Bryozoan References - 1963

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1962 1964
Androsova, E. I., 1963.
Bryozoa of the south China Sea.
Studia Marina Sinica 4: 21-45.
Annoscia, E., 1963.
Antozoi e Briozoi nelle argille calabriane di Venosa (Potenza).
Geol Romana 2: 215-278.
Bobin, G. & Prenant, M., 1963.
Bugula gracilis Busk. Remarques sur la valeur spécifique de l'ovicelle chez les Bugules (Bryozoaires Chilostomes).
Cahiers de Biologie Marine 4: 33-46.
Bonetto, Argentino A. & Cordiviola, Elly A., 1963.
Notas sobre briozoos (Endoprocta y Ectoprocta) del Rio Paraná. I. Urnatella gracilis Carter en el Paraná medio.
Physis, 24 (67): 81-85.
Boulange, M.F., 1963 (Date as 1964 in some versions).
Sur quelques espèces nouvelles des bryozoaires de l'Ordovicien supérieur de la Montagne-Noire.
Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France (7) 5: 34-40.
Braga, G., 1963.
I briozoi del Terziario veneto. Ie contributo.
Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana 2: 16-55.
Buge, E. & Galopim de Carvalho, A. M. , 1963.
Révision du genre Metrarabdotos Canu 1914 (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata).
Revista da Faculdade de Ciéncias de Lisboa 11: 137-196.
Campbell, K. S. W. & Engel, B. A., 1963.
The faunas of the Tournaisian Tulcumba Sandstone and its members in the Werrie and Belvue Synclines, New South Wales.
Journal of the Geological Society of Australia 10: 55-122.
Ceretti, E., 1963.
Briozoi carbonieri della Carnia.
Giornale di Geologia 30 [1962]: 255-340.
Cheetham, A. H., 1963.
Late Eocene zoogeography of the eastern Gulf Coast region.
Memoirs of the Geological Society of America 91: 1-113.
Cheetham, A. H., 1963.
The polyzoan genus Ditaxiporina Stach.
Annals and Magazine of Natural History (13)5: 485-490.
Cook, P. L., 1963.
Observations on live lunulitiform zoaria of Polyzoa.
Cahiers de Biologie Marine 4: 407-413.
Dendy, J S, 1963.
Observations on bryozoan ecology in farm ponds.
Limnology and Oceanography, 8(4): 478-482.
Dessilly, E. & Kräusel, W., 1963.
Les Bryozoaires devoniens de la Belgique. Speotrypa, nouveau genre du Couvinien de la Belgique.
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique 39 (31): 1-13.
Dunaeva, N. N., 1963.
A new species of the bryozoan genus Nipponostenopora from the Lower Carboniferous of the Voronetz district [in Russian].
Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 193 (4): 123-126.
Ferguson, J, 1963.
British Carboniferous Palaeocorynidae.
Trans. nat. hist. soc. Northumb. 14 (5): 141-162.
Fischer, Jean-Claude & Buge, Emile, 1963.
Les Ceriopora néogènes (Bryozoaires cyclostomes) de la collection Michelin.
Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France (7) 5: 1113-1117.
Flügel, Erik, 1963.
Revision der triadischen Bryozoen und Tabulaten.
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Schriftenreihe der Erdwissenschäftlichen Kommissionen, 172: 225-252.
Fritz, M. A., 1963.
An early Middle Pennsylvanian bryozoan fauna from the Banff area, Alberta.
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology 11 (1): 54-58.
Galopim de Carvalho, A M, 1963.
Note sur les Bryozoaires du Miocène de Palença.
Boletim da Sociedade Geológica de Portugal, 15: 105-112.
Galopim de Carvalho, A. M., 1963.
Les Cellaria (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) du Tertiare du Portugal.
Revista da Faculdade de Ciéncias de Lisboa 11: 1-28.
Flügel, Erik, 1963.
Revision der triadischen Bryozoen und Tabulaten.
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Schriftenreihe der Erdwissenschäftlichen Kommissionen, 172: 225-252.
Gautier, Yves Victor & Buge, Emile, 1963.
Sur la «molasse à Turritelles et Porelles» du Miocène de Carry-le-Rouet (Bouches-du-Rhone).
Compte rendu sommaire des séances de la societe geologique de France 1963: 116.
