Escharoides falcifera d'Hondt, 1986

Not Escharoides falcifera (Canu & Bassler, 1920)

Escharoides falcifera was described from New Caledonia. The material illustrated below is identified with this species provisionally, and was collected from Bass Strait, southeastern Australia.

Original description: Escharoides falcifera d'Hondt, 1986.
Locality: Banc de Coetlogon, Nouvelle Caledonie, 33-35 m.
Type specimen: MNHM

*  Species Datasheet:
The original description and figure have been
converted to a PDF file - Click here for a copy.

Extract from Bull. Mus. natn Hist. nat., Paris,
4e ser., 8.

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Modified on 26th May 2006
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