Hippothoidae Busk, 1859

This family includes the genera

  1. Antarctothoa
  2. Austrothoa
  3. Celleporella
  4. Dacryoporella
  5. Haplota
  6. Heterothoa
  7. Hippothoa
  8. Jessethoa
  9. Laterotecatia
  10. Neothoa
  11. Plesiothoa
The following genera were placed in the family provisionally. The Family Trypostegidae now contains most of these.
  1. Boreas (Now Trypostegidae)
  2. Boreasina (Now Trypostegidae)
  3. Diplotresis (Now Trypostegidae)
  4. Eohippothoa (Now Trypostegidae)
  5. Grammothoa (Now Trypostegidae)
  6. Haplopoma (Now Haplopomidae)
  7. Kronothoa (Now Trypostegidae)
  8. Kunradina (Now Trypostegidae)
  9. Mosathoa (Now Trypostegidae)
  10. Rectoporina (Now Trypostegidae)
  11. Stictostega (Now Microporidae)
  12. Tricolpopora (Now Trypostegidae)
  13. Trilophopora (Now Trypostegidae)
  14. Trypostega (Now Trypostegidae)
[Antarctothoa delta] [Antarctothoa galaica] [Dacryoporella gutta] [Celleporella angusta] [Celleporella hyalina]
Antarctothoa delta Antarctothoa galaica
(Thanks to J. Cesar-Aldariz)
Dacryoporella gutta
(thanks to Dennis Gordon, NIWA)
Celleporella angusta Celleporella hyalina
(thanks to Matt Dick)
[Celleporella nodasakae] [Celleporella tuberculata] [Hippothoa divaricata pacifica] [Hippothoa flagellum] [Hippopodina petrophila]
Celleporella nodasakae Celleporella tuberculata Hippothoa divaricata pacifica
(Identification provisional)
Hippothoa flagellum Hippothoa petrophila

Celleporella hyalina at The Bryozoans of the Pacific.

Celleporella hyalina at APhotoMarine.

Home Page Systematic Family List Alphabetic Family List

Edited by Phil Bock
Modified on 14/01/2015
Modified on 13/3/2020
Modified on 18/6/2024 (Added Heterothoa)
This URL is http://bryozoa.net/cheilostomata/hippothoidae/index.html