Ghiurca, Virgil & Nicorici, E., 1963.
Contributii la cunoasterea faunei de briozoare din Transilvania (IV). Bryozoarele tortoniene de la Preuteasa-Tusa (Bazinul Sălaj).
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Series Geologia-Geographia, 1: 51-56.
Hastings, A. B., 1963.
Notes on Polyzoa (Bryozoa). 5. Some Cyclostomata collected by R.C. Osburn in 1933 and 1953.
Annals and Magazine of Natural History (13)6: 113-127.
Hastings, A. B., 1963.
Notes on Polyzoa (Bryozoa). 6. Some setiform heterozooecia.
Annals and Magazine of Natural History (13)6: 177-184.
Illies, G., 1963.
Über Stomatopora dichotoma (Lamx.) und St. dichotomoides (d'Orb.) (Bryoz. Cycl.) aus dem Dogger des Oberrheingebietes.
Oberrheinische Geologische Abhandlungen 12: 45-80.
Jónasson, Pétur M., 1963.
The Growth of Plumatella repens and P. fungosa (Bryozoa Ectoprocta) in Relation to External Factors in Danish Eutrophic Lakes.
Oikos, 14 (2): 121-137.
Kaissling, K-E, 1963.
Die phototropische Reaktion der Zoide von Bugula avicularia L.
Zeitschrift für vergleichende Physiologie, 46: 541-594.
Lagaaij, R., 1963.
New additions to the bryozoan fauna of the Gulf of Mexico.
Institute of Marine Science, Texas, Publication 9: 181-236.
Lagaaij, R., 1963.
Cupuladria canariensis (Busk) - portrait of a bryozoan.
Palaeontology 6: 172-217.
Lazutkina, O.F., 1963.
Discovery in the Triassic of a Bryozoa belonging to the genus Batostomella [in Russian].
Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1963 (4): 126-128.
Lecointre, G, 1963.
Recherches sur le Néogène et le Quaternaire marins de la côte atlantique du Maroc. Tome III, Les acquisitions nouvelles durant la période de 1952 à 1962 (stratigraphie et paléontologie).
Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique, 174: 1-75.
Lemche, H, 1963.
The origin of the Bryozoa Phylactolaemata.
Vidensk. Medd. fra Dansk naturh. Foren., 125: 171-193.
Malecki, J., 1963.
Bryozoa from the Eocene of the Central Carpathians betwen Grybow and Dukla.
Polska Akad Prace Geol 16: 1-151.
Matricon, Isabelle, 1963.
Dégénéresence du polypide femelle et formation d’une incubatrice chez Alcyonidium polyoum (Hassall) (Bryozoaire Cténostome).
Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale et Générale. Notes et Revue, 102 (2): 79-93.
Menzies, R. J., 1963.
Abyssal Bryozoa collected by expeditions of the Lamont Geological Observatory. 1. Bicellariellidae (Bugulidae of Authors), Kinetoskias.
American Museum Novitates 2130: 1-8.
Miller, T. G., 1963.
The bryozoan genus Polypora M'Coy.
Palaeontology 6: 166-171.
Morozova, I. P., 1963.
Fenestraliidae, a new family of Fenestelloidea [in Russian].
Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1963 (3): 78-83.
Perry, T. G. & Horowitz, A. S., 1963.
Bryozoans from the Glen Dean Limestone (Middle Chester) of southern Indiana and Kentucky.
Indiana Geological Survey Bulletin 26: 1-51.
Rao, K. Seetha, 1963.
On a new species of the genus Plumatella Lamarck (Bryozoa: Ectoprocta) from Andaman Islands.
Madhya Bharati IIB 10 (10): 51-53.
Redier, L., 1963.
Hydraires et Bryozoaires de Madagascar. Récolte de M. G. Cherbonnier (1959-1960).
Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle 35: 640-643.
Roberts, J., 1963.
A Lower Carboniferous fauna from Lewinsbrook, New South Wales.
Journal of the Royal Society of New South Wales 97: 1-31.
Ross, J. P., 1963.
Constellaria from the Chazyan (Ordovician), Isle La Motte, Vermont.
Journal of Paleontology 37: 51-56.
Ross, J. P., 1963.
New Ordovician species of Chazyan trepostome and cryptostome Bryozoa.
Journal of Paleontology 37: 57-63.
Ross, J. P., 1963.
