Bryozoan References - 2002

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Note: The abstracts of the IBA 2001 Conference are available. These can be used for most of the papers published in 'Bryozoan Studies 2001'

2001 2003
Alves, Filipe M.A. & Cocito, Silvia, 2002.
A new bryozoan record (Bugula calathus minor) for the marine fauna of Madeira Island (NE Atlantic).
Bocagiana (Funchal) 204: 1-5.
Anstey, R. L., 2002.
Biogeographic associations among bryozoans through the Ordovician-Silurian transition.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 33 (North Central)
Backus, B. T. & Banta, W. C., 2002.
NOR-Chromosome morphology and evidence for rDNA selection in phylactolaemates.
Hydrobiologia 482: 89-95.
Bader, B. 2002.
Bryozoan communities in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica: a first overview. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 1-6. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Banks, Patrick D. & Brown, Kenneth M., 2002.
Hydrocarbon effects on fouling assemblages: The importance of taxonomic differences, seasonal, and tidal variation.
Marine Environmental Research 53 (3): 311-326.
Barnes, D K A, 2002.
Invasions by marine life on plastic debris.
Nature, 416: 808-809.
Barnes, D. K., 2002.
Polarization of competition increases with latitude.
Proceedings of the Royal Society London Series B 269 (1504): 2061-2069.
Barnes, D. K., 2002.
Biodiversity: invasions by marine life on plastic debris.
Nature 416 (6883): 808-809.
Barnes, D. K. A., 2002.
Clade perseverance from Mesozoic to present: a multidisciplinary approach to interpretation of pattern and process.
Biological Bulletin, Woods Hole 203: 161-172.
Barnes, D.K.A. & De Grave, S. 2002.
Modelling multivariate determinants of growth in Antarctic bryozoans. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 7-17. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Barnes, D.K.A. & Maughan, B.C. 2002.
Seasonality and inter-annual variability in recruitment patterns of temperate encrusting fauna. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 19-27. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Best, M.A. & Thorpe, J.P. 2002.
Use of radioactive labelled food to assess the role of the funicular system in the transport of metabolites in the cheilostome bryozoan Membranipora membranacea (L.). In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 29-35. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Best, M.A. & Thorpe, J.P. 2002.
Use of radioactive labelled silt to show depletion of food supply by upstream colonies of Flustrellidra hispida (Fabricius). In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 37-40. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Boardman, R.S. 2002.
Colony life then and now: Lower Paleozoic trepostomes (500-350 mya) and living cyclostomes: a review. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 41-51. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Bock, P.E., & Cook, P.L., 2002.
First fossil finds of some Australian Bryozoa.
Alcheringa, 25: 407-424.
Bone, Y. & James, N.P. 2002.
Bryozoans from temperate Pleistocene deep-water mounds, Great Australian Bight, Australia. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 53-59. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Braga, Giampietro, 2002.
Occurrence of Cenozoic Bryozoa in Nanggulan and elsewhere in the Indonesian Archipelago.
Memorie di Scienze Geologiche 53 (2001): 61-64.
Breton, G., 2002.
Baronichnus armatus gen. nov. sp. nov.: un fouisseur du tuffeau turonien de Touraine arme son terrier de bryozoaires.
Bulletin trimestriel de la Société Géologique de Normandie et Amis Muséum de Havre 87 (4): 29-37. (for 2000)
Brown, K.M., Schmidt, R. & Bone, Y. 2002.
Observations on ecological adaptations of Lanceopora smeatoni (MacGillivray), from West Island, South Australia. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 61-65. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Burke, Willam A., 2002.
Cutaneous reactions to marine sponges and bryozoans.
Dermatologic Therapy 15 (1): 26.
Buttler, Caroline J., Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. & Sharpe, Tom, 2002.
George Robert Vine (1825-1893): Stay maker, bryozoologist and fossil dealer. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N. & Spencer Jones, M.E. (editors), Annals of Bryozoology: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans: 1-29. International Bryozoology Association, Dublin.
Cadée, Gerhard C., 2002.
Early bryozoan studies in the Netherlands. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N. & Spencer Jones, M.E. (editors), Annals of Bryozoology: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans: 31-43. International Bryozoology Association, Dublin.
Caffara, M., Gustinelli, A., Prearo, M., Taticchi, M. I. & Fioravanti, M. L., 2002.
Studies on the presence of Tetracapsula bryosalmonae (Myxozoa, Saccosporidae) in Bryozoa and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Italy.
Parasitologia 44 (Suppl. 1): 1-39.
