp. 345-346. Macmillan Reference, London. (electronic version: www.els.net).

Nielsen, C. 2002. Ciliary filter-feeding structures in adult and larval gymnolaemate bryozoans. - Invertebrate Biology 121: 255-261.

Nielsen, C. 2001. Animal Evolution: Interrelationships of the Living Phyla, 2nd edition, 563 pp. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford. (Bryozoa pp. 232-263)

Nielsen, C. 2002. Entoprocta. - In C.M. Young, M.A. Sewell & M.E. Rice (eds): Atlas of Marine Invertebrate Larvae, pp. 397-409. Academic Press, London.

Nielsen, C. 2002. Bryozoa (Ectoprocta: ‘Moss’ Animals). - In A. O’Daly (ed.): Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, vol. 3, pp. 475-479. Macmillan Reference, London (electronic version: www.els.net).

Nielsen, C. 2002. The phylogenetic position of Entoprocta, Ectoprocta, Phoronida and Brachiopoda. - Integrative and Comparative Biology 42: 685-691.

O'Dea, Aaron. 2003. Seasonality and zooid size variation in Panamanian encrusting bryozoans. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 83(5): 1107-1108.

Okamura, Beth & Freeland, Joanna R. 2002. Gene flow and the evolutionary ecology of passively dispersing aquatic invertebrates. Pp 194-216 in Bullock, James M., Kenward, Robert E., & Hails, Rosie S. (editors), Dispersal Ecology. Blackwell Publishing

Okamura, Beth, Joanna R. Freeland & Tristan Hatton-Ellis. 2002. Clones and Metapopulations. Pp 283-312 in Hughes, Roger N. (editor), Reproductive Biology of Invertebrates, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Dehli.

Ostrovsky, A. N.; Schaefer, P. 2003. Ovicell structure in Callopora dumerilii and C. lineata (Bryozoa: Cheilostomatida). Acta Zoologica (Copenhagen). 85(1): 15-24.

Passamaneck, Y. J.; Halanych, K. M. 2003. Bryozoan affinities accessed using Hox genes and ribosomal RNA genes. SICB Annual Meeting & Exhibition Final Program and Abstracts. p. 271 (Abstract).

Pemberton, A. J., Hughes,R.N., Manríquez, P. H. & Bishop, J. D. D. 2003 Efficient utilisation of very dilute aquatic sperm: sperm competition is more likely than sperm limitation when eggs are retained. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B (Suppl. Biology Letters) 270, S223-S226.

Peters, Lars; Koenig, Gabriele M.; Wright, Anthony D.; Pukall, Ruediger; Stackebrandt, Erko; Eberl, Leo; Riedel, Kathrin. 2003. Secondary metabolites of Flustra foliacea and their influence on bacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. v. 69(6): 3469-3475.

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Building with bryozoans

Visitors to Oamaru in New Zealand cannot fail to be impressed by the white stone buildings constructed of Tertiary bryozoan limestone. There are several other examples of fossil bryozoans unwittingly contributing to man-made buildings, including the British Houses of Parliament, but long before humans utilized bryozoans in this way an unknown Cretaceous burrowing animal took advantage of the same skeletal resource. Gérard Breton (2002) has recently described a new trace fossil - Baronichnus armatus - from the Turonian of France which consists of subvertical tubular burrows lined by horizontally-disposed fragments of bryozoan colonies. The animal responsible, perhaps a crustacean or a polychaete, used only pieces of the bifoliate cheilostome Onychocella (Rhagasostoma) turonica Canu to construct the walls of its burrows, selecting this species with the exactitude of an experienced taxonomist. (Contributed by Paul Taylor)

Breton, G. 2002. Baronichnus armatus gen. nov. sp. nov.: un fouisseur du tuffeau turonien de Touraine arme son terrier de bryozoaires. Bulletin Trimestriel de la Société Géologique de Normandie et Amis Muséum du Havre 87 (4) [for 2000]: 29-37.

(Submitted by Paul Taylor)