The bryozoan trepostome Batostoma in Chazyan (Ordovician) strata.
Journal of Paleontology 37: 857-866.
Ross, J. P., 1963.
Chazyan (Ordovician) leptotrypellid and atactotoechid Bryozoa.
Palaeontology 5: 727-739.
Ross, J. R. P., 1963.
Ordovician Cryptostome Bryozoa, Standard Chazyan Series, New York and Vermont.
Geological Society of America Bulletin 74: 577-608.
Ross, J. R. P., 1963.
Lower Permian Bryozoa from Western Australia.
Palaeontology 6 (1): 70-82.
Ross, J. R. P., 1963.
Trepostome Bryozoa from the Caradoc Series, Shropshire.
Palaeontology 6 (1): 1-11.
Ryland, J. S., 1963.
Systematic and biologic studies on Polyzoa (Bryozoa) from western Norway.
Sarsia 14: 1-59.
Ryland, J. S., 1963.
The species of Haplopoma (Polyzoa).
Sarsia 10: 9-18.
Ryland, John S., 1963.
Notes on marine Polyzoa, II. Bugula gracilis Busk.
Journal of Natural History, (13) 6 (69): 537-539.
Sakagami, S., 1963.
Bryozoa from Pulau Jong, the Langkawi Islands, northwest Malaya.
Jap Jour Geol Geogr 34: 205-209.
Sakagami, S., 1963.
Some Permian Bryozoa from the Yamanba Limestone in the Sakawa Basin, Shikoku, Japan.
Trans. Proc. Pal. Soc. Japan, 52: 155-160.
Sakagami, S., 1963.
Lower Carboniferous Bryozoa from the Omi Limestone, Japan. Part II.
Trans palaeont soc Japan NS 49: 25-34.
Sandberg, P. A., 1963.
The affinities of Skylonia to the cheilostome Bryozoa.
Stockholm Contributions in Geology 11 (1): 1-19.
Shcherbatykh, T. I., 1963.
New Early Carboniferous species of Fenestella from the region of the Kursk magnetic anomaly [in Russian].
Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1963 (1): 58-62.
Schmidt, W F, 1963.
Untersuchungen über das Pliozän der Insel Zypern. 1. Ein Wurmröhren (Serpuliden)-Bryozoenriff-Horizont südlich Leucossia (Nicosia, Cyprus).
Annales Géologiques des Pays Helléniques, 14: 109-132.
Schneider, Dietrich, 1963.
Normal and phototropic growth reactions in the marine bryozoan Bugula avicularia. In: Dougherty, Ellsworth C. (editor) The Lower Metazoa. Comparative biology and phylogeny: 357-371. (University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles.
Siegfried, P, 1963.
Bryozoen in Steinkernerhaltung aus ordovizischen Geschieben.
Paläontologische Zeitschrift 37: 135-146.
Soule, John D., 1963.
Results of the Puritan-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to Western Mexico. 18, Cyclostomata, Ctenostomata (Ectoprocta), and Entoprocta of the Gulf of California.
American Museum Novitates 2144: 1-34.
Spjeldnaes, Nils, 1963.
A redescription of the type species of the genus Crepipora.
Journal of Paleontology 37: 64-68.
Spjeldnaes, Nils, 1963.
Some silicified Ordovician fossils from South Wales.
Palaeontology 6: 254-263.
Troizkaya, T. D., 1963.
Bryozoans of the Middle and Upper Devonian. In: Stratigrafiya i fauna paleozoizoiskikh otlozhenii khrebta Tarbagataya: 209-227. (Mosk. Gos. Univ., Moscow.
Viskova, L. A., 1963.
On the Upper Cretaceous cyclostomatous Bryozoa of the Volga region and the Crimea [in Russian].
Bulletin de la Société Impériale des naturalistes de Moscou Geol 38: 154-155.
Wiebach, Fritz, 1963.
Studien über Plumatella casmiana Oka (Bryozoa).
Vie et Milieu (B), 14: 579-596.
Wiesemann, Gerd, 1963.
Untersuchungen an der Gattung Beisselina Canu 1910 und ähnlichen Bryozoen (Maastrichtien, Danien, Montien).
Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen Staatsinstitut in Hamburg 32: 5-70.
1962 1964

Document edited 28/1/2022
Edited by Phil Bock
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