Callaghan, T. P. & Karlson, R. H., 2002.
Summer dormancy as a refuge from mortality in the freshwater bryozoan Plumatella emarginata.
Oecologia (Berlin) 132 (1): 51-59.
Cancino, J.M., Torres, F. & Moyano, H.I. 2002.
Larval release pattern in Antarctic bryozoans. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 67-72. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Canning, Elizabeth U., Refardt, Donomik, Vossbrinck, Charles R., Okamura, Beth & Curry, Alan, 2002.
New diplokaryotic microsporidia (Phylum, Microsporidia) from freshwater bryozoans (Bryozoa, Phylactolaemata).
European Journal of Protistology 38: 247-265.
Canning, E. U., Tops, S., Curry, A., Wood, T. & Okamura, B., 2002.
Ecology, development and pathogenicity of Buddenbrockia phanatellae Schroder, 1910 (Myxozoa, Malacosporea) (syn. Tetracapsula bryozoides) and establishment of Tetracapsuloides n. gen. for Tetracapsula bryosalmonae.
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 49: 280-295.
Charlton, T. R., Barber, A. J., Harris, R. A., Barkham, S. T., Bird, P. R., Archbold, N. W., Morris, N. J., Nicoll, R. S., Owen, H. G., Owens, R. M., Sorauf, J. E., Taylor, P. D., Webster, G. D. & Whittaker, J. E., 2002.
The Permian of Timor: its stratigraphy, palaeontology and palaeogeography.
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20: 719-774.
Cheetham, A.H. 2002.
Asexual propagation in the cheilostomes Metarabdotos and Coscinopleura: effects on genetic variation and larval productivity. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 73-80. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Cheetham, Alan H., 2002.
The founding and early history of the International Bryozoology Association, 1965-1974. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N. & Spencer Jones, M.E. (editors), Annals of Bryozoology: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans: 45-57. International Bryozoology Association, Dublin.
Cheetham, A.H. 2002.
Origin and early development of the International Bryozoology Association. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 81. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Cocito, S., Ferdeghini, F., Pisaroni, S. & Bedulli, D. 2002.
Influence of colony morphology on associated biota diversity in four Bryozoa. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 83-88. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Cook, P.L., & Bock, P.E., 2002.
Notes on astogeny of some Petraliellidae (Bryozoa) from Australia. DOI:10.1080/00222930110052463
Journal of natural history, 36 (13): 1601-1619.
Cuffey, R.J. 2002.
Identification key for North American trepostome families. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 89-90. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Cuffey, R. J., 2002.
Comments on the proposed conservation of the specific names of Dianulites petropolitana Dybowski, 1877 and Diplotrypa petropolitana Nicholson, 1879 (Bryozoa).
Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 59 (1): 40-44.
Cuffey, Roger J., Davis, Richard A. & Utgaard, John E., 2002.
The Cincinnati paleobryozoologists. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N. & Spencer Jones, M.E. (editors), Annals of Bryozoology: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans: 59-79. International Bryozoology Association, Dublin.
Dahl, L & Dahl, K, 2002.
Temporal, spatial and substrate-dependent variations of Danish hard-bottom macrofauna.
Helgol. Mar. Res., 56: 159-168.
de Blauwe, Hans, 2002.
Determinatie en verspreiding van Tricellaria inopinata d'Hondt & Occhipinti Ambrogi (Bryozoa, Cheilostomatida), een recente immigrant uit her noorden van de Stille Oceaan.
Zeepaard 62 (3): 73-88.
De Blauwe, Hans, 2002.
Bryozoa verzameldtijdensde SWG-reis naar Dale (zuid-Wales) in April 2001.
Strandvlo, 22 (3): 105-114
Dewel, R.A., Winston, J.E. & McKinney, F.K. 2002.
Deconstructing bryozoans: origin and consequences of a unique body plan. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 93-99. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Di Geronimo, I, Di Geronimo, R, La Perna, R, Rosso, A & Sanfilippo, R, 2002.
Cooling evidence from Pleistocene shelf assemblages in SE Sicily.
Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 181: 113-120.
Di Geronimo, I, Di Geronimo, R, Rosso, A & Sanfilippo, R, 2002.
Structural and taphonomic analysis of a columnar coralline algal build-up from SE Sicily.
Geobios, 24: 86-95.
Eisenbarth, Sophie, Gehling, Matthias, Harder, Achim & Steffan, Bert, 2002.
Pentaporins A, B and C: Disulfides from the marine bryozoan Pentapora fascialis.
Tetrahedron 58 (42): 8461-8464.
