Bryozoan References - 1918

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1917 1919
Barroso, M. G., 1918.
Notas sobre Briozoos.
Boletin de la Real Sociedad española de historia natural 18: 206-216, 307-309, 407-409.
Brydone, R. M., 1918.
Notes on new or imperfectly known Chalk Polyzoa.
Geological Magazine (Dec.6) 5: 1-4, 97-100.
Buchner, P., 1918.
Über totale Regeneration bei Chilostomen Bryozoen.
Biol Zbl 38: 457-461.
Canu, F., 1918.
Les ovicelles des Bryozoaires cyclostomes. Étude sur quelques familles nouvelles et anciennes.
Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France (4) 16: 324-335.
Canu, F., 1918.
Etude sur les ovicelles des Bryozoaires cyclostomes (2d contribution).
Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France (4) 17: 345-347. (Vol. for 1917)
Canu, F., 1918.
Etude sur les ovicelles de la famille des Corymboporidae Smitt, 1866.
Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France (4) 17: 348-349. (Vol. for 1917)
Canu, F., 1918.
Les bryozoaires fossiles des terrains du Sud-Ouest de la France.
Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France (4) t.17: 350-361.
Canu, F., 1919.
Hippaliosina, un nouveau genre de Bryozoaires.
Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France (4) 18: 88-94.
Canu, F. & Bassler, R. S., 1918.
Bryozoa of the Canal Zone and related areas.
United States National Museum Bulletin 103: 117-122.
Laseron, C. F., 1918.
Notes on some Permo-Carboniferous Fenestellidae, with descriptions of new species.
Journal of the Royal Society of New South Wales 52: 181-202.
Nordgaard, O., 1918.
Bryozoa from the Arctic regions.
Tromsö Museums Aarshefter 40: 1-99.
Nordgård, O, 1918.
Bryozoa in the papers and collections of Dr. J.E. Gunnerus.
Det Kgl. Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter 1917, 5: 1-5.
Okada, Y., 1918.
Bryozoa from near the mouth of the River Kishika, Kamtschatka. (in Japanese).
Zool. Soc. Jpn. Tokyo, Dobutsugaku Zassi (Zool. Mag.), 30 (119-123): 376-384.
Waters, A. W., 1918.
Some Mediterranean Bryozoa.
Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9)2: 96-102.
Waters, A. W., 1918.
Some collections of the littoral fauna of the Cape Verde Islands... Bryozoa.
Journal of the Linnean Society (zoology) London 34: 1-45. (what does '225' mean? - issue?)
Yanagi, Naokatsu & Okada, Y., 1918.
On a collection of Japanese Cheilostomatous Bryozoa. I.
Annotationes zoologicae japonenses 9: 407-429.
1917 1919

Document edited 27/11/2020
Edited by Phil Bock
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