Elia, Antonia Concetta, Ludovisi, Alessandro & Taticchi, Maria Illuminata, 2001.
Study of seasonal variations of glutathione and detoxification enzymes in Lophopus crystallinus Pallas (Bryozoa) from Lake Piediluco (Umbria, Italy).
Italian Journal of Zoology (Modena) 68 (4): 291-297.
El-Matbouli, M. & Hoffmann, R.W., 2002.
Influence of water quality on the outbreak of proliferative kidney disease: Field studies and exposure experiments.
Journal of Fish Diseases 25 (8): 459-467.
El Safori, Y A, 2002.
Taxonomy, stratigraphy, and paleoecology of the Miocene bryozoans of Siwa Oasis, Egypt.
Egypt. Jour. Paleontol., 2: 417-464.
El Sorogy, Abdelbaset S., 2002.
Paleontology and depositional environments of the Pleistocene coral reefs of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt.
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen 225 (3): 337-371.
Erickson, J.M. & Erickson, J.M. & Waugh, D.A., 2002.
Colony morphologies and missed opportunities during the Cincinnatian (Late Ordovician) bryozoan radiation: examples from Heterotrypa frondosa and Monticulipora mammulata. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 101-107. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Ernst, A. 2002.
Systematics and biogeography of the Permian bryozoans in Europe. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 109-112. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Ernst, Andrej & Voigt, Ehrhard, 2002.
Zooidal anatomy in Ordovician and Carboniferous trepostome bryozoans.
Paläontologische Zeitschrift 76 (2): 339-345.
Fagerstrom, J. Alfred & Bradshaw, Margaret A, 2002.
Early Devonian reefs at Reefton, New Zealand: Guilds, origin and paleogeographic significance.
Lethaia 35 (1): 35-50.
Fernandez Pulpeiro, E., Cesar-Aldariz, J. & Reverter Gil, O., 2002.
Sobre la presencia de Tricellaria inopinata d'Hondt and Occhipinti Ambrogi, 1985 (Bryozoa, Cheilostomatida) en el literal gallego (N.O. España).
NACC Bioloxia (Nova Acta Cientifica Compostelana. Bioloxia) 11: 207-213.
Francis, Donna R., 2001.
Bryozoan statoblasts. In: Smol, John P., Birks, H. John B. & Last, William M. (editors), Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research Vol. 4. Zoological Indicators: 105-123. Kluwer, Dordrecht.
Franzén, Å & Lennmark, I., 2002.
Bryozoer i den svenska faunan [Bryozoa in the fauna of Sweden] [in Swedish].
Fauna och Flora, Stockholm 97 (1): 20-31.
Galluzzo, G. & Nicotra, M., 2002.
Fauna manna a Bryozoa della Riserva Naturale Orientata 'Oasi faunistica di Vendicari' (Siracusa, Sicilia sud orientale).
Naturalista siciliano (4) 26 (1-2): 21-33.
Garrabou, J, Ballesteros, E & Zabala, M, 2002.
Structure and dynamics of north-western Mediterranean rocky benthic communities along a depth gradient.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 55: 493-508.
Geiger, Daniel L. & Zimmer, Russel L., 2002.
Anchoring rootlets in Bowerbankia imbricata (Bryozoa: Ctenostomata).
Bulletin of Marine Science 70 (791-797)
Gontar, V .I., 2002.
New species and new genera of Cheilostomata from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica (Bryozoa).
Zoosystematica Rossica 10 (2): 285-292.
Gontar, V .I., Hop, H. & Voronkov, A.Yu., 2002.
Bryozoa as environmental bioindicators in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard.
Proceedings of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences 296: 53-62.
Gordon, D.P. 2002.
Late Cretaceous-Paleocene 'porinids' - mixed frontal shields and evidence of polyphyly. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Gordon, Dennis P., Mawatari, Shunsuke F., & Kajihara, Hiroshi, 2002.
New taxa of Japanese and New Zealand Eurystomellidae (Phylum Bryozoa) and their phylogenetic relationships.
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 136: 199-216.
Gorjunova, R. V., 2002.
Pseudorhabdomeson - A new genus of Carboniferous bryozoans: Morphology and astogeny. [in Russian]
Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 2002 (5): 49-58.
Gorjunova, R. V., 2002.
Pseudorhabdomeson - a New Genus of Carboniferous Bryozoans: Morphology and Astogeny.
Paleontological Journal 36 (3): 490-501.
Gorjunova, R. V., 2002.
Middle Carboniferous bryozoans of the Russian Platform.
Paleontological Journal 36 (Supplementary Issue 4): S261-S352.
Gray, Natasha L., Banta, William C. & Loeb, George I., 2002.
Aquatic biofouling larvae respond to differences in the mechanical properties of the surface on which they settle.
Biofouling 18 (4): 269-273.
Grischenko, Andrei V., 2002.
History of investigations and current state of knowledge of bryozoan species diversity in the Bering Sea. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N. & Spencer Jones, M.E. (editors), Annals of Bryozoology: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans: 97-116. International Bryozoology Association, Dublin.
Grischenko, A.V. & Mawatari, S.F. 2002.
Kubaninella: a new genus of Adeonidae (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata) from the Western Kamchatka shelf of the Sea of Okhotsk. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 125-130. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Grischenko, Andrei V., Taylor, Paul D., & Mawatari, Shunsuke F., 2002.
A new cheilostome bryozoan with gigantic zooids from the North-West Pacific.
Zoological Science, 19: 1279-1289.
Hageman, S.J., Bayer, M. & Todd, C.D. 2002.
Partitioning phenotypic variation: implications for morphometric analyses. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 131-140. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Hageman, Steven J., Needham, Lyndsey L., Bayer, Micha M. & Todd, Christopher D., 2002.
Influence of food concentration on zooecial morphology in clonal populations of Bryozoa.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 33 (North Central)
Hall, S. R., Taylor, P. D., Davis, S. A. & Mann, S., 2002.
Electron diffraction studies of the calcareous skeletons of bryozoans.
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 88: 410-419., An alternative source for the PDF file is at
Hamdane, A. & Moissette, P. 2002.
Bryozoan distribution in a Messinian coral reef complex of western Algeria. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 141-149. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Hao, Jia-Sheng, Yang, Quo, Li, Chun-xiang, Zhang, Ke-yun & Sun, Xiao-yan, 2002.
Preliminary study on molecular phylogeny of bryozoans based on 18S rRNA gene sequences.
Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica 19 (2): 199-205.
Hara, Urszula, 2002.
A new macroporid bryozoan from Eocene of Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula.
Polish Polar Research 23 (3-4): 213-225.
Harmelin, J.G. & Capo, S. 2002.
Effects of sewage on bryozoan diversity in Mediterranean rocky bottoms. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 151-158. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Hatton-Ellis, Tristan W., Hope, Andrew , Noble, Leslie. R. & Okamura, Beth, 2002.
Genetic variation in a freshwater bryozoan: II: The effect of increasing spatial scale.
Archiv für Hydrobiologie 154: 293-309.
Hayward, Peter J. & McKinney, Frank K., 2002.
Northern Adriatic Bryozoa from the vicinity of Rovinj, Croatia.
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 270: 1-139.
d'Hondt, Jean-Loup, 2002.
The French Pre-Lamarckian bryozoologists. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N. & Spencer Jones, M.E. (editors), Annals of Bryozoology: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans: 81-95. International Bryozoology Association, Dublin.
d'Hondt, Jean-Loup, 2002.
Les Bryozoaires des milieux saumâtres côtiers et estuariens. Etat des connaissances sur les espèces européennes. In: d'Hondt, J.-L. & Lorenz, J. (editors), Côtes est estuaires: milieux naturels: 45-74. Editions due CTHS, French Ministry of Scientific Research, Paris.
d'Hondt, Jean-Loup & Goyffon, Max, 2002.
Observations complementaires sur le polymorphisme enzymatique d'Electra pilosa et d'E. verticillata (Bryozoaires cheilostomes).
Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France 127 (3): 223-232.
d'Hondt, J.-L., Morgillo, A. & Gontier, B., 2002.
Urnatella gracilis Leidy, 1855, un Entoprocte d'eau douce nouveau pour la faune française.
Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon 71 (7): 269-274.
Hughes, C.C. & Trauner, D., 2002.
The total synthesis of (-)-amathaspiramide F.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 41 (23): 4556-4559.<4556::AID-ANIE4556>3.0.CO;2-E
Hughes, R.N., Manriquez, P.H. & Bishop, J.D., 2002.
Female investment is retarded pending reception of allosperm in a hermaphroditic colonial invertebrate.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. U.S.A. 99 (23): 14884-14886.
Hughes, R.N., Wright, P., Manriquez, P.H. & Bishop, J.D.D. 2002.
Predominance of obligate feeding in the simultaneous hermaphrodite Celleporella hyalina sensu lato. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 159-162. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Iyengar, E. V. & Harvell, C. D., 2002.
Specificity of cues inducing defensive spines in the bryozoan Membranipora membranacea.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 225: 205-218.
Jackson, Daniel, Leys, Sally P., Hinman, Veronica F., Woods, Rick, Lavin, Martin F. & Degnan, Bernard M., 2002.
Ecological regulation of development: induction of marine invertebrate metamorphosis.
International Journal of Developmental Biology 46 (4): 679-686.
Jeong, Sei-Joon, Higuchi, Ryuichi, Miyamoto, Tomofumi, Ono, Mayumi, Kuwano, Michihiko, & Mawatari, Shunsuke F., 2002.
Bryoanthrathiophene, a new antiangiogenic constituent from the bryozoan Watersipora subtorquata (d'Orbigny, 1852).
Journal of natural products, 65: 1344-1345. (Subscription only).
Johnston, Emma L., Keough, Michael J. & Qian, Pei-Yuan, 2002.
Maintenance of species dominance through pulse disturbances to a sessile marine invertebrate assemblage in Port Shelter, Hong Kong.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 226: 103-114.
Kaselowsky, Jürgen, Scholz, Joachim & Levit, George S., 2002.
The biological potential of encrusting bryozoans.
Senckenbergiana Lethaea 82 (1): 181-192.
Kázmér, Miklós & Vávra, Norbert R., 2002.
Micropalaeontology in Vienna at the turn of the 19th century: foraminiferan and bryozoan studies of Leopold von Fichtel and Johann Paul Carl von Moll. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N. & Spencer Jones, M.E. (editors), Annals of Bryozoology: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans: 117-132. International Bryozoology Association, Dublin.
Key, M M, 2002.
Presentation of the Paleontological Society Medal to Alan H. Cheetham.
Journal of Paleontology, 76(4): 783.
Key, M.M.J., Thrane, L. & Collins, J.A. 2002.
Functional morphology of maculae in a giant ramose bryozoan from the Permian of Greenland. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 163-170. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
De Kinkelin, P., Gay, M. & Forman, S., 2002.
The persistence of infectivity of Tetracapsula bryosalmonae-infected water for rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum).
Journal of Fish Diseases 25 (8): 477-482.
Kleemann, K. & Zágoršek, K., 2002.
Eine ungewohnliche lichenopore Bryozoe aus dem Karpatium des Korneuburger Beckens (Untermiozan, Osterreich).
Beiträg zur Paläontologie (Österreich) 27: 281-289.
Koçak, F, Balduzzi, A & Benli, H A, 2002.
Epiphytic bryozoan community of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile meadow in the northern Cyprus (Eastern Mediterranean).
Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 31(3): 235-238.
Kohring, R. & Hörnig, A. 2002.
Freshwater bryozoan remains from the Molteno Formation (Upper Triassic) of South Africa. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 171-174. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Kogovsek, Deborah M., 2002.
Bryozoan species in unusual green-shale mounds, Lower Mississippian, middle Tennessee.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 33 (North Central)
Kuklinski, P., 2002.
Fauna of bryozoans in Kongsfjorden, West Spitsbergen.
Polish Polar Research 23 (2): 193-206.
Kuklinski, P. 2002.
Bryozoa of the high Arctic fjord - a preliminary study. In: Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. & Spencer-Jones, M. (editors), Bryozoan Studies 2001: 175-182. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton, Tokyo.
Kyser, T. Kurtis, James, N. P. & Bone, Y., 2002.
Shallow burial dolomitization and dedolomitization of Cenozoic cool-water limestones, Southern Australia: geochemistry and origin.
Journal of Sedimentary Research 72 (1): 146-157. Or Web page with contents.
Larsen, P. S. & Riisgård, H. U., 2002.
On ciliary sieving and pumping in bryozoans.
Journal of Sea Research 48 (3): 181-195.
Lauriat-Rage, Agnès,
La collection d’Invertébrés fossiles d’Alcide d’Orbigny et la salle d’Orbigny.
Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2002: 615-627.
Longshaw, M., Le Deuff, R.-M., Harris, .A.F. & Feist, S.W., 2002.
Development of proliferative kidney disease in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), following short-term exposure to Tetracapsula bryosalmonae infected bryozoans.
Journal of Fish Diseases 25 (8): 443-449.
López Gappa, Juan, 2002.
Smittina oblita sp. nov., a new cheilostomatous bryozoan from the southwest Atlantic.
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, n.s. 4 (2): 187-190.
Lysek, N., Rachor, E. & Lindel, T., 2002.
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Edited by Phil Bock
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